> Leaders from three West Side gang factions met last week to discuss plans to shoot members of the Chicago Police Department in response to the fatal police shooting of Paul O’Neal, the Chicago Sun-Times is reporting.
>The meeting took place Thursday between higher ups from the Vice Lords, Black Disciples and Four Corner Hustlers, according to an alert issued to department members the day after the meeting.
>The Four Corner Hustlers “provided guns” and have “a sniper in place” though authorities do not know where, according to the alert. The Four Corner Hustlers are also supplying the other two gangs with automatic weapons, which all three factions have also agreed to use against police, the alert states
I hope this shit happens. It will be a reflection of Obama's America.
Brayden Barnes
Josiah Bailey
You hope our boys are killed.... C'mon now I think a plot against the cops is proof enough, but this article or thread wont blow up the way it should
Jonathan Williams
This is why I hate Chicago and BLM. Literally google Chicago and you'll see headlines like 20 people killed in shooting in the last week. It's stupid to complain about a single black guy killed by a police when tens of black people kill each other every week.
Ayden Hernandez
The roof. The roof. The roof is on fire.
Easton Reyes
>Burrs about to go 0-16 >Cubes about to make it 112 years >This shit
lel chicongo
Noah Hall
Based redpilled black bros serving justice when the white man refuses to hold his end of the bargain.
I hope they kill many white piece of shit cops, they've been earning it for quite a long time.
Cameron Johnson
The Turnbull AC's and the East Side Slayaz respectfully withheld their final vote and opted to concede no contest to the Gangland caucuses decision. This decree has now been moved to the lower houses for further debate and amendments before a final referendum is held later this week. According to the Rules Committee Chairperson Ja'Travonarius "CopKilla" Johnson the mood of the upper house was "illin"
James Sullivan
> that feeling when you grew up next door to a Chicago black disciple.
Psycho was the man. Use to let me borrow N64 games.
Noah Cook
Why is the United States military in the middle east when terrorist organizations are out in the open in major US cities?
Police are in place for small civilian occurrences, not organized terrorist organizations. The US military should be executing everyone involved in these "gangs" and seizing their assets.
Eli Powell
>more niggers die trying to fight police officers >more protests by BLM he wuz a gud boi dey shoulda just tasered him or shot him in the leg dis police brutality
Lincoln Rogers
I saw the black jews on the street corner last visit.
Kayden Gomez
It's also quite remiss to pretend like civilian-on-civilian and police-on-civilian violence are the same thing. Regardless of if you believe the police are out of line or not
Owen Martin
It's kind of hard to compare criminal-on-civilian killings to police-on-civilian crime when they're both armed and our rights to arm ourselves are dwindling
Hunter Gutierrez
Ryder Perry
BLM strikes again
a movement of peace
certainly not encouraging domestic terrorism
Bentley Jenkins
whom are they a disciple of ,exactly?
Michael Cox
cant wait for the cops to bust some dindus
Asher Smith
What the shit?
Nicholas Wood
Guys, it's probably our fault for not understanding their daily struggles.
Aaron Ross
Nolan Peterson
HOL UP HOL UP. What the hell did I miss. I haven't been on Sup Forums in a while and I see this scrambled post. What did these dindus do?
Joshua Bennett
I don't get this meme.
Juan Wilson
Well said, intellectual.
Chase Ramirez
>You hope our boys are killed...
Blood of patriots and tyrants. They list patriots first for a reason. Good men have to die to start this war before bad men can end it.
Lincoln Russell
this is glorious
>jesus in chiraq
rip my sides.
Kevin Richardson
They should just send in the military and exterminate them at this point. That's basically a declaration of war from an insurgent pseudo-state
Bentley Sullivan
There was a thread where we were listening to a chicago police scanner. It's stupid shit from that. I didn't save anything but I should have.
Josiah Allen
Hunter Scott
If authorities were aware of the meeting why the fuck they didn't shoot every goddamn nigger there?
Elijah Watson
I hope every single last one of them gets lined up against the fucking wall!
Every single last one of these BLM niggers!
Fucking die!
Isaac Cox
Oh i remember that actually. Ya the keys part. The pic is still a bit inside jokish though.
Kayden Diaz
Oh fuck off Raul
Ian Hill
>Beaner Brainiacs
Robert Johnson
Do gangbangers ever have an endgame? What do they think is going to happen? They can't actually believe that they will be allowed to take over a city.
Colton Russell
Why don't they just shut off the city and let the cops leave for a month?
They'd come back with a fresh new start after all the subhuman trash cleans itself out
Carson Thompson
Oliver Ortiz
Jace Rodriguez
>Do gangbangers ever have an endgame?
We taking over The Carter. We going to bum-rush the whole damn thing.
Daniel Kelly
Somebody explain the Robert check your keys meme to me
Jack Sullivan
Thomas Powell
>Do gangbangers ever have an endgame?
Yeah. Mud huts, chicken bone nose piercings, and a gourd on muhdik.
They're demanding to be Africa again. No laws, no civilization, only warlords fighting over territory and sucking the shit out of a cow's ass.
Sebastian Wilson
Nightly Chicago scanner threads.
Gavin Harris
If this happens, trump wins
Easton Lee
>mfw I live in Chicago >mfw Trump rally back in March >mfw non-stop helicopters and sirens since November >mfw gentrification at all-time high, stores on South Halsted literally closing because rent is too high >mfw CPD street cameras and antennas everywhere
Dear mother of God, people who think there won't be a race/civil war in November are out of their fucking minds. Even if Shillary wins, there's surmounting evidence that her and Rahm are practically butt buddies.
This. CPS is on the brink of shutting down and minority groups are literally getting priced out of their neighborhoods by entitled, white, politically-illiterate and ignorant millenials. Google the rising tech scene in Chicago and tell me this all isn't a coincidence.
Stay comfy, Sup Forums.
Anthony Gonzalez
would legalizing drugs bring peace ot the cities and gangs?
Jackson Martin
Chicago is a great testing ground for the nations first Anarchy Zone.
They should abolish the cities police force and just keep the peace via private security and organized crime protection rackets.
Sebastian Robinson
Why not let them? I see no reason to oppose them so long as the ganglands are limited to the Chicago Metropolitan Area.
Kevin Baker
no, they'd just start running guns or other contraband.
Brayden Sullivan
>tfw I just started my first real job in Chicago >tfw I don't know what to do when it Happens
Seriously though, what the fuck should I do? I got it even worse living south side...
Jaxson Cooper
why can't black people learn how do do things?
Benjamin Price
There's a fuck ton of African immigrants in the neighborhood I'm living in, quite a few of them Muslim.
Weed is already decriminalized. If one is caught smoking or in possession of
Christopher Clark
the killing is over territory correct?
collapse the prices, allow open sales protected like any other bussiness, usage declines somewhat because its no longer edgy just stupid, stupid people get darwin awards
Ethan Long
already happening in detroit
and contrary to your image, people too poor to afford it get it for free. huh
Jaxon Gutierrez
>Paul O'neal Literally who? A dindu dies every week I cant keep up with all the chimpouts
Ethan Reed
I think heroin is the main problem in all the cities right now
Asher Butler
can't they all be rounded up under the Patriot act?
Gob bless you George W
Kayden Smith
Where on the south side are you? If you're in a condo in Pilsen, I'd say GTFO immediately. If you're in the south loop, you should be fine.
Andrew Ramirez
why is there a saiyan qt there?
Ayden Thompson
I doubt it, the criminals would just find another way to make illicit profits. Prostitution, gun smuggling, and human trafficking are all very lucrative.
Jason Bell
Matthew Lopez
Detroit isn't an official case though, we need a formal disbanding of the Chicago P.D. to really she shit go down.
Heroin is a huge problem with the poor black people on the south and west sides, but literally no one gives a shit about them because they're poor, black, and addicted to Heroin. Weed is more controversial here because whitey can smoke without a damn thing happening while the people who sold it to them get ass rammed by the police for tax evasion. Hence minorities are pissed.
Luke Watson
Sebastian Moore
>American Political news in 2050
Mason Thomas
Executing gang members would bring peace to the cities. It's a shame they aren't just declared terrorists and treated like targets.
Logan Wood
Chicago sounds like an interesting Warhammer planet to set battles in.
Grayson Gray
That disgusting black man is obviously oppressing those poor black men.
Aaron Miller
Luke Baker
Grayson Ward
The Order of Chaos Mystic Killaz Ebony Reign
Parker Williams
D'La'Twayqashown'darell Brown threatened a filibuster if some compromises were not made, which could stall the motion. He said he was prepared to freestyle rap without pause, given the 7-11 Parking Lot rules that do not limit debate time.
niggas setting up snipers and auto weapons ambushes. happenings inbound this week no doubt
Juan Lopez
Exploding Niggaz Wet Bandyittz Spooky Fuckerz
Joseph Jenkins
>no Kangz Sheeeit step it up niggas
Evan Sanders
hopefully they kill each other off
Hunter Bennett
Dairy Kangz Cookiez 'n Cream Werther's Original Gangstaz
Aiden Gonzalez
Noah Hill
Why do police even bother with niggers anymore? Let them rot.
Adrian Diaz
Exactly the point I've been making. Let them sort their own city out.
Easton Diaz
Listening to Chicago right now. Shots fire in two locations in the last 2 mins i've been listening.
Nicholas Carter
It's because they will take their riots to all the rich white neighborhoods and start looting everyone's homes. Heaven forbid whitey realizes that Tyrone the Uber driver taking him to get all you can eat sushi can't feed his family in Englewood.
God I can't wait for the Chicago happening. I really can't stress enough how transmetropolitan and degenerate this place is.
Jordan Mitchell
If the dindu gangs try this they will be annihilated, and it will be glorious. I don't know the dynamics of those west side gangs but it would be ironic if they started killing each other with the weapons the Four Corner Hustlers are providing.
Jacob Perez
What they are talking about here is armed insurrection. These gangs will be in for a world of hurt if they actually do this. All it will take is for a bunch of cops to be shot, and then the dindus wont need to worry about the chicago police anymore.
Instead the governor will declare the city to be "in rebellion". At which point the US Army can be called in to restore order. If the dindus decide to continue the fight at that point, congress can affirm the insurrection declaration and suspend Habeus Corpus. At which point its open season on the gangs by the Military under the laws of war.