Why is life so cruel?


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Patrice is what kept Bill in check from becoming what he is now

Quads confirm, Bill is Opie

>Patrice is dead
>Norton is a literal fagot
>Burr is being domestically abused
>Opie's true colours came out
>Anthony went full Sup Forumstard
>Louis went full SJW

Shits fucked up.

Ol' Ginger McCuckFace likes blacks so much he married one of the worst looking gums monster black female out there that cheated on him so now Billy is literally raising another man's child but i guess that' ok with him because Patrice raised Von's child

Is my wife's daughter as bad as my wife's son

that prooves Bill is a real man, the second child surely will be his

even worse because at least sons understand that even though bill might be the biological father, he is still the father figure in their life and will somewhat respect. women have no understanding of loyalty, or honor, or respect and will use it to their advantage

can confirm

>insinuating Patrice wouldn't be full fledge SJW along with the rest of them

No, he would have his own show on compound media. Patrice was a real nigga.

Why couldn't Bill Burr die instead



I would've been interested in how Patrcie O neal would've tackled SJW shit.

The same way he tackled political correctness

Feels bad man, he would be absolutely savage in current events.

>why are yoy laugjing? Shes offended!

Watching Patrice debate PC women was the best

Who is going to replace Opie this october?

I really think he'd have a better BS detector than that
The game I play is thinking of people who could've died where I'd be curious to hear their opinion of current events.

Like Louis CK, I'd wonder what he'd have to say about Trump if he died in 2011

Now I sort of wish he died. I doubt Patrice would've been the same way however

Patrice really did ruin the fabric of comedy when he died.

Not sure. Not well versed in that area of entertainment.

>>watching all your favorite comedians turn to trash

>Lil Yimmy went from being a god tier radio personality to a serious topic fag

Jim's proof that comedians are best when they hate themselves.




>Bill's hairline

>bill lives
>funny negro dies

I just don't know OP

God damn, I remember back when I loved CK. Now I don't even bother when I hear about a new special. He sold all of his edge and bite to be some type of commentator.

I saw clips of his new show and it looked awful. Lucky Louie was great because it just showed life without reason or preach. Those clips were obnoxious in how preachy they were.

What, you don't like how Nia has a bitch fit over everything, and whines whenever Bill uses logic?

It really does suck seeing all these guys you loved for so long somehow warp into shells of their former selves.

Patrice was never "politically correct" and there's no reason to think he would be any less the contrarian with the cultural winds as absolute assfucked as they are compared to when he was alive.

The world needs Patrice O'Neal now more than ever.

>women do not cling to male spooks so they are bad

says the beta

Reminder that women should have the right to contraception and gets ON THEIR OWN TERMS ONLY. THEIR BODY THEIR CHOICE. Other wise you will be unhappy.

Also, drugs and sex are good, but do not impose on your wife to have orgasms form only one man, that will make you unhappy.

Nah man, if you impregnate her when she grows up you literally uncuck yourself

>the worst looking gums monster black female out there that cheated on him so now Billy is literally raising another man's child

>inb4 the child is dark as shit
They only showed the hand and it's relatively the same as Nia.


>guaranteed replies

>season 3 will have abortion plot and more sjw shit

fuck bill burr seriously

Can someone give me a rundown on Bill Burr current events? I used to listen to his podcast a lot but haven't listened in about a year. Did his wife cheat? Is he raising her affair baby? Did she make him put down his dog? How much of this is real and how much is memes?

He literally said black people should be like terrorist flying planes into buildings in this country because of slavery but they don't because they are good people

Post big Jimmy

>Silverman is still adorable

Some of the stuff Patrice said was kind of stupid, but I have respect for the fact he was always willing to talk and debate with Anthony, a person he considers racist, that in itself prevents him from being an SJW

>A black guy being pro black = being a pro-PC SJW

Retard logic everyone.

what clips?

Most of it memes based on how much calmer and like a kept man Bill Burr seems like in recent years.

I personally think he's happier now. He has a Netflix show and is married with a kid. He's playing it safer with his comedy and life, but I think it's the life he w ants.

He did get rid of his dog, but memes made it Nia's decision.

I too am interested

Patrice kept them all in check.
The only one who is still himself is Nick, the one who Patrice respected the most.


>Norm still alive
Can't take all my happiness God.


The baby is darker than nia, it's not bills kid, that's why they hide the bastard

Patrice has always been a cultural realist. You can tell all of his views are clearly defined by the company he keeps. The difference is that he thinks about what he says and he shares it with consistency while allowing room for argument. Literally everything he says is a point of discussion and not contention; he's always open to being talked to about why his opinions are wrong.

RIP Patrice

He said he bought a Sonor jazz kit now

I feel nothing but pity for ginger monstrosities.
There was a guy called Red, and boy did he get excited when he talked about going down to the ghetto and shooting dope with the nigras he found there. I guess he finally found a place where he was truly accepted, and I'm glad for him.
