Tbh, it would be easy to fake that. Too easy.
Is Hillary kill.
fake and gay
Hillary having any sort of debilitating health problem is a republican funded lie
She's like Caeser from best fallout
>inb4 shills
Yeah looks too fake. Not saying it is but I want something that I couldn't recreate with Word and Google
over 1500 hours in MS office
Shills getting desperate
I love that you guys are so desperate to win the election you know that you cannot that you're now banking on her being medically unable to run.
The only way Trump wins if by medical miracle. Hahaha
Here are the names of all those on Hillary's shill payroll (go to the archived link; doesn't show the data)
This post is fake. It's a right wing lie
It's real my uncle told me so
So let's fact-check it then ram it up CtR's ass then.
If it wasn't blacked out then maybe but it just looks as if there's some roleplaying faggot.
pol of 2011
>yeah this looks fake, i'm gonna need more evidence
pol of 2016
She can't even climb stairs, let alone run!
Haha, check'd and kek'd my friend.
Also it's obvious that Trumpkins on pole are too desperate at this point. Hillary is the only progressive choice for President
no this fake is fake, it's a lie wing right.
>Independent pol of 50,000 show Trump winning with 67%
This kills the shill
Not a shill, fuck Hillary, it's just a simple fact. Legit all you need is google and you can find ALL of the information given in the paper. Yeah, you may need to be creative with the information, but it's not that hard. Stop being gullible. It's the same reason why the Hillary is getting votes.
Further evidence is needed
I hate to say it, but fpbp
Don't bother giving me (you)'s, I don't need the penny's for this post in particular.
>an internist making a diagnosis of a neurological condition
I'm convinced /s
This is fake as fuck
It's the old lady again - I was a medical transcriptionist for over 30 years. This is how your primary care doctor sends notes to your record. I've typed many thousands of these reports. This looks geniune to me. These reports get faxed to specialists on referral. Can this be faked? Yes. If it's fake, it's someone with major medical training.
Yeah--Trumpshills are.
The sad part is no one will care. No one will come to a sensible conclusion because they are so up their own ass about voting for their party rather than voting for the best choice.
Kek fucking confirms it
Get the fuck out you sub human shrill
Nice try shillary
probably fake but i would love for it to be true
hopefully someone in the know comes along and confirms or debunks it quickly
not the right letterhead
>let me just black out any sensitive information, would hate for that to leak
>durrr I'm going to call it fake even though I have no counter evidence hurr durrrr
Pick one
It's not shilling if you do it for free ;)
>No Signatures
why no logo
Why is Hillary having medical problems supposed to be a reason to vote against her? Just about everybody thinks Tim Kaine would be a better President than her or Trump.
These documents look fake and amateurish as fuck. You can literally make this in Word
>durrr I'm going to call it fake even though I have no counter evidence hurr durrrr
Where's your evidence that it's real?
Sadly, the letterhead and typeface are too different after only a year or so. There's very little probability of the leak being real.
Also, this is not a copy of a dementia test, a brain scan is involved, as well as functional tests, like puzzles. This is only a summary, not test results.
meme it and she'll be forced to deny it
someone post the img of hillary ss with the diazepam shot. need it to share on another forum
>Mount Sinai Health System
Oy vey.
Sponheim has been covering this live.
Even typing out the SSN?
Pretty sure 90% of people in this thread are shills. But for anyone lurking: don't fall for this false flag. It's an attempt to discredit us by making it look like Trump supporters are morons for believing things with no evidence. Until there's legitimate proof, not something that can easily be faked in 15 minutes with Google, Word, and a printer, make sure you make it clear that real Trump supporters don't buy into bullshit.
ITT: People who have never seen actual medical records.
Internal medicine is qualified to make such diagnoses. Shut the fuck up.
Mt. Kisco Med. Grp. just had a huge layoff...pissed off employee?
needs more proof or its completely fake
(which is what im guessing)
Hilary Clinton has CVT and a HX of concussions, loss of consciousness, seizures... but making easily disproved memes discredits the truth. People are binary. If you introduce obvious fakes, they write off the whole thing.
Nobody knows who that bald faggot is
twatter account is less than a month old
Fake and gay.
Next time make it look like actual stationary and not something you whipped up in Word in 10 minutes.
literally burden of proof, autist.
Prove to us that its real, "counter evidence" lol what
be careful guys, hillary might assassinate this poor doctor and scrub all evidence of her existence
CTR out in full force. Mods need to clamp down on this.
>and will schedule another office after the test is performed
Why can't right wing retards do anything right?
Fuck off trumpfag
LOL at that obviously shopped logo on there. Come on, it's 100X sharper than the rest of the document.
repost from other thread: glad i spent all that time xraying on Sup Forums all those years ago.
As a photoshop detective, I've determined that stack is the same memo repeated over and over again.
i feel like it's a fake, but who the hell knows - maybe he just had 40 copies of it for some reason
also please hire me any government agency
Reasons to suspect it's fake.
No exact dates are listed.
>Patient has been diagnosed with having complex partial seizures in early 2013.
She was diagnosed. There is an exact date and medical record for that.
>The patient scored significantly lower than when tested in 2013.
Once again, a real medical record would've listed the exact date.
>I have ordered another MRI to be performed and will schedule another office after the test is performed.
2 things
>another office
OP forgot to type visit.
and the exact date of that MRI appointment would've been listed.
No real medical record will say mid 2013 or earlier this year.
Real medical records have exact dates.
This is going to be used to discredit us.
Anybody who is not retarded would make an effort to make it look legit as much as possible, including googling a real doctor.
Even if it's real nothing can be done with it but discredit those that believe in the authenticity of such an easily faked document
Twitter guy says he is former employee
Any one who has written an MLA format essay in High School would agree.
The counter evidence is pretty simple. If I wanted to fake it, I'd find a logical hospital that's near where Hillary lives, etc. Then I would look up the information. I'd EASILY find the chairman's name, and be able to write the title. After that I'd just rewrite the name of the Hospital, the location, then the number. I'd probably also get a REAL medical record for reference to how I should organize my paper. Then I'd look up Hillary's info, type in the patient's name, and simply copy off of a reference and fill in the blanks. After that I'd use my brain to type in a complaint, not hard. Then I'd do a medical history using my brain again, and logical issues that Hillary would have, and has shown to have, etc. etc.
Then print out 3 copies and take a picture on my phone, then upload it using a twitter account that I recently made.
Go on Sup Forums, make a thread, and defend it as best as I can without providing solid proof of the source on twitter, etc. Just stating cliche shit like "I'd rather not say how I got it!"
It's not fucking hard. Stop being dumb. I'm not fucking retarded.
Yes. And these are NOTES TO FILE (the record) to be faxed to specialists. This is not for the public, but for other doctors. Letterhead not needed. I know, I did it for 30 years.
is that a clone made from Madonnas dingleberry?
Major medical training, or you know, Google
i literally went in for a medical exam today on a military base and got my documents back to give to my home unit and have for my own records, and doctors' records look NOTHING like that
>writing fucking medical records in the first person
holy shit are you in fucking grade school, fuck outta here with that garbage
It's multiple medical records, not the same one
This they just used the same name as
>military medical records are the same as civilian
Full retard
It literally lines up perfectly with the top copy. The blacked out sections are same exact shape and look at the line "COMPLEX" which you can use as a frame of reference for matching the rest of the thing up. @rw
Which one of you highschool drop outs made this?
You obviously don't know how personalized stationary works. Company name/logo/address top center- custom designed by a stationary company not black, manually typed out text.
Business name would be top center, Doctor's name/title would be bottom right.
Shit tier bait. Which of you morons fell for this?
How do you "x-ray" images?
it's very normal in primary care.
lol thats not anything like what medical records look like
it is from a PDF released by the Clinton campaign retard
I shit out a better sounding document in my sophomore year technical writing course.
>all the CTR shilling itt
lol how fucked up does the other person have to be thati would consider trump the better candidate.
It's called Binswanger's Disease
This isn't for patients, it's being faxed to her primary or neurologist. Internists are often consultants for other doctors.