if a shill is spotted use these tags
don't reply; shill thread
don't reply; shill poster
>call him a shill!!!
nice trips though
that was creepy desu
>implying you wouldn't if you had a daughter as hot as Ivanka
It's even worse now
Actually, I think I could keep my hands away from her ass on national TV
Will Trump lose Missouri?
I just made the switch from Trump to Clinton earlier today. He lost.
Trump will win.
>$0.03 has been deposited into your account
>>If I close my eyes, put fingers in my ears and got la la la, reality can't get me
Have you been here the last 6 months at least? That meme is so outdated, only an outsider would use it
Sage again
>Call him new!!!
jesus christ people, at least you could advance a theory as to why your Meme Emperor is getting his shit pushed in in the polls
>they really thought they could meme a b list reality tv star into office
Will there be a giant Hillary rally somewhere for when she annihilates Drumpf in November? I want to celebrate the birth of the Global Order.
>inevitable loss
>3 months before the election
I just post the money because OP is shitposting
>democrats choose the least electable candidate of our lifetimes
>republicans one up them
why are they so retarded
someone like mitt romney would've been a guaranteed win
That's the now cast
th-this isn't real is it
>Romney winning anything ever
>wanting Romney to be president
This is how i know these people are shills. No Sup Forumsack thats been here would think we cared about partisan politics
Where is this from?
Can you really trust these things when it was 50% just last week?
just report these stupid threads and hopefully you'll get some leaf sent on vacation or alert Sup Forums to CTR's proxies
No, the polls are Skewed again :^^^)
wait i thought people on here were only joking when they said they support trump or think he is going to win but people seem actually butthurt by this??
you retards actually think trump is going to win?/?? fuck man i cant even comprehend what its like being that retarded. supporting trump or not supporting trump is one thing but being stupid enough to think he is actually going to win lol pull your head out
Media Photoshops Crowd Image For Hillary Clinton St. Petersburg, Florida Speech…
>you retards actually think trump is going to win the nomination?/?? fuck man i cant even comprehend what its like being that retarded
Trump absolutely needs to win two of the following three to have a shot in the general:
Even if he wins all three, it's far from guaranteed.
Good fucking luck with that.
HI mom
>North Carolina
>South Carolina
>Arizona (kek)
>New Hampshire
wew lad
What happened is the American people woke up and smelled the coffee!
They will not throw away this country in favor of a racist demagogue.
What happened is the American people woke up and smelled the coffee!
They will not throw away this country in favor of a racist demagogue.
What happened is the American people woke up and smelled the coffee!
They will not throw away this country in favor of a racist demagogue.
Who the fuck is Gary Johnson?
Serious question. Has this Kike been even remotely close on any of his predictions. I know he gave Trump only a 2% chance of becoming the Republican nominee and we all know how well that played out for him.
I'm amazed no one went to town on this and just shopped in a bunch of meme shit.
>If you live in a red state.
Fuck Clinton vote for Johnson.
>If you live in a blue state.
Go Johnson
>If you live in a purple state.
Vote Hillary
Really makes you think why Trump fondles his daughter when he gave all that money to NAMBLA
this. we don't want an establishment republican. we want trump's meme magic up in this bitch
You mean the Mexican Mormon that got his ass handed to him in a silver plate by president Harambe?
Missouri here, making sure t-dump gets beaten like an orange-headed step child.
This is a part of his strategy. The polls WILL swing heavily in his favor by Nov. 8th. Screen cap this.
>"I'm comfortable being behind in the polls." - Jeb Bush
Trump tards prayed to Kuk and got kuk'ed.
>reality tv
lame game show host really.
Pagans always lose.
It's getting worst by the minute REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Meant for
Damn mobile Firefox
We want the absolutely destroy the GOP, see them driven before us and hear the lamentations of their women so that the GLORIOUS, FINAL 1,000 YEAR DEMOCRATIC REICH CAN BEGIN!!
I really like the concept of a viking shitposting on dark age /new/
Its especially fun when you consider that most of the runic graffiti they left behind consists mostly of "hrothgar was here"
The convention happened, this is Clinton's high-water mark. While I think she will win this is the worst possible time for Trump to guess how the race will end.
The debates will paint a much clearer picture. If Clinton can hold her own, the election is hers to lose. If Trump demolishes her, the door opens for the madman.
Only Trump can pull off the slow and steady strategy. Jeb! was a mess.
>retards unironically think that's real
>17 seconds apart
>this thread for the billionth time
fuck off
You shills would have been hunted down and fed to Keiko in the fjords if you tried that shit where I live.
I think there is graffiti in the Hagia Sophia that says something like "[Viking name] wuz here"
>I'm apart
>It's all apart
Not even a 'tard like Trump hires functionally illiterate campaign staffers.
Jeb memes have lost their value friend. It was meme gold, but its market value crashed. Now we must build another meme to replace good old guac bowl yeb.
Why you so thin skinned bro? Is it the orange tanner?
>hunted down
You'd have to pry Achmeds cock out of your ass first.
yet we literally have pro trump threads every hour
you realize that this is a democrat board, right?
Holy shit he really wants to fuck his daughter.
Trump happened. This impulsive retard cannot control himself and royally screwed his supporters over for the last time.
>Attacking veteran groups, POWs, the disabled, mexicans, asians, etc.
If you're gonna fight with everyone do not run for president you will lose.
I regret voting for Trump, such a shit candidate. It's not exaggeration to state that Trump might end up doing something dumb like starting WW3.
Reagan did the exact same thing and stomped Carter so hard he barely won a single state.
>South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia blue.
This isn't obvious or anything.
>Good Goy
Wow...seriously, what the flying fuck happened that caused THAT MUCH of a dip? Trump hasn't been acting considerably more retarded than usual, and having his support plummet that badly in the past few weeks is pretty incredible. Did some major incident happen that I missed? Because this makes it look like it's already over.
They are fake, user. The Democrats are using this tactic so the Trump supporters will believe it is over. Trump was leading and then there was huge change. That many people do not change their opinions that quickly. Also, look at who is taking these polls. They are vastly outnumbered by democrats. About 300 more in some polls.
It looked like after the RNC convention all republicans said they would vote for him.
Then he went back to his regular antics and everyone except the 30% who voted for him in the primaries said "Fuck that".
He's doing what he needs to do to beat the fuck out of libs.
Beating the fuck out of them would require winning.
>1 week of a shitshow convention
>1 week of a character assassination convention
>1 week of completely fucking up all over the place
>gets his shit together just in time for the Olympics to be all anyone cares about for the next few weeks so nobody noticed
His hand print on her arm...
>They are fake, user.
trumpfellators really beleve this!!!
>beat the fuck out of libs
Nobody pays attention to debates.
Kek is a false god. Anons are false prophets. Meme Magic is false idol worship.
lol hilary winning georgia wew lad that was funny
although this is prob fake, i do sometimes wonder if it'll help trump (intentional or not) if he is behind in the polls a little
>hill shills convinced trump'll lose, don't bother to show up and vote
>trump fans love trump, definitely turn out to vote
>brexit 2.0
Serious answer, he predicted correctly every state except one for the last TWO elections.
There has never been, nor will there ever be a "Giant Hillary Rally".
But, Carter got fucked hard by botching the Iranian hostage crisis and Trump's no Reagan.