Why do so few Women support Trump?

Nearly every poll this election cycle is saying the same thing:

Trump has a moderate lead with men (a few points), and is getting absolutely crushed among women (double digits).

Why is this? Why don't more Women support Trump?

Trump's not even as Conservative as Romney was on social issues - this doesn't make any sense to me. Are the polls wrong?

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Women evolved to think with their emotions. Men evolved to think with their brain


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for one thing, his running mate has signed and voted for every complete abortion ban in his entire history, and Trump vocally supports it.

Frankly, they should back down on this issue. Abortion is a women's right - I've got two sisters and I would never, ever want them to be in the situation where they were forced to give birth if they did not want to.

For this reason, and with some of his other brash comments, he is considered a poor choice for women's rights. While I still favor him over Clinton, the one thing that I dislike most about him is his social policies disregarding women.

Both my sisters hate him for this very reason.

There are doe

Who's the girl?

Would fug

Here are the names of all those on Hillary's shill payroll (go to the "Saved from" link at the top of the page; archive.is doesn't show the data)


Are you retarded or baiting?
Because Hillary is a woman and that's the only reason

call your sisters retarded for expecting believing in womens right in the first place

because woman are stupid

Single women benefit from Clinton.

>believes in woman's rights

Okay Rohan.

Are they outsourcing shills now?

Honestly women are more prone to social pressure and influence

If one of their friends disagrees they'll conform for social acceptance rather than stand out and possibly look foolish

They are the status quo

Because most women are actually not interested in politics. They are just pseudo-interested. Also they base their decisions on feelings. Donald Trump is male and aggressive. Aggression makes women feel bad. That's why they eat all the liberal propaganda and think Donald Trump hates women.

Right, because Trump's appeal is totally intellectual, not at all based on feelings like fear and anger.

Because women arnt going to vote against their own interests by voting someone who would punish women getting abortions

Women are retarded, herdminded, emotionally driven cunts who don't care about anything abstract




CNN and the pro status quo MSM think they have Trump on the ropes. The people will overcome the Globalists and Cronyists agenda's. TRUMP WILL PREVAIL!
Watch short video : m.youtube.com/watch?v=zRpeCyb7BGs

>Donald Trump is male and aggressive. >Aggression makes women feel bad.

Women love aggrresive men

Aggression only sickens them when a man they'd categorized as beta lashes out

Whats the deal with all the small tittied women out there lately? Cant ever manage to find let along bag a girl with at least some nice Cs

I want to leave bite marks on that ass

This is what the media has been trying to convince everyone. We are all just scared racist whites amarite? Nevermind the fact that the majority agrees with him.

>implying fear and anger cannot be justified, especially after years of govt abuse and apathy.
>implying the left does not use fear tactics

>implying you aren't CTR

Time for you to fuck off!

men evolved to think with their emotions, that's why they like Trump's highly emotional rants and insults. I'm female and I support Trump due to his policies, but I despise his emotional moments that all the men here love.

the bigger question is why men support hillary

this is true, with the exception of hyper SJW women who loathe any expression of masculinity anywhere and inevitably die a childless bitch.

yeah just murder a baby cos you dont want to go through a natural process. women love having babies by their nature, abortion is wrong on so many levels.

Like Hillary's Campaign? Fear Trump? Be afraid that he could start WWIII even though he constantly states that we fight way too much and need to stop?

Be angry at Trump when some radicalized American shoots up 50 people in a gay club? Be angry at Trump when the DNC is outed for being corrupted and biased against one of their own candidates? Be angry at Trump when a Muslim father exploits his dead son and tells him to not accept gifts from veterans?

You need to stop projecting and grow up. The anger that Trump has tapped into doesn't come from fabrications but observations of previous and present policies. It's time for an overhaul.

Because he will not give them free stuff. Plus he destroys the harmonic world view many of them hold. Trump is not apeasement and therefore woman dont vote for him.

nope, we just want the government to stay out of our uteri

Most don't think.

Nice quads.

Fear and anger is the foundation of both platforms in this election however only Trump is despised for this by the hypocritical leftists and Anti-Trumpers.

no, we don't especially if it's a rape baby. I want that dysgenic trash aborted


>like in 5 seconds
fucking reddit hijacked pepe

nor do men. it's all about "muh dick"

What is so fucking explosive about the concept of a woman keeping her legs closed?

Why do all women kick and scream for abortion rights and then secretly read "why am I STILL single" articles in their bullshit magazines? The cognative dissonance is unreal.

I favor abortion when its a case like the woman was raped or something, or if two adults using protection managed to fuck up, but women want to wantonly abort every sperm in their snatch and they have NO MORAL AGENCY conflicting against them inside, and they STILL think Trump is literally Satan.


We don't like trump because he's a racist and misogynist. Women are empathetic enough not to follow evil fucking dickheads


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the Final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white .

list is blank

Because he's doing the honorable thing and not exploiting and manipulating their emotions.

Because they are weak.

Thank you for correcting the record

Youre right, only you, a woman, likes trump because of his policies. Every man that makes the majority of his voters doesnt even consider them.

Thats why women invented the plane and electricity, vote conservative and founded america. Oh wait.

Theres so many things wrong with your post I cant even choose where to start

> Why do so few X support Trump?
IDK. Because you say so?

I'm voting for Trump and at least three other women I know are as well. Perhaps they miss polling the women who have day jobs and are only asking college students and tumblrinas

>Are the polls wrong?

Yes, next question?

instead he manipulates men's emotions

Men are weak and obnoxious

Women only fuck assholes. They don't actually like them. And luckily, trump is 100% alpha asshole.

the polls are rigged

Except this

Assuming you arent shitposting—

Wow, what an original thought you just contributed! I literally NEVER thought about it that way! That Trump is a racist and mysogynist. shiet! Thank God I've never said anything bad about people who happened to have vaginas!

And wanting people to enter the country according to our laws, WHAT A FUCKING RACIST LMFAOOOO

more kayla pics to tribute too

thanks anons :^)

The worlds strongest woman looses 2/3 arm wrestling matches against average men and you think men are weak?

Women are so obnoxious producing almost nothing for the economy and voting for welfare and uncontrolled immigration

>a leaf cunt talking about men's emotional manipulation

Now That's fucking rich


Women aren't into politics.

They don't put much attention into it, and what little they do probably goes towards buzzword FB articles or some shit.

Women prioritize "getting along" over having a functioning society cause muh feels.

Who could have seen it coming?

except women do vote conservative and more would conservative if abortion wasn't seen as evil in the republican party and how are women supposed to invent anything when they weren't allowed to go to med school or university until 1890s and even then it was frowned upon. their parents aren't going to pay for their daughter's education back then!
not only that, but those men are rare exceptions, the majority of men are of average intelligence, nothing exceptional in the slightest.

Come back when you dont have 17% less neurons than us

Because the fucking wenches are dumb as shit, usually know nothing of politics, and vote with feels.

The majority know nothing of Hillary other than her name.

men are emotional beings. they're similar to niggers in behaviour like how violent, impulsive, overly aggressive and "muh dick" they are

Retarded orange supporters BTFO!

Why the fuck would they vote against their own interests?

Besides, abortion is great. Who even needs the pill? You fuck up just go get it aborted.

brain size does not equal more intelligence otherwise neanderthals are smarter than us
k, not any different than men then


Yeah and I can focus on only the negatives of women too high on estrogen with how catty, fake, ditzy and utterly useless and fucking stupid and they are. Doesn't make my post valid at fucking all about the entire sex, which is obvious to people who GET LAID.

it's not about brain size itself, it's about the brain to body mass ratio

...and you come back to us when you don't have 17% fewer neurons than we have.

It's a one post shill with a black ID:BBcdTG0h

Woman make decisions based on their emotions

They try to deny it too, or deflect, and say men do it as well.
They don't have original thoughts.

I just can not stand this woman's facial expressions. Everytime I see them i become fully enraged

Women don't think independently and do what the media tells them cause they think it's popular. They shouldn't even be allowed to vote desu.

It really is the abortion thing. My gf mentions it all the time.

Don't care. Voting Trump.

>but be involved in everything else
Finished that sentence off, for you

Bringing the fucking bantz. You ain't shitting. Every chick I know thinks the government supplies "benefits" in other countries for chicks. They dont understand taxes and serfdom for jack shit.

God almighty I want to sit her on my lap, cuddle her close, and listen to her whimper as I gently stroke that feminine penis.

>Why aren't women doing something smart?



>Trump has a moderate lead with men (a few points), and is getting absolutely crushed among women (double digits).

Thank you OP for:




2 Shekels have been deposited into your account.

Only 50% of women are pro-choice.

>Letting women vote

You've done this to yourselves, Western Civilization


Learn to do shit instead of blaming a system, fucking millennial bitch. Waaah the systems keeping me down, i'm not lazy or anything it's mens fault.


Nice quads my man. Witness em'


we know who you are

>implying fear isnt the only reason you are not voting for him.

Fucking Christ do you leave CNN on when you go to sleep at night.

Plenty do. Why is it fewer than the number of female Clinton supporters? Trump's not a woman so he can't be the first woman president. Trump isn't campaigning on the gender pay gap because he knows it's bogus just like the experts do. Women don't feel like they're getting as much from him because he's smarter than Clinton.

sauce? don't hold out on us nigger.

Only good-looking fit women support Trump so it's to be expected.

1st off you're in Cuckanda so you're irrelevant to my election cycle
and 2 you're a dumb chick who voted in a super model as a PM

t.REAL FEMALE who supports Trump.

Why aren't you a billionaire? Are you lazy or something? Why haven't you made a groundbreaking scientific discovery? Answer honestly.

>women are stupid
>women follow the herd
next question

U habe been trabbed :DDDDDD

Trump has been accused or rape multiple times, including by a former wife. He also attacked Megan Kelly by suggesting she was on her period. Etc. Plus, his weird comments about his daughter.