William T. Riker waited.
The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air.
There was food on the ship. He didn't see it, but had expected it, now for years.
His warnings to Captain Picard were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
William was a Starfleet officer for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships, daddy."
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped.
But now in the space ship Enterprise he knew there was food.
"This is Picard," the communicator crackered. "You must not eat the food!"
So John gotted his phaser and blew up the wall.
"HE GOING TO EAT US," said the food!
"I will disgust him," said the Gagh and wriggled. William phasered at him and tried to barbacue him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to cook.
"No! I must eat the food," he shouted!
The communicator said "No, William. You are the food."
And then, William was fat.
Other urls found in this thread:
in what seasons exactly did Jonathan Frakes let himself go to the point we could make fanfic about fat riker ?
A daring synthesis
TNG S4 E25: "In Theory", aka the one where data gets a gf is pure and total distilled comfykino, truly the pinnacle of comfykino
Prove me wrong
When data got his emotion chip do you think he killed any ensigns while uncontrollably fucking?
Why aren't you asking the important questions
like: is it possible for Data to become fat?
that's a good question, could data be held responsible for his actions seeing as he is not "sentient"?
also does him being fully functional mean he ejaculates robotic sperm that contains DNA of his cybernetic brain?
Only if his lithium cells burst
It's the future, so they're dilithium cells
Yes, watch Nemesis
He has an ethics program which is referenced in that Lore/Borg episode
Season 4
Girdles are a proud star trek tradition and they will not be a source of amusement
No thank you.
I love you guys.
Okay now we shall determine the most retarded race in all of the galaxy in star trek.
I'm voting for the klingons.
These pieces of shit.
I now realise that my life aboard the Entreprise was a waste.
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
these short little niggas
imagine building the costumes for them and putting """"people"""" in them for about 3 seconds of screentime
The TNG Enterprise is just plain comfy. Even the background noise is comfy.
They gave Sisko an erection though
Worf and Spot were a great duo.
Watch it Bajor
Fucking Voyager.
Pretty much re-hashing episodes from other series.
>Bridge crew member is accused of murder of some scientist, pretty scientist's wife is involved
>An episode about some alien culture where life and death are regulated somehow, killing a relative is ok etc
Kekd and checked
>the grail has been made
Fuck everything about Voyager other than the Wells Class. I can't believe someone made a bauble of it.
*blocks your path*
>Dukat... If you're seeing this recording, it means you tried to abandon your post while the station's self-destruct sequence was engaged. That will not be permitted. You have lost control of Terok Nor, disgracing yourself and Cardassia. Your attempt to escape is no doubt a final act of cowardice. All fail-safes have been eliminated. Your personal access codes have been rescinded. The destruct sequence can no longer be halted. All you can do now is contemplate the depth of your disgrace. And try to die like a Cardassian.
Most of the actors look a lot better in character makeup than without it
Also, Dukat was a Football man. That's why he never saw eye to eye with Sisko and his fascination with "boring ol baseball"
agree, but I kinda like how Alaimo looks IRL, even if he isn't horribly handsome
Dorn looks fine to me actually.
agree, but he was also much older than the rest of the cast, so I'll give him a pass. but yeah, he has a fairly weak chin that doesn't help.
>posts Gul Macet :^)
what the FUCK were they thinking with those "helmets"
it looks like someone sat on the wells class.
So there is this guy I really like, but he only pays attention to me when I'm wearing a thawb and reading articles from WebMD out loud. What should I do?
I can't believe how many different ships they made.
I want to buy them all in a fit of autistic fury.
How erotic is this gif to you on a scale of 1 to 10?
>Anbo-jyutsu - the ultimate evolution of the martial arts
>Two idiots with American Gladiators sticks wearing blinding helmets
>oroshku OMGshimasu!
wtf were they thinking
>oroshku OMGshimasu!
The phrase is よろしくお願いしますbaka gaijin.
How has asked asked Riker to discuss his sexual organs yet?
Have I missed my opportunity?
why is this thread so fucking horrible so far?
i blame the bajorans.
It's the ultimate form of liberalism; all the players are blind and deaf and have to speak a foreign language in their own homes and bow to to the superiority of alien culture.
There's still hope for you, my dear Doctor!
I think you still have time.
jesus fucking christ
initiate self-destruct sequence!
Remember that episode where Worf was paralyzed after an empty plastic barrel fell on him?
pretty good, you have talent if ya can you should try to make series i think it would go over well
>Commander Riker had filled out since he first came aboard the Enterprise. His frame was still pretty muscular but it was hidden beneath a layer of softness. His soft stomach hung over his belt and every time he got up, he had to tug his shirt down to just barely cover it. His beard hid the beginnings of a double chin. And the man knew how to eat.
Will Data-senpai ever notice me?
you better be a hot blonde girl
Why don't they turn off the gravity in rooms with cargo?
But that's the same episode where some security chick dies by getting fused with the floor, and that was certainly NOT comfy.
Goddamn tripfags, I swear.
Do it you Irish bastard.
I'm a Datafag so these are cute. CUTE!
its fine bro he post better shit than what usually goes on in these treads
Ya'll want some Data and Lore doujinshi?
I mean
not really
where are you getting them anyway? Pixiv?
We don't know how the gravity plating works, it could even possibly be something that naturally creates a large enough gravitational field while idle, like neutronium plates. Kligon gravity plating fails during a power loss but I don't recall any evidence that Federation tech does.
Yeah, I just found the really gay shit.
Rank the Star Trek series from best to worst.
Then list your favorite and least favorite Star Trek film.
lmao ofc you did.
>tfw nips can appreciate my Data/Tasha barely-even-a-ship longings.
Bashirfag, did you read the latest DS9 novel Enigma Tales?
Garak admits that he loves Bashir over 20 years later
Yeah and Bashir goes comatose and Garak pulls a Shinji and probably jerks over his lifeless body all day.
Lots of EU Trek is good, it's not fair to judge it by the few novels that are generally agreed to be the shittiest of the shit.
The best of TOS >>> DS9 = TNG >>> The worst of TOS >>>>> Voyager >>>>>>>>>> Enterprise
Favorite: Wrath of Khan is the best, but probably The Undiscovered Country
Least Favorite: Nemesis
Nick Meyer detected
Fuck you, Undiscovered Country is great.
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
so like
is robert beltran actually native?
if he is, how didn't he (especially) catch on that their "native consultant" was full of shit?
if he wasn't, why didn't anybody think it might have been a bad idea to have someone not native play a native man
i mean it's pretty obvious the people in charge weren't giving two shits either way
And then Bashir was a character in Cowboy Bebop
>is robert beltran actually native?
>Beltran was born in Bakersfield, California, the son of Aurelia Olgin (née Adame) and Louis Perez Beltran,[1] first generation Mexican-Americans.
>if he wasn't, why didn't anybody think it might have been a bad idea to have someone not native play a native man
These are the same Voyager producers who thought that Harry Kim is Chinese, because they didn't know that there's a difference between Chinese and Korean.
i just figured native history/culture is mostly destroyed so his character was a joke.
I was weird-ed out how they were when Borg controlled dimension enterprise begged not to go back to their timeline
Same...even Worf was scared and freaked out
>Riker now looks like Rich Piana
So this is why he kept turning down command. He was busy getting those natural gains GAWDAMMIT.
>everyone you loved and cared is dead
>probably waste all your time eating because depressed
>probably eat a lot of chocolate to remember your loved one