They deleted this immediately after being called out on their bullshit by their feminist followers for belittling Ginny's gold medal achievement.
The feminists actually beat the gun advocates to the punch.
Their cannibalizing, Sup Forums.
They deleted this immediately after being called out on their bullshit by their feminist followers for belittling...
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty good banter desu
No wonder "the other 98%" are a bunch of unemployed pieces of shit.
Why are Americans such subhuman violent pieces of shit?
No sane human should have the need to carry a gun to feel safe, the very own act of carrying a gun implies you want to shoot and kill somebody, that is frankly disgusting.
Why are ameriturds such violent knuckle dragging apes?
>The feminists actually beat the gun advocates to the punch.
"Gun advocates" have no social power. They just have guns they're too scared to use, and a voting block that continues to die off faster than it is replenished.
The liberals are waiting you out. They know all they have to do is keep edging you on, never quite getting the guncucks angry enough to actually use their weapons like the 2nd Amendment intended... and eventually you'll be gone.
Trump is the last hope humanity has at stopping the liberal cancer... and he's not going to make it. As much as I want it, the Jews are too powerful and the voters too apathetic.
Talk to a child today about what flying on an airplane used to be like. Before you had your nipples inspected by an angry black woman running the nudiscan. Under full Federal authority.
They'll laugh at you. Crazy old grandpa. We've ALWAYS had Federal agents inspect our nipples!
I don't wanna live on this planet anymore
>the very own act of carrying a gun implies you want to shoot and kill somebody
Do you work at a movie theater because you sure know how to fucking project you piece of shit
Technically both works with it's own context. But yes, OP probably meant 'they're' but you're still the faggot here for not only being a grammar nazi but not realizing both works.
And yes, they definitely are self-destructing.
Are "The Other 98%" the new "Occupy Democracy" memesters?
What a damn shame that Occupy Wallstreet created all of this smug virtue signaling shit.
Come over and we'll show you.
Occupy Democrats, rather
>eventually be gone
>30+ y/o gun ownership rate is 44%
>18-30 y/o gun ownership rate is 57%
>more guns have been sold under obama than in the entire history of the world combined
Well meme'd lad. *tip*
More people get into shooting every day. Even the French and Germans have started buying guns so you know damn well we will be buying more, too.
how else would we protect ourselves from the niggers. and we do want to shoot and kill niggers
Yes, and they're partnered with that US Uncut shit show.
m8 that is literally all progressives do, it's been that way for centuries
Doesn't change the fact that they win in the end because tradition lost its balls
It's the supreme irony that will kill them, the left hates the successful but by nature still wants their own to win in some way. So lefty hatred of American success conflicted with feminist desire for women to be successful somehow, I can't wait for their implosion
Check the IDs spergatron.
Wow, it's like...
The schedule hasn't been randomly generated for time constraints or something!
I'm gonna go file with the IOC, and tell them to not have events scheduled randomly and have the American columbineatholon first every year.
Says the beaner whose gooch of a country's only chances at winning medals are in boxing and taekwondo.
Why haven't we raised these shills yet? We've tapped polls and do research on the foundation but haven't actually hit media besides Twitter which is a dying platform anyways
>called out on their bullshit by their feminist followers
both of those are possessive and their is correct. what the fuck are you niggers on about?
My sides are gone
Shit like this is part of why I love Sup Forums
They've been cannibalizing for some time now.
The cleavages have just become more acute.
>Why are Americans such subhuman violent pieces of shit
Mexico is basically Somalia
OP corrected himself and user thought his second post was another user trying to be a grammar nazi so he in turned sperged out. OP then replied by saying
"Check the IDs spergatron"
Remember guys about 99 percent of problems happen because of miscommunication. For your health.
beheading is NOT a sport
>18-30 y/o gun ownership rate is 57%
Source? That seems very high.
>technically both works
What is subject-verb agreement?
Also, both don't fucking work. Cannibalizing is the gerundive, but the actual noun form is cannibalization. It is either "their cannibalization" or "they're cannibalizing" (as in "they are cannibalizing"), but you cannot use "their" and "they're" interchangeably if you leave it with "cannibalizing".
Your not well at grammer
>t. Joaquin Guzman
The US Uncut website is ranked 48th in mobile traffic apparently.
The comment sections on their Facebook pages are always either a shitstorm or a virtue signaling contest.
>mfw this is where a large segment of my generation get their "news"
just wow.
pic related
>Why are ameriturds such violent knuckle dragging apes?
Mexican bitches give the best head
They sure do m80
Fuck those pathetic, hating faggots. That girl put in more dedicated work to win that Gold than all of their followers have ever done combined in their whole lives.
Way to go, Ginny! You rock!
Disgusting savages
>tfw a libtard actually thinks they're winning their little war on guns
Wasn't it a fucking air rifle?
You can buy those even in my shitty country.
Heads are pretty hard to detach, but this is just sloppy
>Babby's first beheading
>the very own act of carrying a gun implies you want to shoot and kill somebody,
no it doest
or if you have a dick do you then must have to want to rape?
Cucked to the max
Sorry to hear that, user
>checks mexicos homicide rate
>checks mexicos firearm homicide rate
>both higher than the U.S.
The wall just got 10 feet taller
Here's your (you)
You don't carry a gun to feel safe. The danger never goes away when you're armed -- you just get a fighting chance. You spics could learn a thing or two from the US and destroy your cartels with citizen militias.
Oh wait, for some reason spics take pride in the fact that their country has been entirely compromised by drug dealers.
to be fair, the cartels are less corrupt than the police they basically replaced
American girls love guns!