Globalist establishment shill Paul "Backstabber" Ryan is up against an anti-Globalist primary challenger named Paul Nehlen this Tuesday on August 9.
- Ryan dragged his feet on endorsing Trump
- Backstabbed Trump and played into bogus "Trump is racist!" narrative and gave libs ammo with his "textbook racism" comment.
- Supports TPP and rolled over to Obama by accepting rapefugee/amnesty related policies.
Vote him out. With the Speaker of the House seat vacant it can be filled with a more pro-Trump guy and Wisc. will get a better representative. Also it'll send a message to the establishment that Trump runs the GOP.
Get everyone you know out to vote. This will be close - every vote counts. Also if you're not from Wisc. make sure to spread the word!
>Paul Nehlen On The Issues
>About Paul Nehlen
>General Info + Voting Date Info
>District Info
>Nehlen's Twitter
Fox News:
Lars Larson Interview:
>Shilling Strategies
This is an open primary so Dems, Independents, etc. can vote. In addition to flipping conservatives you can also try to convince liberals to vote for Nehlen to throw Ryan out of his Speaker seat, give the Republicans less chance of winning the general election (In their mind), and convince them that due to his anti-TPP & anti-NAFTA policies he's the lesser of 2 evils.
Go to Twitter or Tumblr and see how successful you are. Also leftypol is against globalist trade policies so they could perhaps join with us.
>Pro-Amnesty Ryan