Jewess BTFO by based 7/11 clerk.
Jewess BTFO by based 7/11 clerk
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top youtube post is pretty great.
>claims to not be a junkie
>recently liked a how to pass a drug test video
okie doke
The chick probably is a fucking junkie. Buying cigarettes in the middle of the night isn't necessarily degenerate, but it does strike me as something degenerates are more likely to be doing.
She probably is a jew and the dude was just fucking with her and not seriously antisemitic. I dunno I don't trust this bitch.
Oh thank heaven for 7 eleven
>7-11 is public property
Bitch is in the wrong. There's literally no fucking good reason to pull this shit in Texas.
Thank you for posting this. The chick is totally in the wrong. It's a private business. Gtfo.
Funny that she posted that online thinking she was in the right.
Oh shocking. Another YT vid that goes strongly against the media narrative and seems to favor the white person that gets way more dislikes than likes.
Who are these shills, pol?
>tfw you will never slam that bitch's head against the table for ruining that little girl's birthday
Someone go shopping!
I will never understand how that became a trend.
holy shit lol
I do not know what the fuck thsi bitch really wants, but if the clerk say i do not want you to record me, she should stop or just get the fuck out.
Here we have a law: if one doesn't comply being recorded by camera or phones, that should be stopped.
You'd need the CCV off the back of the card to use it online
Retarded cunt deserves it. Hope someone runs that shit into the ground. Maybe think twice before posting that youtube video unedited bitch
she asked for newports...
definitely a fucking degenerate
When does he reveal his swastika? IT says he is a Nazi Clerk.
why are these kind of cunts so fucking entitled
1-999 just test and batch off multiple sites to keep the suspicion down.
it worked too often...
1 in 999 chance for some free shit
Right...What if they smashed their face right into some lit candles?
not on
i dont understand this, why didnt he just sell her whatver she wanted??
>what is your name?
>"joseph mengele"
>and, what is your managers name
she didnt get it?
nobody who buys newports is NOT a degenerate besides old black grandmothers.
>Not saying Goebbels
>live on the other side of Tarrant County, just south of White Settlement
>going to get a pack of smokes and a slurpee around midnight or so after doing some grocery shopping
>walk in the store and some whore that looks like the centerfold for Faces for Meth asks me for fifty cents
>Clerk starts ripping into her, telling her to GTFO and quit panhandling
>she reees at him and repeats her request
>tell her to fuck off the way because that's how you have to deal with panhandlers
>[shrieking intensifies]
>cop car pulls up and she wises up enough to GTFO
>while cops are dealing with Leatherface McDickbreath, cashier rings me up
>gives me the slurpee for free
Oh, thank heaven
Who gives two shits if she's a junkie, just sell her the shit so she can rot faster
> stormweenies would side with the girl if the clerk was black
Nope. I've had to kick out many white degenerates for trying to do shady shit back when I was a third shift clerk.
seems risky going to ass rape jail just to get some free shit on amazon
well your number is 711 in a 711 thread
I'll listen to you
tone down on typing assrape
How is it illegal if someone, on their own accord, posts a picture of their ID and their credit card number on the most popular video site in the world? Wouldn't this be akin to finding a $20 on the sidewalk?
I am sure the proccecuter would buy that excuse
AMPM is the official gas station of KEK
Did you try? I thought you could be tracked, or is that bs and you can really go on a shooping spree?
kek, but actually it would be like driving home with a running car that's not yours
>he immediately gave me a false name, Josef Mengele, who I later found out was a Nazi doctor that performed human experiments on Jewish people during the holocaust
How basic is this bitch to have never heard of the based Angel of Death?
Any followup on this? Did our boy Josef keep his job?
> I feel violated and offended beyond belief by his customer service and attitude towards me from the time I stepped inside this store that I go to multiple times a week.
>He has 100% confidence that his job will not be in jeopardy after this tantrum of complete injustice.
I hate these degenerates so much.
I think that's a good analogy, but nothing physical is lost.
My boy Mengele
>wah wah Stormweeinies side with whites in ways that aren't fair
>b-b-buh I'M certianly not unfair and treat all the races equally because *SIGNAL SIGNAL* there are TOTALLY WHITE NIGGERS TOO AMIRITE *signal*
>hope no one on this anonymous board thinks I'm a racist KEK KEK KEK SIGNAL SIGNAL
Reality check kids, all races are out to get each other. Somehow, only whites think it's morally wrong to defend themselves and play the same game everyone else is playing. Wake the fuck up leftcucks.
>The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacy
>Barbara Lerner Spectre
>Jewish Supremacism
>Noel Ignatiev
>BLM preaching white genocide
>Sarkozy on forced misecegenation