>tfw I find out there are girls browsing and posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW.
Which threads do they post in?
Which general are they most active in (/got/ /who/ /bb/ or /tpg)?
Do they ever LARP as dudes and comment on actresses' bodies?
>tfw I find out there are girls browsing and posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW.
Which threads do they post in?
Which general are they most active in (/got/ /who/ /bb/ or /tpg)?
Do they ever LARP as dudes and comment on actresses' bodies?
relax r9k they don't attention whore in here if they exist at all
here's the basic gestalt
-they lurk everywhere, they think we don't know (theyre so creepy)
- this is why there are ''''people'''' with bad taste on this board
- theyre the reason people fight so much here, and the cause of r3ddit opinions
basically this
it's just a girl, user, they have just as big of a penis as you, no need to get hyped up.
tv is the most normie medium also degenerate tranny numales are starting to call themselves girls online.
I'm talking about actual females
Not homosexual guys who pretend to be females
There are a few transwomen in /who/ but I don't know if they're to your taste. /got/ is a sausagefest, /tpg/ even more so. /bb/ is your best bet because it's normie TV
To all femanons. Hi! Few things about me. 1) I noticed you're a female user. 'Tis an awesome thing to see! 2) I'm Brian 3) I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything I'll be the one in the kitchen!
>/who/ is full of freaks
i knew it
Giv Sup Forums gf
those types of girls don't go here, my friend
>There are a few transwomen in /who/
I wish that fucking general could be nuked and never to return. It's obvious they're all fucking reditors and tumblr faggots in there.
Isn't Doctor Who a children's show?
Isn't anime for children?
but yes doctor who is for children
femanon here just letting you know i'm female and i want everyone to know it when i post my opinions because being female and having opinions makes me special
It was created to teach children about history but somehow got a large manchild following similar to the bronies.
>the /r9k/ containment security guard fell asleep
FUCK OFF ROASTIE. Unless you wanna be my gf? If not FUCK OFFFFF
But more importantly...are they DCucks or Marvelfags ?
there's only one and it's doing it for attention. actually they all are but that's besides the point
Dont get your hopes up lad. They come from tumblr
20% of the users of this site are girls according to the stats
Edge is a transman that's not who I'm talking about
Yeah and like 40% of /lit/ is women.
It's a show for fucking special snowflake tumblrinas and autistic retards who have become obsessed with it. There is nothing good about the show.
>the big enchilada
What stats?
when did Sup Forums turn into /r9k/ ?
After Sup Forums turned into Sup Forums, Sup Forums, some /fit/, and most of all, leddit.
Marvel obvs ;p
It's a family show. It's meant for both children and adults to enjoy.
I had grown to think that was a rhetorical question as I never had an answer in a similar situation before but thank you for answering.
Sup Forums used to have just straight up feels threads way back when.