Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

-Ripping off Hamlet
-The pride lands turning to shit for no reason

Hakuna Matata

Black people are proud of it

How did Timon know what hula was?

There was a period without rains and Scar refused to move.

Pretty common on África.

Raining once Simba is king shows a cosmic balance, the "spirits/land" accepted him as the rightfull king.

Fart jokes

Killed Zira off.

The third act suffers.

The entire story hinges on Simba not running from his actions, but the instant he does, it almost destroys him. The only reason the story goes anywhere is because Scar gloats, and then Simba is able to threaten him into telling the truth.

The first two thirds are perfect, but they really wrote themselves into a corner.

Why couldn't Scar get better henchmen than those three hyenas? They literally fucked everything up, but he kept giving them second chances. and they ended up killing him

Nobody even defended Simba until Scar confessed. Simba was a kid at the time they should've known well enough to realize wouldn't want to hurt his family. Messed up.
Also didn't like the love song.

Ripping off Tezuka.

Hakuna Matata isn't a great song.

On that note, the whole movie sort of loses its momentum immediately after Simba is made to run away, and doesn't really pick it up again until he comes back. Maybe you could say that's an artistic representation of his life being put on hold or some shit, but it's not all that fun to watch.

The modern-day references/animal puns are pretty damn lame.

Every single lioness and Simba's own mother completely swallow Scar's bullshit about Simba having killed Mufasa in some unexplained way when he was a child. I know it's for drama, but they all just gasp in shock like that's totally plausible, even though if anything that just proves how the guy they already think is a shitty king has probably been lying to them about everything else all along. Dumb bitches.

>Why couldn't Scar get better henchmen than those three hyenas?

Ironically, they looked like the most competent hyenas.

And the three actually ate him alive.

Maybe the Simba killing Mufasa makes more sense if you visualize them as humans in a Kingdom. A 10 years old european prince could trick his own father to death?

Talking animals.

>Has text

The rest of the movie when simba gets older

That would only work if the possibility was introduced before hand

>modern-day references
Name one.

Disney did it better, so is okay

>singing "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts" and then "It's A Small World"
>puns like "cub sandwich," expressions like "practically gift-wrapped" etc.
>"dress in drag and do the hula," Pumbaa posing like a roast pig

Probably some more but that's at least three.

For the latter example you could argue it's just "translating" animal talk or whatever but there wasn't any reason to use those specific terms except lame comedy.

>latter example

Meant second.

Matthew Broderick killed two people and got away with it.

>singing "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts"
>Song from 50 years ago
None of those examples are modern day references.

> ripping off anime
> ripping off english literature
> ever

also, it's not Tarzan


20th century is pretty damn modern.

But yeah, I guess I used the wrong term. Anachronistic, more like.

To be more specific, animals in an animal world, with no humans around, talking about and referencing things created by humans on another continent that don't exist in the movie outside of those one-off references.

The movie acts like they wouldn't know about human songs or human clothing or so on, tries to portray them as sort of realistic wild animals outside of the talking/emotions (the way they fight, hunt, live, etc.), until they finally do know those things for the sake of one minor joke and it wrecks the immersion and tone of the film. Basically I feel if you wanna do talking animals and have them act in a way somewhat grounded in reality, the Bambi/Land Before Time route works better than literally having them talk about things they'd have no reason to know about.

Bob Saget raped and killed a girl.

There should have been a scene with black african tribal people chasing animals down with spears.

It's also implied that overfeeding from the hyenas caused the "circle of life" concept to go off balance and harm the ecosystem.

They did a perfect job causing the stampede to kill Mufasa. The only thing they failed at was letting Simba get away. And since they lied about that as far as Scar knew they had perfectly fulfilled his plan.

Scar did nothing wrong. He simply took what was rightfully his

It wasn't Kimba

>Ripping off Hamlet
>Ripping off a public domain story that literally anyone can use as a base for their own story

They did?!

Whoopi Goldberg Hyena


>Gay Meerkat/Warthog couple
>Hakuna Matata
>Fart jokes
>Tim the tool man Taylor's son voices young Simba

>There was a period without rains and Scar refused to move.
This. Predators follow the food. Scar refused to follow the herds because muh pride-rokk.