It's been proven that shills get paid for X amount of replies to each shill thread
There are two ways to combat this:
>Not reply to any shill thread, report, sage, etc. >Shills do not get paid >CTR fires shills for not shilling hard enough >CTR eventually runs out of shills
But this is highly unlikely to happen as there are retards on here who think that the shills can be debated. And even if there were never any replies to the shill threads, CTR would still have plenty of funding left over to shill elsewhere such as leddit, twitter, facebook, etc.
Here's our other more likely option:
>Spam the shit out of every shill thread with incoherent garbage, no matter if it's related to the thread or not >Shills get paid overtime for successfully "correcting the record" >CTR thinks it's working >CTR increases funding for shill campaign >Rinse and repeat until CTR has taken a noticeable dent in funding
Only problems I see is that we don't know how much shills are being paid exactly, and is probably a very minute amount. CTR may also catch on to what we're doing and change their shill payment policy. But for now, I think this is the best option.
TL;DR Spam the shit out of shill threads with whatever the hell you want to put a dent in CTR budget and to prove that Trump is pic related
I'm in Europe, brah. Yet, I post what you call "shilling". bRRWHUU?
Nathan Reyes
They shill cause threads like this are made lol
Buttmad makes shill troll lol
Jeremiah Lopez
There's a difference between shilling and people legitimately debating against Trump.
Anthony Bell
Ignoring them isn't working though, because as I said, idiots on here think they can actually be debated and keep replying to them, which continues the cycle.
Henry Murphy
I don't know how much if anything people get paid for bashing trump but i do it for free
Charles Rivera
You can filter, very easy. I use it on iphone
Zachary Campbell
Maybe some folks would like to know that the KKK are helping Clinton?
Yeah I can't be reasoned with I'm totally mentally hill
Daniel Brown
okay shill
Mason Hernandez
But you're on the loosing side bro. You should be with her now.
Jeremiah Jenkins
okay shill enjoy the extra $0.10 I'm giving you
Jackson Morales
>Spam the shit out of every shill thread with incoherent garbage, no matter if it's related to the thread or not >Shills get paid overtime for successfully "correcting the record" >CTR thinks it's working >CTR increases funding for shill campaign >Rinse and repeat until CTR has taken a noticeable dent in funding This is the only logical course of action.
Nobody actually wants to shutup and do what would seem to be give up-but then again nobody here actually gets their fucking mind changed so easily. Let them come.
We'll argue until the sun dies and the stars vanish.
We have all the time in the world.
To them it's a 9-5.
It's a battle of attrition, and we're at an extreme advantage in that battle.
Dominic Morales
Well said brother
Connor Brown
Hmmm, probably the one that sold 40% of US uranium reserves to Russia when she was head of the State Dept.
Which one was that again?
Oliver Walker
don't you think you are overthinking this whole shill conspiracy? CTR is an overblown exaggeration and is not as prominent as you think.
Blake Kelly
Eli Smith
Nah, you're a shill.
Jacob Clark
if a shill is spotted use these tags >dr;st don't reply; shill thread >dr;sp don't reply; shill poster
oops looks like you drumpftards got your own thread filtered now :^)