>Lawsuit press conference
Fast forward to about 22 second mark, this little fuck can barely hold back a shit eating grin.


>mfw mooslimes must laugh thier asses off at how gullible and weak we are
I gotta say, well trolled you piece of shit.


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Fuck sand niggers

He and his father should be in jail for the hoax they perpetuate

It's quite unironically a Jewish plot. Don't kid yourself.

why didn't he showed the new version of his clock?

what a piece of shit.

As if there is any real difference between jews and muds.

early access m8 he'll release it eventually

I wasn't making a distinction, they're both equally terrible.

"Lost my home"? WTF? They LEFT. probably mostly to avoid the scrutiny that was beginning to unravel the story.

Even liberals are onto him.

the muslizms are secret jews... it all makes sense now. this is why isis wont attack israel or saudi arabia or jordan

this is why it attacks iraq who became hostile towards america when it refused to pay for damages durring its millitary attacks and occupation which its required to

and syria who israel has threatened multiple times and saudi arabia wants toppled. isis is a faggy jewish cabal

"I left because of my safety"

Didn't he leave the country because he was getting BTFO by people digging up a shit ton of information about how his family was anti-American shitcunts, and how they even celebrated what happened on 9/11?

Didn't you watch? This whole ordeal has destroyed his creativity.


His whole family moved back from Qatar because they supposedly "couldn't find jobs" and had to "live off of welfare" (more like Qatar didn't have ENOUGH gibs).

...So now they are suing US for $15 million.


I've been saying this for I don't know how long...Muslims are just low IQ Jews.

little shit i hope he gets shot.

yes, the fled to fucking QATAR until it all blew over

their religion explicitly commands them to love only other muslims, and to hate all others:

and this clip is for all you dopes who are thinking "well not all muslims"

This little shit again...I wonder if he is still soldering CPUs.

It's like comparing a Somalian with an Ashkenazi.

>I can't go out for being shot at, because that's what happens here. uh uh.... or it can happen anywhere.

Ummm welcome to earth? We all can get shot inside or outside, wtf kind of point is this? Love the shill white blonde lawer.

They are going to get destroyed in court, and I don't mind my tax dollars paying for it.

>I lost everything

MFW zuckerberg is going to pay for his education and give him a job. Then eventually get fired.

Whitey BTFO by sand niggers YET again.

kek, i remember that.

>no I have way bigger projects than taking a perfectly fine clock and making it look like a suitcase bomb.

They should have never let him back into the country.

getting shot...
basically I'm what 15 now? and my life is over

fucking taqqyia kikery, this rudeness, he was made a celeb out of this. Taken to the whyte house, scholarships.....

Haha this muzzie is talking about having no home and having to travel and losing things

Haha muzzies all have a refugee complex lol like niggers think theyre slaves haha

>Semitic rape babies vs. Semitic rape babies
Was that supposed to be some sort of refutation?

next project, take a fine sarin bomb,
and make it into a suitcase.

Semitic raping babies
grown ups assaulting babies
. Semitic rape babies
babies that where trained to rape.

>MFW zuckerberg is going to pay for his education and give him a job. Then eventually get fired.
Kek, the family is panicking because they know he has know talent and they can't keep up the charade forever.

I hope he gets deported.