I took a short break from following politics after the dumpster fire that was the DNC, then I return to pic related. The fuck happened? Are there other polls that say otherwise?
I took a short break from following politics after the dumpster fire that was the DNC, then I return to pic related. The fuck happened? Are there other polls that say otherwise?
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We've had this thread about 5 times already. Search in the catalog before you post.
Nah, this is it.
Trump has fucked up a lot in the last week and the media turned up the heat subtatnailly.
>Trump supports the DNC email leak deflection the DNC put out by supporting the Russia theory
>Trump personally attacks the Khan's, a family who lost their son in the Iraq war, because they were muslim. It destroyed Trumps narrative of "We don't have all muslims, just radicals"
>Trump wouldn't drop either of these
It's a poll, it's August, who cares? Shit don't matter right now.
Thanks. Didn't see any recent ones, but I'll keep looking.
your mum said otherwise but i told her to shut her whore mouth. fucking pig.
Hillary supporter here
Trump got a big bounce from the RNC, but Hillary got a big bounce as well a few days later at the DNC, which coincided with some very stupid things that Trump said that week.
In any case, still three months till the election so it's not like you need to be paying attention to this projection too closely.
Anything polled before the deb8s is basically meaningless. I'll admit defeat if the tone doesn't change then, but I think we're going to see an unhealthy Hillary that can't handle the bantz or the pressure. The media has insulated her from major criticism so far, and her main opponent on the Democratic side refused to attack her over her dirty laundry. Trump isn't going to hold back, and he's proven that he can handle the pressure of ~15 people on a stage out for his throat specifically. Clinton will be a cakewalk.
Gotcha. Thanks for the feedback
The media is jumping on what they see as a moment of weakness and trying their absolute hardest to shill for Hillary as much as they possibly can.
Think about it. Trump's numbers went up after saying 'ban Muslim immigration'. Do you actually think his numbers would plummet so dramatically when he didn't even really do anything?
And how did he personally attack them, CTR-kun?
I assume that this election's big theme is gambling because I never recall them using anything quite like this in the past.
Yeah basically Hillary is slaying ass right now.
After the debates trumpfags will sudoku
For people on the left the convention was leagues above the RNC
They could be rigging the polls thinking we won't believe that happens because of the "skewed polls " bullshit the repubs did with Rmoney that ended up being fantasy. Or these could be real. Dunno, guess we'll see. I really find it hard to believe Hillary has that much support.
>cuck says some dumb shit
>goes as far to say "hillary supporter here"
Treasonous fuck. GTFO
What has Hillary done to 'slay ass'?
>This triggers the trumplet
For those who are wondering what CTR is
CTR is a a pro-hillary clinton group that is paid to post on websites such as Sup Forums and Reddit. However, Sup Forums is where they are focusing some resources as Sup Forums and r/the_donald is effective a unpaid Trump superpac.
However, CTR doesnt' post pro-hillary clinton content on Sup Forums because that would be very obvious and people would shitpost it to death. Instead, any time someone offers an insightful and truthful observation of the Trump campaign, CTR quickly posts things like .
Sup Forumstards are smart enough to know that the khan comments and the russia comments and the purple heart comments are the reason why trump went from being in the lead to being double digits behind.
CTR doesn't want Sup Forums to realize this and change it's message and its advertising (memeing) for Trump, as a result they continue to push this false CTR-meme of "anyone who criticizes Trump is CTR" when in reality, anyone who defends Trump punching down towards the Khan's, asking Russian to hack Hillary, or whatever is actually CTR.
I was making a joke, you spaz, and that doesn't answer my question.
> better flood the board with concern trolling
You're too predictable, CTR
>anyone who defends Trump punching down towards the Khan's, asking Russian to hack Hillary, or whatever is actually CTR.
>punching down
>asking russians to hack
>t. CTR
The buyers pay for the results, not for good science.
i.e. the polls are bullshit and made up. Especially the ones from Silver are absolute bs.
Deep breaths
>CTR doesn't want Sup Forums to realize this and change it's message and its advertising (memeing) for Trump, as a result they continue to push this false CTR-meme of "anyone who criticizes Trump is CTR" when in reality, anyone who defends Trump punching down towards the Khan's, asking Russian to hack Hillary, or whatever is actually CTR.
Nothing. Its a massive media psyops unlike ever seen before. It turns out that the DNC and their massive marxist machine used the primary as a warmup and came prepared for the general. People of average and even above average intelligence are being easily manipulated by this media campaign. It is relentless and unprecedented. If it wasn't such a horrific and disturbing show of power it would be worthy of applause.
>they can't even make an original meme
Meme magic is not on your side.
He's predicted every state in the past 2 elections, doing that by pure chance is impossible. Also silver doesn't poll himself, he just aggregates and infers from existing polls.
No, no, no. What has Hillary DONE to 'slay ass', as the other user put it in such eloquent ebonics.
Fuck off Poland
its called rigging the polls
what? he got fucked in the primary with bernie and hillary. called a whole bunch of shit wrong. his last name is fucking silver. the guy is taking donations u fuck.
It's actually rather impressive what they have been able to do.
That said it's not helping get bodies out for her. DNC turnout is down huge and no one is going to see her speak in person.
Of course, the media tells us these facts don't matter. Why would they? Enthusiasm and turnout are irrelevant according to the media.
But you know that if the reverse were true, you would never hear the end of it.
>Are there other polls that say otherwise?
No. The polls are pretty unanimous that Trump is a loser.
>trumpcucks complaining about a jew pollster
>have no problem with their candidate's daughter literally marrying a jew and converting to judaism
just fuck off you retards
He also predicted Trump was finished and would never get the nomination. Seven times.
Thanks. This changes all of my belief. I will erase morality from my mind and vote for Hillary Clinton. Thanks for correcting my record, shill.
Wow bet you made a nice chunk of change for that one, it sure would be a great idea for the people who have propelled trump into the spotlight to switch up their act
Theyre fabricating a narrative to make the obvious election fraud less obvious. Buy guns. We're playing chicken and if no one blinks its civil war.
This graph is fucking awesome
it's a forecast, not the polls
538 aka Disney is desperately trying to bury Trump. The polls are too close, so they must resort to "forecasts".
I agree. It is astonishing and a amazing spectacle to behold the accumulated force of the media thought control machine unhinged. They really are blowing their load. Not sure they can turn back after this. I am ignoring each poll and all MSM and 2nd tier - left and right. I look at the energy and motivation of the trump base and I feel optimistic - but alas I sometimes wonder if I am way off base. Without any trustworthy data or sources its hard to gauge it sometimes.
Clinton and Trump just bounced off each other is all.
Now until November, Hillary will hit the ceiling, bouncing down, while Trump hits the floor and bounces up.
The catalyst of the floor and ceiling bounce has everything to do with Hillary's *ahem* (((career))).
Screen cap this.
Because it's bullshit
yeah you don't sound butt hurt at all.
wow this is so biased its laughable
Singapore we don't use an apostrophe to make words plural in English.
>jew daughter has 0 ability to influence the election
>(((trusted))) jew pollster is in prime position to influence the election
hmmmm..makes ya think.
I screen capped it because I want to laugh at how stupid you are in november
You were saying?
This. The only possible way for anyone to vote for Hillary is to switch off their morality button when they go to the voting booth. There is no morally justifiable reason to vote for that bitch.
What exactly did Trump say about Khan?
Wow, I'm #MentallyHill now.
That is the worst polling methodology I've ever seen. Did these 13 'graduate' students sleep through statistics?
I'm voting Hillary and even I think the polls are bullshit. Trump's had an excellent start for this week (beside the protests at Detroit) in terms of resetting his campaign to the key points of attacking Hillary. +He gets way more crowds than Hillary ever does and the media completely shills for her.
I don't want Trump to win, but I'm not going to believe for a second that he's that far under her. He has a real chance at winning. Aside from my political view, go out and vote, if you don't, go fuck yourself.
lol. Not even sure of the implication you're making there.
Ya'll gunna meme straight into a dumpster fire.
I'm pretty sure hat was taken before anyone came... Not sure tho
Assange has been making hype and talking shit for months, yet 95% of the time when he says he'll do something, it never happens!
Almost like he's using it as leverage for his stupid asylum bullshit and you morons take the bait every time!
I don't care. I follow someone that predicted Trump could win the primary, than predicted that he would win the nomination after the CNN debate in mid-March. And his predictions for the general are:
Hillary Clinton, Democrat . . . . . 53%
Donald Trump, Republican . . . . 35%
Gary Johnson, Libertarian . . . . . . 9%
Jill Stein, Green Party . . . . . . . . . 3%
welp, now im #wither
what makes you want to vote for her?
Trumplets on suicide watch
this guy sounds like a complete fucktard
>called 1000 homes but got over 45k votes
>asking 33% Democrats, 33% Republicans, 33% Independents instead of just a fair share of likely voters
>thinking graduate students and military are proper nouns
>The fuck happened?
Khan happened.
So how many people are going to livestream their suicides on Sup Forums after trump's crushing loss? Asking for a friend that wants to watch and laugh
No you won't. We're all anonymous here. If Trump loses, everyone will take the winning side and we'll all troll the shit out of all of us that were previously Trump supporters. We'll all say "WE TOLD YOU SO" with our images, our memes and our videos.
If Trump wins and Hillary gets tossed, we'll claim to have always been on the winning side, always believing, always having faith. We'll mock Clinton, the democrats and all the shills that followed her in the months prior.
Like I said, we're all anonymous here. It really doesn't matter who wins in the end. Look at Brexit. They gained their independence and voted leave against all odds . . . and it all blew over. Nobody really cares now. Just like nobody cares about all the Happenings that have happened (Orlando, Nice, the airport bombings, etc. etc.) It all just blows over.
This election is like a movie everyone is anticipating and hyped for. Then it comes out, and people move on. With this though, we're all just speculating.
It looks impossible for Trump, but then again, it always has. Everyone, including myself have constantly been underestimating him and his campaign since it was announced last year. Then while we mock and doubt him, he somehow bounces back and surprises everyone. If I had a nickel for every time we thought that "TRUMP IS FINISHED, FINALLY, HE IS BTFO AND STUMPED" I'd be a rich man. I remember when Rubio was a threat and everyone on here was like "DONALD DOESN'T HAVE A CHANCE". Then it was Cruz. Then it was Romney and the GOP threatening his campaign. Then the riots and protests during the winter months. Then the comments he said about people. Then Trump University. Then the Judge thing. Then never trump. I could go on and on.
We'll see. Things change.
By saying that Mrs. Khan couldn't say anything because she wasn't allowed to as a Muslim.
being a guilt ridden, ashamed, mentally ill sad person who tries to atone by taking a stance against (((racism)))) (((sexism))) an (((((islamophobia)))) because america was and always will be a country strong through ((((((diversity))))))
>jew daughter is his closest advisor
>jew daughter shills for libshit positions on the stage at the RNC while retarded trumpcucks clap like trained seals because of her last name
Then dont be so surprised when the polls lean in clintons favor then because the country is center left.
Its like you just assume everyone agreed that the convention was shit and you are astounded when the polls show a huge jump
Voting for Jill.
I would rather see people write-in, or not vote, than vote for someone they dislike out of fear of someone they think is far worse...
That isnt even the only example.
yeah just like all those racist ukippers
when britain voted remain
Or maybe this one.
That's not what he said
we win when you start incorporating our dank
So what did Trump say?
keep memein' boys
Didn't read most of your post because it was starting to sound circle jerky. I screen capped it for lulz bitch.
no need to get angry Im just asking for a friend. Hey I may watch too but im not gonna commit yet
oh fuck off. silver has enormous potential over the polling narrative for a lot of independents. He has the potential to impact voter turnout and affect voter psychology on a mass scale. You might not know this, but nobody gives a fuck about ivanka giving a speech. They clap because shes funny and nobody cares you cancerous fucking pos.
>Clinton with absolute majority
doubtful desu
she only had 200 people in St Pete, Florida today in an auditorium with a 4000 capacity. This election is a literal joke and she really has no support.
1000 in each state.
Never mind that most states charge thousands for their registered voter rolls
Never mind that young voters, urban voters, and others are notoriously difficult to reach
Never mind that 14 guys supposedly made 150,000 calls in 2 weeks (or are we supposed to believe that everybody answered the first time?)
Never mind that it takes a professional organization to weight a respondents score based on demographics to determine how that individual should affect the poll
This says Trump is going to win by 80 points and proves that the rallies are truth
cuck has been here long before trump, newfag
you mean because you're retards who don't give a shit about policy
>They clap because shes funny
what jokes did she make?
Guy's, come on.
Yeah, this election is a joke because it was determined months, or perhaps years ago behind closed doors.
A down syndrome orangutan could win gainst clinton, nobody likes her, yet she is winning and will win.
its a fucking reblogged facebook post bro. fucking relax. its clearly shit. but we still in this though praise kek
>The hell is going on with this?
remember how before Trump decided to run for president, he was best buddies with the Clintons?
Remember when Trump destroyed the chances of all other Republicans?
Trump was Clinton's Trojan Horse. His mission was to neutralize the Republican party.
He did it.
People mostly just think Trump is an idiot, and don't want an idiot president. Even if he is a celebrity.
This happened. Journo Pro is real and very much alive.
$.05 has been added to your account. Thank you for Correcting The Record!
Look around. Those results are not based on polls, they're based on demographics and favourables.
>Hilary Supporter
>Sup Forums
>cuck has been here long before trump, newfag
and "trumpcuck" has never been used, at all
know why?