The woman and the ponytail who reads out the rules need to be thrown into fire.
Spencer is a sociopath and I can't bear to watch anything with him in it because my hatred for him is that intense. I may disagree with Harmon's politics, but his heart seems to be in the right place. Spencer literally tells people he disagrees with to kill themselves. Fuck him.
But other than that.. if you liked the D&D portions of Harmontown, you'll enjoy this. It's the same thing, but with visual accompaniment. I wish the art wasn't so Family Guyish, but I guess Seeso doesn't have much of a budget to give them.
>and the ponytail who reads out the rules
you mean the dungeon master. haha what are you a fucking retard?
also, he is the best part of the entre show. he is probably one of the best DMs
It's okay. Harmon is the worst part and it's a shitty DnD session but apart from that you can get a few laughs. The goblin is good.
when does spencer do that?
Spencer is the worst. It was sickening how the Harmontown documentary portrayed him as some sort of magical autistic angel.
>tfw SeeSo is going to close down operation soon because it's performing poorly and Comcast's patience is running out
Erin is clearly the worst part. And Spencer is best boy
Who would you all like to see as a guest?
Drumpf, obviously.
I thought he was a fucking heto after seeing that movie, an example of what I wish I was. If only all that time spent deconstructing Dan's ego had been spent deconstructing Spencer's. I wonder if Spencer is even capable of guilt or humility.
Me, so I could defend my own existence to Spencer.
I want to enjoy this but Harmon really annoys me. He is really far up his own ass
He is introspective enough to realize he makes mistakes, but he'll never realize DRUMPF REEEEEEE was a mistake.
i like Jeff Davis
The "I only know two things in this world: dice.... and no dice." line still cracks me up. As someone who never listened to Harmontown I thought this was pretty good (although most of the guests were forgettable). Any news on the second season? I heard it got renewed.
It's too bad that PFT was the best guest and only in the first episode.
I hope he at least comes back for season 2. I enjoyed this show, it hit home pretty well. Some episodes suffered from poor guest stars but Jeff Davis was great in every episode.
I like the DM
hes a turbo neckbeard but he has good enough bantz
also season 2 has some weird guest stars, elizabeth olson is going to be on there for some reason
season 2 premiers in a couple of weeks. the 27th I think its going to be out? somewhere around that date
They shouldn't have killed off his character then.
Erin really drags the show down
I want her to come back for season 2 so that we can see Dan squirming from discomfort.
did they divorce during or before the show was going on? if it was before it seems super weird for Dan to invite her on the show
After the show was taped.
The divorce still isn't finalized.
I'm guessing they're fighting over money.
The episode with the fat black retard was without a doubt the worst fucking thing i have ever watched.