>This latest video takes place in Israel where, after a series of bloody terrorist attacks, a dead terrorist had pork dumped on his face by a local.
> Kiryat Arba resident has lit the internet on fire over the weekend, after footage surfaced of him placing what he says is a piece of pork on the body of a dead terrorist killed by Israel Police during an attack on Israeli civiilians Friday.
> In the video, Magen David Adom (MDA) medics can be seen performing resuscitation on the terrorist. In the interim, the resident succeeds in getting close to the body and placing the piece of meat upon it, sarcastically telling the terrorist to "enjoy" it.
> Even the acting mayor of Kiryat Arba, Yisrael Bramson, backed the radical act.
>>"I was there when it happened," he said. "I think this is a very basic and legitimate response."
> "I do not condemn what happened," he added. "They do not need to get their bodies back, you have to throw them into the sea at best."
> "The terrorist came to slaughter the Jews and we had to treat him like he meant to treat us."
Apparently it doesn't actually work like that or some shit
Landon Scott
It does not. Also, why the fuck do jews have pork?
John Gray
Very sensible.
Charles Cooper
>denying him his virgins weird religion beliefs
Joseph Martinez
israelis aren't actually jews
Leo Ross
Some jews eat pork because they are reformed(unlike Mudslimes) and of course there's the goy tourists they charge 600 Euros to carry a hundred pound wooden cross for 200 meters, who have to eat comfortably.
Jason Johnson
It's the power of meme magic. We can literally meme-sabotage their own religion with memes like that.
Christopher Walker
>Israel Among the Least Religious Countries in the World
No Iman has ever specified the gender of the virgins.
Wyatt Adams
Christianity says no eating meat on Friday, but that doesn't seem to stop most Christians.
Justin Cox
If Kek wills it
Wyatt Myers
Is the pork kosher? That's what I want to know.
Chase Diaz
12 year old tight sweet boipussi it is then.
Alexander Gonzalez
That's because we've had several reforms. There are no Christians from the Roman times left anyway. We were stuck with a tribal like Christianity after the power vacuum left behind after the fall of Rome, when converted barbarians from Germania got into power as the clergy. After Martin Luther got The ProtestantLutherin branch started, several others also popped up. No one actually follow the scripture like it is law. The Jews even got their reformation much earlier than Christians also. The only world monotheistic religion that's still stuck in the mud is Islam.
Jeremiah Rogers
Terrorists work by getting moderates pissed off at you. Doing shit like this pisses off the moderates and makes them more likely to sign up with the terrorists.
Alexander Morris
You can just burn them, pretty sure they hate that too
Alexander Garcia
>pork >in Israel >not kosher >not halal
Who let the infiltrator in?
William Hughes
indeed he does!
Adrian Harris
It does not work like that. As a Muslim if I do not willingly partake I am fine. If I am forced to against my will then it is not a sin. So if it happens do a dead Muslim brother then it does not count.
Jaxon Rogers
What if we torture you until you do, or make you take drugs to trick you into doing it?
Josiah Taylor
based kikes? they do the same to the goyim .. they are the same savages just like muslims
Samuel Richardson
still doesn't count. in fact pork becomes permissible in a 'lord of the flies' scenario.