Yes, it is that time again, where we all must prove out whiteness and manliness by posting a picture of our manhood.
Make haste, Sup Forums.
Yes, it is that time again, where we all must prove out whiteness and manliness by posting a picture of our manhood.
Make haste, Sup Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
I know thats not you but its depressing that my cock is only half of that in the pic, possibly smaller
Kill me now
Time to prove white dicks are bigger. BRB getting the camera, you guys post yours in the meantime.
Can we glass the Aussies after we're done with Mehmet?
How does it feel knowing you'll never be able to please a woman with your meager canadian cock.
One of these days on here i will
still no proof how disgusting
If his son is this big, just imagine Boris' donger.
thats it im a #cruzmissle
Tfw unshaven. It aint small neither. Somethin tells me nobody is small on here
As i told you. You dont fuck me over. And i will remind you every time. And i will make fate make me meet you.
I also meant 8.5 as a r8 not as a size. I'd love to but penis deserves full disclosure not a nasty 70s bush
would you give me a manly blowjob
I'm a straight but I have to admit you're a very handsome man OP. Good for you.
Time for a ban.
At this point prolly a 75-80% chance depending
remember that
>a) only a tiny portion of men are blessed like this
>b) most women don't care anyway
my ex cheated on me with a fucking microdicked fat filipino. last time i date a white girl for sure, that shit is still insulting
>muh degeneracy
Shitposting done right. Take note leafs.
it's the summer crowd, loosen up bud.
how do you know how big his penis was user
would you suck it to cleanse greece of its debt
That faggot must play life in worst than easy mode
Such is this unfair world
Ill help you kill her.
I would but shit's bannable fagbro. Just got back from a 3-day for posting a chick in a thong. Fucking bullshit mods.
>how can nigger boys even compete
came out during the final battle.
>wtf you fuckin slut, what he had a way bigger dick or something i can't understand this
>um, no not even close
shit got pretty weird im glad its over
she'll do that herself. daddy issues up the ass, he became a homeless meth head and abandoned her while we were in highschool
be brave user
Just move back and forth from certain /soc/ threads also I just realised I was talking to OP. Thought it was a random. You can change that 75-80% to a definite 100 but this
Makes me think we're merely memeing. Also OP wheres your dick hood lol jokes
Depends on how drunk and how horny I was. If you're a faggot then definitely not, though.
If you go on soc it will disprove bbc in a few threads
Ive never liked this guy's turtlecap
ugh white guys with big cocks and muscles are such eye candy I'm drooling
im as straight as you user
A reminder that guys with dicks this big can only ever fuck A) girls who are just trying it out B) Sluts and C) Whores. No upstanding lady wants a cock that big. You won't get nonsluts returning to that well. Its just too much work.
>mfw serious Sup Forums leakage
straight as a rainbow
How to make your dick look big:
-Take a pic where you can't see bellow your knee
-Break the base of your dick so when you have a boner it always reach down instead of up
-Grab the base of your dick and press to your pubic bone.
Congratz your dick looks big!
Are you faggots virgin or what?
SAGE degenerate scum
keep telling yourself that user
Wat. Anyways I like the ceiling pointer boners myself
tfw the mods approve of my thread
> that pic
> porn
anyway, I thought I'd throw this link out there for "reference"
Vanity Salon?
Hows life in plymouth bro?
Not bad
it is a okay looking cock user, 7/10
pimples under the head of it tho are weird
Nice dong.
woah. nice size! if only you weren't circumcised
This guy just wants pics to jerk it to
nice cockrocket m8
try getting a wife with an uncut dick you mole
Oh okay. It's just broing up in that case, it's not gay or anything. As long as we're having a good time and enjoying each others masculinity it means nothing. You'd probably have to go easy on me and teach me though, I've never done that shit before.
how is this bullshit still up? fucking mods
Youre killin muh boner but i got it done in my 20s for shits and giggles
This is the closest I've seen to my cock, thanks user
Danka you
White pride m8
This Johnson is in support of Gary Johnson. #RideTheJohnson #JohnsonsOutForGaryJohnson
mods pls gas this thread, there are other boards for this bullshit
That is a hawt as fuck hashtag. Reminds of the celeb dick pic trends of late. 9.25 on the pic
>Sup Forums
>bitches about 'degeneracy' all day long in threads on other boards that have nothing to do with them
>posts gay porn unironically on its own board
imagine getting to suck that wow
>1 post by this ID
what kind of pussy you pull in with that?
You made quite the thread you stud
deleting in 2 mins
gross uncut smelly dick
probably french
so is it like 12"?
All types i miss my half feather indian white ex i was john adams and she was my flat foot indian
Fuck you faggot. His dick looks fine.
Lol a very pro circ guy. Also the whole deleting soon thing he said was funny
I thought you said "KEKS of Sup Forums", my mistake.
i thought we were bros with benefits how could you dog me over this deformed french canadian
we're over greekydeeky
That doesn't bother me at all. What bothers me is that I'll never even have a chance to displease a woman with my tiny white dick.
how are the loads like?
Bathmate. Think of it this way. Sure. Every 15 year old has used an air pump. But when you marinate anything in water it thaws quicker. Water in bathmate actually works on dicksize unlike air, and it won't break anything
What a question. Niice. Never thought to ask that in correlation with anything. Ahh. Dick adds more fun shit erryday
thats so hot user i wouldve ridden you
12.8/10 you need to be the new wiki guy on masturbation articles
u enjoy cleaning cum off the floor?
2bh your dick looks better but his isn't bad. Anyway I'm more impressed by your handsome face and nice fit body. I wish I was that blessed.
FFS Sup Forums i don't browse this board to see cock, kindly remove this leftist crap.
I beat my dick alot so big loads of chlorine
post ur cock mate
show me your dick user
Yeah these peashooters hold no water
>they don't pressure wash anything
The feels
Penis pupiles or what ever
They are clit ticklers
>nasty 70s bush