refute this or accept that your candidate is a meme
refute this or accept that your candidate is a meme
Thanks for: Correcting The Record
2 Shekels have been deposited into your account.
this is an easy one
you ready to have your mind blown?
>presented with well sourced argument
spouts memes instead
trump supporters everyone
prove that politifact is not a valid source. im waiting....
Begone Leaf
literally how does this prove anything? you cant just post an image and say its an argument
Now you're just asking for a billion image dumps of Politifact being full retard, and you'll get them.
>claims there are images
>posts none
BCBS of IL is over $100m in the hole due to Obamacare. They're culling VP's left and right and restructuring. Cutting benefits and raising rates.
I mean, someone just did, and you said it didn't prove anything. Even though Politifact is clearly biased depending on who they're analyzing, and will call some full blown liars while only calling others on saying "half-truths" for basically the same twisting of statistics.
Politicians bend stats all the time for their gain. The difference is, when the politicians people don't like do it, they'll go apeshit, while giving a pass to politicians they like. You're doing the exact same here.
Politifact is biased, and so are you. Now fuck off, your thread is shit.
>Boehner’s use of the word "destroy" mischaracterizes what is going on, since the reduction will come from voluntary actions by workers, rather than layoffs by employers. The law would not push up unemployment. In fact, some people at the low end of the wage ladder would find it easier to find work as a result of the predicted shifts in the workforce.
>In addition, it’s misleading to refer to 2.3 million "jobs," since CBO combined all incremental losses of hours worked into full-time-job equivalents. Under this scenario, we would expect many more than 2.3 million people to be affected, but many of them would cut their hours a few at a time, rather than quitting their jobs entirely.
lmfao I thought you guys were exaggerating politifact's bias but this is fucking unbelievable. It's literally worse than they're saying and they rate is mostly false
For the love of god Hiroshimoot please let us filter by flags. These FUCKING LEAFS are shitting up this board so hard.
I dont see your point, they are saying different things. are you fucking stupid?
But if it's worse than they originally claimed, it's still false, right? :^))))))))))))))))))))
t. Politifact
If politifact can't outright call something false they always just start arguing semantics and rate it false anyway
>are you fucking stupid?
After missing the point entirely, that's just hilarious
>cant think of anything to say
you can leave my thread now kid
Is that image real? The bias is so obvious it's hard to believe.
Donald Trump is the only one who actually cares about the integrity of the American people. Politifact doesn't care about the people, they care about their socialist agenda.
They're known to just completely pull shit out of their ass when they say how true something is and always put Trump in a bad light.
"they are saying different things" is not an argument, and calling someone stupid is even less so.
You can stop making shit threads and leave the board, any time now
I don't understand
Trump claims that obama care will cost 2 million jobs
but those links prove that it will
Man Hillary supporters are dumb as fucking rocks , And no independent or third party is the same as supporting Hillary. Shrill , Nice correct the record link.
Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit.
Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.
(replace spaces with dots)
Excuse me Mr. Maple leafe but that image contains no support for its assertions labeling the claims lies.
Can you actually prove nobody lost their job over nigger care?
I know I have heard of many jobs being modified by employer into part time thus non covered positions . Some companies closed because they couldn't meet the burdens so its certain some even many lost jobs so that illegals and nigger layabouts could get their abortions free
If you could nuke 1 city in Canada, what city would it be?
Free twofer.