Is Mel Gibson the most redpilled actor?
>the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.
Is Mel Gibson the most redpilled actor?
>the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.
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Yes. I'm going to work for him soon.
im trying to think of a war for which jews were not responsible. red pill me on the american revolution?
his movies are intensive, too bad he doesnt make more of them.
He stopped getting as many acting gigs once he was recorded being drunk and "racist".
i ment movies where he doesnt act, like the passion of christ or apocalypto
He was the literal only reason to watch Expendables 3. He was fucking fantastic in it. The "new kids" actors all sucked ass.
Oh. He's probably just getting old.
I've always been a big Gibson fan. I was immediately skeptical when the (((media))) went blood-thirsty on him. I hadn't realized the extent of the conspiring behind it at the time.
Whenever I'd defend him to idiots, they'd just repeat the mental tape recording that had been uploaded into their brains- "hurr durr Muh antisemite."
That was when I realized the full extent of what suggestible morons people are. Needless to say I was deeply pleased when I discovered pol was such a supporter of him.
He's a great, versatile actor and director.
Not sure he's the most redpilled, but he's gotta be up there.
YFW pol's Hollywood hero is an Aussie shitposter.
How is apocalypto anyway?
Ending is dope.
>tfw spanish coming ashore
>tfw real reason the movie is called Apocalypto
What are you going to do?
Why is that?
I watched it on tv accidentally, it was incredible. The plot wouldnt interest me much (not into that kind of genre), but the movie is very immersive once you start watching it.
A true epic, if such a thing could exist in modern times
Every movie Mel Gibson has been a part of has been amazing. Honestly from a range like Braveheart to What Women Want it's pretty insane. We Were Soldiers for example is an amazing movie so are the Lethal weapons ones and do I even have to mention the Mad Max series. The. You have the passion or Apocalypto which is easily one of the best period pieces of all time, we don't have actors like this any more. Now we have Jesse Eisenbergs
It's really good. Don't let the Gibson haters fool you. It's almost the perfect movie.
Also, is right. The "Apocalyptic" theme is earned at the ending scene. The brutality that we experience in the film isn't what's so terrible---as horrific as it is. Their entire civilization is about to get wiped out by a superior civilization. This is the true horror.
You mean former actor.
Any where I can rent it online for streaming? I'd rather not fucking torrent it and if in a little way I can support Mel Gibson and redpilled kino then I'd like to. It's not available on Amazon nor anywhere else and I couldn't find it on a paid streaming service like Netflix. Will I just have to literally rent a DVD copy?
One of the greatest movies I've seen
well its in itunes ausie store
weird they dont put it in us store? they boycott the movie or something?
I don't know. It's weird
I found a copy in the $5 bargin bin at Walmart
Movie's been out for a while so that's no indicator of its quality so don't worry about that
What do you think??
>going outside
He was one of original oldfags on / new/.
Based Mel
Based strayans keeping it real
It's on youtube if you can bear the garbage quality and 67 ads
Yeah I saw those, the only one that I could find that didn't have some weird white fog effect on it was in Italian so I'm not so sure about that