The Key to All of This Edition
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fucking delet dis
>you'll never cum deep inside Audrey Horne and impregnate her
Let him out of the Waiting Room, David ;_;
>I'm so depressed, I don't know what I'm doing
1 (You) = 1 prayer for David
Tell me about the Jumping Man
Why does he do the hippity hopping?
You get to choose who plays in the roadhouse for the last ep
Who do you choose?
even lynch knew Inland Empire was a piece of shit
Things I noticed rewatching s8:
- there is an owl cookie jar in Dougie's house.
- there is a carved duck in the murder victims apartment. David Lynch has referred to his approach of filming "from the eye of the duck"
- there are two hearts on Dougie's fridge. A dark blue one with yellow stripes and a red one with yellow stripes. Hmmmm
David Bowie
Suzanne Vega, without question.
Julee Cruise
Talking heads
Chet was a great cop, he had his own M.O. (modus operandi)
Eddie Vedder
Julie cruise
that's gonna be the final episode
Steve Reich
>tfw new twin peaks is the only thing i live for
What's she looking at, /tpg/?
Cat Powers
This is the objectively correct answer, but I want slowdive
sometimes I wonder if Scotty Auks lifted this whole bit from Lynch
>who plays in the roadhouse for the last ep
>implying the last episode isn't the final episode
EP 9 leak from Croatia showing Phillip Jefferies
David Robert Jones ;_;
I don't get it, why did they abandon the cataract eyes?
Jesus and Mary Chain, playing "In a Hole"
only in the lodge. outside the lodge they're pitch black
There's only ONE Chet
But the jumping man doesn't really do anything... He's just there in the background... jumping.
I imagine it will be Angelo
what exactly was Chet's M.O.?
I know right, it's cool.
Book house boys barbershop cover of god only knows
>hate Ray when he's introduced
>he's one of my favorite characters after episode 8
I don't know what his end-game is, but I hope he succeeds.
Seems like "not eating anything" and "getting almost no sleep".
Billy Joel - Piano Man with the whole twin peaks gang joining in and strobe lights
I kinda felt the same way. Rewatching the earlier episodes, it's clear that he's never really afraid of Mr. C like everyone else is.
I liked his phonecall to Jeffries, he basically glossed over the horrible extradimensional terror that unfolded right in front of him
>I'm so depressed, I don't know what I'm doing
But he's talking about his life in general, no?
What makes you think so?
The only Doppelganger we see inside the Lodge is the Arm's one, and it's an eyeless tree.
fuck off, Sup Forums
Limp Bizkit? Or Deftones. Maybe The Deftones.
Ray is definitely /our guy/
>there are two hearts on Dougie's fridge
what hearts?
When will he return?
Pink Floyd (David Gilmour)
This video should be mandatory viewing. It blows the lid off on why the acting is so all over the place in Twin Peaks.
tv completely and utterly btfo
>I don't know what his end-game is,
I'm fairly certain it's getting paid for killing Mr. Cooper
Animal Collective
Pretentious tripe.
I watched the first episode and it was just half an hour of some guy sitting on a couch on a theatre stage.
As interesting as watching paint dry.
Kill yourselves pretentious art fags.
poor chet
The one and only
>he doesn't enjoy watching paint dry
wow user wow
What was the deal with Buella and the super creepy hillbillies? Why were they staying there? Why was Doop familiar with them?
I can't tell if the new arm is supposed to be a sycamore with a testicle on top as an insult to Michael Anderson or representing a neuron with synapses spreading from it linking to nothing as an insult to Michael Anderson's faulty brain.
(they/them being Ray and the hot girl)
That was Lynch's portrayal of ethnic Drumpfkins.
thanks for the garmonbozia
they were lodge lads
>it was just half an hour of some guy sitting on a couch on a theatre stage
Really fires the neurons through my synapses.
bridge people
But what is Ray's connection to them? How did Doop know Ray?
Ray is in contact with Jeffries so it's seeming likely that he was the one who set them all up
Man, DoppelCoop in the last episode of season two really creeps me out. Season 3 he's just sort of mellow.
well he has been roaming around doing evil shit for 25 years so he probably got bored after a while
I would love to hear him tear through "Sycamore Trees". The man has pipes for days
Bowie singing China girl on stage with judy
Between Two Mysteries, after David Bowie, is objectively the best answer.
You were witnessing his birth so it stands to reason he would be a bit more animated in his first appearance
So how are we gonna do this if David Bowie is kill?
idk sounds like he's talking about my life in general
Where is the Stan trailer with those new scenes? Cant find it on youtube.
does anyone have a webm or a gif of booper giving the thumbs up
Scene with pancakes and coffee when Dougie-Coop has a tie on his head. There is an owl cookie jar very deliberately framed between Dougie and Sonny Jim, and when Naomi Wifes opens the fridge twice there is a paper heart on each door.... Very dualistic
No, it shows that his best movie came out of depression and not careful planning. Just letting his mind spill out onto the screen.
>Jumping Man will never gently but deeply fuck me up my ass
Lads, I'm serious: why even live?
Dunkey said he'll do it
I couldn't watch TP when it originally aired because it was so BORING. Every time I tuned in, it was people talking in a room. That's it. And if I stayed long enough to hear what they were saying, they would be talking about NOTHING. I figured out that I couldn't follow the plot, (or had to make one up) because there WAS NO PLOT. A man went to a town to investigate a murder. That's it. Nothing else ever happens. Just people talking in rooms. And all this taking NEVER advanced the murder investigation ONE BIT. I liked the part that I was in, (because I was in it), but it still didn't make a hoot of sense. Hard to watch.
Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Did anyone else not recognize Carl Rodd until they were informed it was him? I thought he was supposed to be dirty and deeply disturbed/insane in FWWM but he seems like a perfectly normal dude in the new season.
Why was he so suspicious? What secrets was he hiding? Will we see him again?
I think that was just for the sake of annoying the cops.
And most importantly: why is his phone so BIG?
You know the scene I'm talking about.
Dave Cooper or whatever's his name sitting on the theatre stage, Ep. 1... half an hour of that shit, it was boring and convoluted as fuck, with plots going nowhere.
I bet 99% of the people watching this were bored as fuck as well, they just watch it and delude themselves into thinking they like it to fit with the liberal hipster trash that watches this pretentious tripe.
It's like wine... an entire community of sheep deluding themselves into seeing some hidden complexity and meaning that's just not there, when in reality they are paying $60 for a bottle of fermented grape juice and secretly hating it.
Well, I'll be over there watching Gotham, you know, something with an actual plot, action and interesting characters. May not be as "intellectual" but I bet your ass I will be having more fun than you.
Nah, Harry Dean is a legend and immediately recognisable and never ever normal seeming.
>Ordinary fucking people, man
>dave cooper
>liberal trash
poor quality bait, do not give (you)s