>open Sup Forums
>see this
What would you do?
>open Sup Forums
>see this
What would you do?
feel sad because everyone is going to forget about us bongs and our brexit
everyones going to worship US flag now
Begin investing my winnings.
I'm gonna be drinking a lot on that day one way or another.
Shitpost MAGA stuff all over the place for a few days and then go back to usual Sup Forums business
Lay off the booze Satan, you have work to do
Trump doesn't have the:
uneducated female vote
educated male vote
educated female vote
hispanic vote
black vote
Yet somehow you guys think the polls are fake and he's going to win. Delusional, much?
laugh and enjoy my lucid dream
The prospect of him winning really pisses off the libfags, and that's all that matters.
Start my stopwatch to see how long til a CIA hatchetman/BLM activist/Hillary paid hit man offs him whilst simultaneously enacting my "shits going down/ITS HAPPENING"tm plans
>brexit didnt have uneducated female vote
>brexit didnt have educated male vote
>brexit didnt have educated female vote
>brexit didnt have hispanic vote
>brexit didnt have black vote
Laugh in tears as I realize that Sup Forums will enter a golden age.
To be honest, it is going to be great no matter who wins. If Hillary wins, I'll be laughing at all the butthurt americans and the cuckery they are about to witness.
Brexit was a glorified Gallup poll (not legally binding) and not going to happen.
People voted for Brexit like it was a joke, which it is. Not comparable. Sad!
Like, when pigs fly?
Will never happen.
There will be no need for Sup Forums. The concept of "politically incorrect" will become obsolete, because Donald Trump will abolish political correctness from reality via executive order.
Start thinking about Meming Duke into the WH in 2024.
I will praise Kek and hope to get repeating digits
He doesn't have SINGLE women votes while married tend to go conservative. He doesn't need niggers and I doubt many will even vote. All hispanics that matter, cubans, are conservative favored. The rest are in solid blue states already and make no difference. He does have males on lock down both uneducated and educated, not 100%, vut far higher than Hillary.
Good thing those groups won't vote
wait for the assassination announcement.
long live communism
>b-b-buh Brexit wasn't legally valid!!
You are a fucking idiot.
Become a Canadian shitposter.
a single mexican lady who never votes at my job is going to vote just to vote against Trump
so no, his faggotry is going to be his downfall
Start chanting make america white again :^)
>Iceland would never qualify for Euro2016
>Iceland would never beat Austria at Euro2016
>Iceland would never beat England at Euro2016
Still got beaten by France.................and Iceland never got the big prize.
Why not move to mexico?
You don't want to live in mexico?
Less freedom and more violence
>wait until next mass shooting and shitpost about it whilst ending each post with "make america great again"
You started the fire britbong, we will not forgot your greatness. You lit the spark, the USA added in the fuel.
anticipate Trey Gowdy being named the new AG and the cascade of indictments against obongo, holder, shillary, lynch, comey, and koskinen that would be soon to follow
brexit is the defining moment for Britain, you made more history in one piece of legislation than you have being in the EU
>1043 images
You know that's not possible, right?
Barricade shit up for the race war.
Hey idiot I just said he doesn't have single women vote. It really only matters in swing states and I live in one and have met tons of Trump support. Fuck my 92 year old grandfather who has been voting democrat since fucking world war 2 refuses to vote Hillary.
I'd honestly break down and start crying.
(Joyful tears)
Repair ties with progressives, assure them DJT will be the republican FDR with his great government works projects like high energy speed wall trains and rebuilding infrastructure with high energy efficiency.standards.
I'd be super excited. Just imagine what that means. We could make literally anyone president. Just imagine if we could put a dog in the white house in 2024
Oh so you DONT want to live in Mexico
well neither do we
Wake up
>Wake up
>He doesn't need niggers
Romney and McCain didn't either.
Collect $$$ for the bet I just won
>wake up from my nightmare
Yes but the difference is you are racist.
I don't want to live under a racist.
>Delusional, much?
WhIle Trump doesn't have the vote of certain demographics, it can't be overlooked that many left leaning people who would normally vote Democrat hate Hillary for a number of reasons. This election isn't cut and dry
Celebrate with weed and alcohol.
It would have been a mutual victory, britbong.
Light up a j, go outside, laugh my ass off, come back in, turn on MSNBC, and laugh even harder.