RALLIES >Trump in Detroit, MI, 8/8/16 youtu.be/U4BoMbNxwfA >Trump in Windham, NH, 8/6/16 youtu.be/aApLHeAi3Fo >Trump and Pence in Green Bay, WI 8/5/16 youtu.be/HolIHHr0_xg >Trump and Pence in Des Moines, IA 8/5/16 youtu.be/Y-NPJJs68bk >Pence in Norfolk, VA 8/4/16 youtu.be/fax6kqNgl58 >Trump in Maine 8/4/16 youtu.be/10USLAzk2vA >Trump in Daytona Beach, FL 8/3/16 youtu.be/qait77O0DJs
INTERVIEWS >Paul Manafort on FOX 8/7/16 youtu.be/S9Bywyd1qTI >Ben Carson on Hannity 8/4/16 youtu.be/L87c95h_BGo >Oliver North on Hannity 8/4/16 youtu.be/jWOyotpl1nk >Trump on O'Reilly 8/2/16 youtu.be/pJExikwK8tg
ENTERTAINMENT >Wall Street is #WithHer youtu.be/iunhY8_-gtU >Did you wipe the server? youtu.be/7gWRoa52sVc >Compilation of Liberals Predicting that Trump Will Win the Presidency - Michael Moore, MSNBC, TYT youtu.be/lgpt3xsvv9Y >Hillary Clinton: A TOP TEN Breakdown youtu.be/qfj5s5r7_14 >What Trump Must Do to Win youtu.be/hiGDvph6D4Y >How Trump Trolling Hillary Clinton Emails is Genius youtu.be/4muXm4GwrXM >Hillary calm and collected around protesters twitter.com/ericdemamp/status/761299259513720833 >Hillary has something wrong with her youtu.be/OqbDBRWb63s >MAGAbooru maga.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list >Hillary Clinton is Evil! (Remix) youtu.be/vqYJRc0TJkQ >Hillary's Health youtu.be/AHe_tDzebCE
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person too.
Sebastian Wood
Way ahead of you.
Parker Garcia
The photographer must have felt so guilty taking that picture he shot himself in the back several times and fell in a river
Easton Lopez
It doesn't have to be right now but maybeblater on when nationalist movements gain traction we could try to introduce back the better ways for tbe enlightened people.
Bentley Moore
During the debates. Dont expect trump to make gains on her until then.
Jacob Howard
Someone please explain Trump's current path to victory without using the following "arguments": >hurr ur a shill! >them polls be lyin'! >Hillary or her campaign inexplicably imploding for no reason
Mason Martin
I literally stay up and night and think about how fucking corrupt Shillary is. I think about how much she fucking hates the Constitution, and it makes me sick at my stomach. It makes me sick to my stomach that a fucking socialist was almost the Democratic nominee. What the literal fuck is happening America? Can't you see what's going on around you? Haven't you read the FUCKING CONSTITUTION! THEY CAN'T TAKE OUR FUCKING RIGHTS AWAY - FIREARMS, OUR RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH - ALL PROTECTED BY THE CONSTITUTION AND HILLARY WANTS TO TAKE THAT FROM YOU. Why is she ahead in the polls?! WAKE UP, AMERICA! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Idk what the fuck I'll do if Shillary wins.
Ethan Nelson
Maybe later on*
Grayson Reyes
Sean Hannity = based god
Asher Mitchell
The punishment for witches, what is that? That's right.
Jayden Hughes
He'll smack back up once the fog clears.
Jonathan White
If we're taking the bush route we can see him going back up to tie with her at the end of the month.
>tfw America defeating was the best thing to ever happen to the world
you passed the test son. you defeated your dad. and thats the one thing every dad wants to see.
Ryan Phillips
Once the media runs out of money to pay pollsters
Austin Brown
Literally what you awoo fucklets do
I'm sick of wading through your shit to find the actual trump news only to have the thread autosage before anyone can say anything intelligent
Cooper Bennett
we meet up and head to this one island and build our own nation
still looking for a guy to get us free wifi but we have plenty of hunters and chefs
Parker Gomez
Shove it up your ass.
Adrian Moore
Report them and don't respond them. Some are bots and some get triggered and start spamming the thread with it.
The mods have been banning them recently
Tyler Ross
The wholesale public indictment of neoconservatism and its insistence we send Americans to die in expeditionary wars for foreign states who control our politicians by corruption.
Connor Hughes
Lucas Ortiz
Insider user claims that we should look forward to a gradual recovery starting mid-week. Though I'm a bit worried his optimism is misplaced and that we'll be seeing -8 to -15 polls all the way up to the first debate.
Henry Diaz
fuck off leaf
Jordan Evans
Do it faggot
Jaxson Fisher
Her 15 point lead now is so full of shit.
She got booed at her convention and dems left the party.
Logan Morris
>running away
Luke Butler
Reminded to thumbs down this Cenk Ugyur faggot's video, troll the comments, and thumbs up all pro-Trump comments.
Reminder that if Hillary can't run anymore due to health problems they will replace her with Biden, the biggest threat to Trump
Robert Moore
Noah Ortiz
It's called "Lying" Basically, you don't actually tell the truth about the results of the poll because someone is paying you. It's protected by the first amendment.
Nicholas Barnes
Kek has spoken.
Jayden Jenkins
I love you dad.
Chase Nguyen
next week!
David Rivera
>white cis male
No thanks
Grayson Fisher
>“Hard to believe this is the candidate of a major political party. Mr. Trump is a potential disaster as commander-in-chief—uninformed, volatile, poor judgment,” -Barry McCaffrey, retired four-star Army officer.
>“Trump is unexpectedly increasing my enthusiasm for Hillary," -Merrill McPeak, retired Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force.
>“There is concern in the military about Trump." -Anthony Zinni, retired United States Marine Corps general and former Commander in Chief of the United States Central Command.
Charles Morales
Just because you spelled the arguments funny doesn't magically make them invalid. Polling is absolutely garbage, they had to change their methodology just because Trump was winning too much. I don't pretend to know what the actual numbers are, and Trump really might be behind. But I guarantee you all the numbers the media is throwing out there right now are highly biased, if not outright fabrications.
Lincoln Barnes
Has a nominee ever been replaced and has that replacement ever won?
Wyatt Fisher
Caleb Roberts
we'll fire up the pedo memes and Biden will lose in a landslide
>oy vey, it's a flashlight goys! stop talking about this!
Austin Myers
It's ginned up, yes. But pollsters only say what they think they can get away with. Considering that the MSM has their knives openly drawn for Trump, part of me suspects that they're going to push this narrative of him being impossibly underwater as long as they can.
William Morales
16 Aug
Joshua Allen
Fellow CTR! They are trying to filter out our threads by posting the following text
if a shill is spotted use these tags >dr;st don't reply; shill thread >dr;sp don't reply; shill poster
Copy and paste this text into pro trump threads so they get filtered! Use their own weapons against them!!
Camden Rogers
Biden would be much better than Hillary. Still voting for Trump, but the scale of catastrophe our country is facing would be lessened if Hillary was out of the running.
Wyatt Adams
>push this narrative of him being impossibly underwater as long as they can.
Yeah, that's I'm worried about. Even if his support increase they'll just poll more democrats. Too many Americans won't vote for someone who they think is losing
Anthony Carter
So will smith wants to purge the trump menace if we lose the election whats the solution to this?
Jaxon Thompson
I don't need it
Lincoln Roberts
>trump is doing policy speeches left and right >hillary can't stop talking about trump
The polls will turn around sooner rather than later
Adrian Collins
that text doesn't do anything dumbshit
Jeremiah Long
Reminder that state deadlines have past or are fast approaching. At this point I don't even think enough states are open for 270.
Trump will win because he is simultaneously pro-military, anti-war, anti-corruption, and pro-business. He perfectly explicates this concept; it is not the successful and wealthy who are to be hated and opposed; as Marxists and nation-wrecking Jews would have it told; but thieves, frauds, parasitic aliens, and those who oppose national unity for their own shallow, selfish, gains.
Trump will resolve the conflict inherent in western civilization since the end of World War II by identifying the global money power and its agents as the source of all the world's evil; 9/11, the Iraq War, and all of our present problems, from Islamic colonization and terrorism to joblessness and the collapse of the American middle class and freedom of everyone from government interference to protect this corrupt power structure.
He can only lose if there are so many stupid, thoughtless people in the U.S. they vote for a vagina before greatness.
>some hollywood elite thinks he knows what's best for the country
Yeah, middle America enjoys being preached at by them
Aiden Anderson
>Anonymous (ID: AsBS2pu0 What exactly do you do though, glass houses and all that.
Henry Hughes
Haha, Trump is funny and all >but don't you think it's time to support someone who can lead this country with a actual plan for our future? I for one am voException in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(Unknown Source) at java.lang.String.(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(Unknown Source) at org.girs.TopicParser.dump(TopicParser.java:23) at org.girs.TopicParser.main(TopicParser.java:59)
Luke Collins
This is the sweetest thing I've ever seen on Sup Forums
Wyatt Butler
>An egg mcmuffin
Unless the media gives him any more coverage he'll drop off the map.
Samuel Cook
New Awoo, made just now
Xavier Stewart
>Biden, the biggest threat to Trump
Dominic Butler
im guessing that this purge sentiment will grow quite a bit. i guess its ok if leftists do it
Aiden Williams
is that soda real?
Sebastian Reyes
Lol don't care
Angel Adams
Just reply like this
Gabriel Cruz
We are going to make you great again as well. If Trump wins we will show the EU how useless they are, Britain will be unleashed
Xavier Williams
Sebastian Price
>Gas them all? B-but Emperor Barron, Ivanka and Jared.. >ALL OF THEM! >Emperor Barron, Ivanka is merely a convert >Light the menorah, get the Shoah
Landon Cox
hmmm... I wonder why the military is full of hillshill cucks?