Ancap thread #2
Ancap thread
Quit posting the same shit you communist fags
>implying we dont want this
are you some kind of doof?
I'm not a commie but I'm laughing my ass off at this one.
Just not an ancap
i really think most of us here are
"wishing that ancap would work but see these flaws in it"
Jesus I love this shit
Best meme of 2016 by far
Fuck Cruz posting
Love this
My thoughts are that it's not actually anarchist due to powerful corporations eventually being able to conquer a populace and create a totalitarian debtor nation.
Basically any anarchist ideology is bullshit when you factor in the snowballing effect of power which leads to authority, which leads to a state.
This is actually kind of a good thread.
jesus christ nothing makes me laugh like these
"I no longer believe in racial egalitarianism" - Stefan Memeneux
>When no one reposts your work
Fuck off kike kapitalist krony
Here is plain ancap for memes
I like the meme, but this is too contrived
It's just good buisness
Explain this shit:
>everyone can kill everyone
>yet there are slaves
Why don't the slaves just kill you
>he doesn't understand the concept of chains and whips
I think MinCap could work though. Have a minarchist government that only exists to enforce certain fundamental laws like "murder is illegal"
What is NAP?
"Power snowballing" is literally marxism.
they can try to kill me the same i can try to kill them
the minute violence is involved the NAP is thrown out of the window
Does anyone have the M107 one? I forgot to save it. plz help.
Something you do when you're sleepy
when you steal all THEIR shells and redistribute them to the community because THEY broke the NAP in the first place so you have every right to make an example of them
How does one monopolize carpentry?
Non-Aggression Pact.
Anybody else love Anarcho Capitalist and violent extremist Christopher Cantwell?
I've been an ancap since about 2012, and lately I've been loving his promotion of the Physical Removal Principle (PRP) from Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Still a lot more productive than communism. The individual has maximum room to success.
I think this is more your own personal fantasy rather than productive AnCap activities my friend.
>The individual has maximum room to success
Except when monopolies happen and the monopoly holder has infinite leverage.
Even partial monopolies could be detrimental to a person's success, as there are no rules to stop the raising the price of essentials that people have to absolutely have.
its just banter m8 i hate commies but these are pretty funny and if your really a libertarian/ an cap participate in the meme economy and provide anti statist memes
Holy shit, lel.
what must be done
> monopoly meme
> from a statist
yeah he is a pretty cool guy since he is the few e celebs that actually had the balls to fight a group of people face to face you never see stefan doing that
its that just libertarianism
It's a strawman
Someone post the Oblivion Molyguard meme
>t-Communist pretending to be capitalist
unlike you marxists we capitalists can take the banter
>someone insults marx
>they all jump into a hating "intelectual" bandwagon
>someone hate capitalism
>*really makes me think.exe starts running
no its a woodman
More like timber man
ITT people who don't understand that brevity is the heart of comedy
Isn't that just classical liberalism/libertarianism?
Transnational corporations are effectively oligopolies that hardly can be restricted by individual states but we don't pay a hundred billion for an iPhone or whatever. Muh trusts is a meme from 150 years ago.
Good to see us aussie shitposters are on the same page
Hard to kill someone if you just have shitty sticks and they have a rifle
is anyone else actually making these or just taking them from Tumblr or some shit.
shitposter pride world wide
It was his response video to the mexican rioting in San Bernadino or wherever.
Man yall need some hoppe in your life
4716 7305 0207 0112
07/18 - 562
Does this work?
>he didnt already create a facebook page
A lot of these read like: "when the people whose guts I already hate do an outlandish thing that I imagine they would do (but which they've never actually done) just so that I can put that outlandish, imaginary thing in a cartoon and pretend it's really a refutation of their worldview". I'm very far from being "ancap", but if we're talking about the kinds of political systems that actually have gotten people killed in large numbers over the past century, left-wing totalitarian governments are far and away the ones with the highest death toll (Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot etc.) That continues to be the real danger.
I still dont get why people call ancap commies
lol no one cares leaf stfu why are you considering leftism to be an effective form of government lmaoooooo
It is true though. If I own a natural resource like a chunk of land, nobody else will ever be able to use that resource if I choose not to let them.
>be ancap
>spend my life working hard and collecting capital
>take advantage of automated enforcement to enforce contractual responsibilities to me, even after I am dead
>have a bank invest my wealth in natural resources like land, water and air property rights
>rent these resources out posthumously
>use dividends to automatically buy more natural resources
>eventually own over half the earth
>despite not being alive
>strategically buy natural resources and engage in contracts so that I have the option to stop participating in the economy all at once
>major waste of natural resources occurs
>robot army guns down everyone who sets foot on my land
>only use natural resources to fund production of robot army
>have my robots yell "You should have accepted the Lockean Proviso!" whenever they attack anybody
>due to global economic inter-dependency, civilization crumbles and my robots live until the stars burn out, chanting post ironic georgist manifestos as they continue to defend arbitrary property rights.
Sounds like what Turkey did to Russia.
>lol no one cares leaf stfu
>tfw americans fleeing the ancap RPG, flamethrower and mini-nuke wars in the US come flooding across the canadian border only to be met with well-deserved fusillades of Canuck small-arms fire
Feels good lad