>generic superhero trailer
>manchildren cry with joy and scream yeeeeeeeees! in the theater
Generic superhero trailer
dumb frogposter
>ex friend turns around to me
>"i got goosebumps bro"
>his eyes are also watery
finna stroke a nerve pinhead?
>part of the movie comes up which was shown in all the trailers
>get annoyed at everyone who was surprised by it in the theater
>ex friend
my man
>marvel logo shows up
>clapping and cheering
>when you get to the scene where you realize trailer spoiled the movie
Tfw everyone was clapping after the fireworks show last night
>horror movie
>blackies yell the entire movie
The fact that the movie you were seeing had superhero trailers beforehand means you were also there to watch manchild garbage.
>ad for flavor of the month generic netflix original show on facebook
>normies cry with joy and scream yeeeeeeeees!
>literally every capeshit show and movie "looks amazing you guys!" to every fag on Facebook and Instagram
>not enjoying Michael Bay Kino
are burgers unironically like this? I'm not saying someone noisy should expect to be shot here but if they don't shut up they're going to get their shit pushed in.
Peanut gallery niggers are great though.
>people anxiously wait for the credits to end for that extra scene
a little of this is exaggeration but if you see movies at normie hours(Friday Nights etc), you can really be in some pretty awful crowds.
And now the truth comes out.
>nu-Star Wars trailer comes out
>normies are eating it up like its their last meal
Why does that trigger you exactly?
>Convinced to see Wonder Woman due to overwhelmingly positive reviews, hype, despite appearing from the trailer to be generic capeshit with shitty ironic "meta" sense of humor
>Is indeed generic capeshit with shitty ironic "meta" sense of humor
because film is dead, my redditfriend
>ex friend
Nope. Just pointing out OP's hypocrisy.
He admitted he was there to see Transformers btw.
Id rather watch capeshit than a polish art flick about a drummer that throws up alot.
thats the best part of any movie desu