Ally with the USA

>ally with the USA
>get backstabbed by USA (as usual)
>crawl back to Putin

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Woah, he is taller than Putin

no shit. Putin is a manlet. everyone knows that.

Putin is happy, he just got another puppet state in the middle east.
Too bad for roachcunts that he hates mudslimes.

>every alliance is about becoming a puppet.
clearly you don't know politics

Everyone called it, its a shift of power in the east.
NATO is not going to be happy, be prepared to see more pressure on Russia by NATO forces and US policies

for Putin to swing a NATO ally like this, a nation of 70 million, will shift a lot of things

>Everyone called it, its a shift of power in the east.
actually no. before the coup, every said it wasn't possible for turkey to shift.

if you mean after the coup, then no shit, it was the most obvious result.

Isn't this the 5th time they have asked for a clean slate?

Erdogan is such a two faced cuck

>brexit happens
>omg putin i'm so sorry ;-;

Why doesn't Russia take over Turkey?

>>brexit happens
are you retarded? that's not the reason

Russia and Turkey are hard geopolitical Rivals.

Without Nukes they would wage war against each other.

An alliance between the two is extremely unlikely.

>actually no. before the coup,

It was just before it, when Turkey apologized to Russia

Wtf does Brexit has to do with Putin and Erdogan?

>An alliance between the two is extremely unlikely.
Putin believes in realpolitik, he sees an alliance more beneficial to thwart western influence in the region

you're an absolute fuck up

he didn't "swing" anything, Turkey is still a NATO ally.

Facilitating the implementation and real outlook of a multi-polar world (i.e. anti- new world order) is not the pursuit of global or even regional hegemony.

Also, anyone would have jumped in to fill the void of a crushed relationship.
>I told you about americanskis

>a shift of power in the east.
a lot of shifts happening lately.

these are all from the past week or even couple of days ago


check 'em

>Turkey is still a NATO ally
Yea, and NATO is telling Erdogan that if he keeps on with his massive purge he might get kicked out.
Also, Turkey did something interesting after the coup, they blamed their US allies for it.
You're blind if you can't see where this is leading

>implying the US had nothing to do with it

This is just the start

leading where?

It doesn't matter, I didn't say they did, the insteresting part I mentioned is that they blamed the US for it

great conflict (aka happening) between east and west.

these shifts:
are like two teams picking members before a match

Potential economic and political "union" with a russian sphere of influence to counter the recent NATO expansion

Erdogans massive purge may be an indication that he has decided that Russian lets say influence will be more beneficial to him than the west, who might see this purge as a large abuse of power.

Russia will turn a blind eye

>the US beginning to drop support for Saudis
>Saudi treasury going dry
>Saudis flock to Israel
>Turkey flocks to Russia
the Iran nuclear deal was only done in an attempt to prevent Iran from picking team Russia for the coming happening

time will tell how that ends up

the purge is Erdogan ridding his regime from the western puppets, snitches.

I don't think Erdogan believes in reality.

He wants nukes, he wants independence, he wants 9 year old harem , he wants neo ottoman ways back.

He will crash the Economy get couped or assasinated or ultimately do something even more stupid.

what if putin did the coup and made it look like it was the us in order to get some turkey.

>he wants 9 year old harem
this meme needs to fuck off. it's lame and hypocritical when said as a negative on fucking Sup Forums

nah, the americans got caught redhanded, Putin probably showed him actual evidence, and Putin's surveillance of US activity in the region led him to the plan and he tipped Erdogan off in advance, which is why the coup was SUCH a massive failure.

I think is no meme is world religion.

>He wants nukes, he wants independence, he wants 9 year old harem , he wants neo ottoman ways back.

But what if Russia is the answer to that ?
You see, before all this, when tensions between Russia and Turkey were high, NATO had no reason to let Russia and Turkey to stabilize relations, because this tension is to NATOs benefit, serving as a potential reason to intervene. The fact that Erdogan is actively trying to win russian support and relations means that he has broken from NATOs goals.

Erdogan clearly sees something very beneficial in Russian support, enough to stray away from NATOs power over these past tensions. Turkey was warned before that NATO would not intervene if there was conflict, so this could have been the starting point where Erdogan began to see NATO support at useless

>But what if Russia is the answer to that ?

It would utterly cripple Turkeys economy. Then there is the thing that the US would go full berserk or Russia could invade turkey if they get kicked out of NATO lol

See before US elections are over nobody will make their move anyway.

nope. it's a meme from a book than is not the koran (I know because I wanted to look it up to btfo religionfags). it's some random book that only a sect of islam thinks is important.

also back then and even after that, the same thing happened in europe by royals marrying children. marriage was an alliance of factions, not something lovey dovey.

>they blamed US for it
They indirectly blamed them for harbouring and refusing to extradite someone Turkey deems a traitor. Not the same as blaming Obongo and the CIA.

>you're blind if you can't see where this is leading
So far I've noticed that any country that tries to isolate itself from US interest gets their fucking shit kicked in internally thanks to "democracy" for a lack of a better explanation.

A reality check and the predictable side stepping is a natural recoiling reflex that states undergo. If what you're implying about "where this is leading" is Russia deliberately taking the opportunistic approach and expanding its influence much like NATO has, than you're very much so mistaken. Their agenda follows the meta of undermining the (((Anglo Saxon))) control over the world. Russia is not a super power, and by no means does it hinge its geopolitical strategies on Turkey.

Don't get me wrong erdogan is a piece of shit, along with all islamists, but he's a realist as well.

>Erdogan clearly sees something very beneficial in Russian support
Erdogan just saw this: The west (US/EU) have done coups before, and will do it again. He has to either submit 100% as cuck puppet for them, or they replace him.

Therefore, staying with them is his end, and the only other side left is Iran+Russia+China

Are you going to argue with autistic fedorra tippers about how wrong they are about Islam?

They show the image of Ali as Mohammed and believe Taqqiya or w/e is real. So everyone is living a double life in EU etc.

These people do not care about facts, they just want to shit on muslims.

>He has broken from NATO's goals
NATO isn't doing jack SHIT in the middle east. NATO's mission is archaic and a useful tool for (((world elites))) to destroy Russia.

You don't do a complete 180 in a matter of 9 months after you fucking shoot down a foreign military pilot and constantly pursue a polar opposite agenda of russia in Syria.

yeah, pol, especially neo-pol is just a bunch of gullible idiots, perfect for social engineering. they don't know shit about actual geopolitics either. I regularly have to check my address bar to see if I'm on Sup Forums or Sup Forums

wikipedia is not a source you retard. look at what they use as source, and research if it's actually objective truth. it ain't, I've done the research.
You just have confirmation bias, so you don't require evidence for what you already have your mind set on.

I'm going to bed.

Well yes. Can't have the US blowing up every oil country

>by no means does it hinge its geopolitical strategies on Turke

Look at where Iran and Turkey are on the map, close to syria and that middle eastern packet that connects Russia to the west. Turkey is the link between europe and the middle east. I would think this is an important position. NATO has been expanding into eastern europe, if Turkey is not a focus for Putin, this means that the middle east AND eastern europe is NATO expanding influence.

>before I go to bed
don't forget this is still ongoing as well.

>NATO isn't doing jack SHIT in the middle east
It would therefore be much easier for Russia to expand influence there, because of the pressure from eastern Europe

* this was way before the turkish coup and turkish shift to Russia

>Qatar to turkey pipeline
>US Backed
>Obama loves clockmed
>He goes to Qatar
>Comes back

Everything making sense

>get backstabbed by USA (as usual)
Can somebody provide proof to this?
