Why does this get so much hate? its just plain stupid fun
Why does this get so much hate? its just plain stupid fun
Other urls found in this thread:
>let's train miners to become astronauts
>instead of the other way around
only retarded americucks could fall for this
>afflecki's commentary
I think I've seen this movie... IDK maybe 30, 40 times? It's like... every time it's on I HAVE TO WATCH IT. Also...
>let's train miners to become astronauts
>instead of the other way around
Lets see, mining is a science that takes years of hard work and education to properly do. You apparently need a brilliant geologist, several heavy machinists. Look at your average NASA astronaut and you'll see they could never handle hundreds of feet of drilling.
Literally all the miners had to do was NOT puncutre their space suit.
That's it...
>There are "astronauts"
Low IQ detected. First you become a fucking pilot/engineer/janitor and then you get astronaut training to do your job in space.
>implying space is real
>getting launched into space takes skill
>the earth isnt flat
The other way around means you can't make a movie. Americans understand this and you don't lel.
>just sh-sh-shut the fuck up
Is there a better popcorn flick than Armageddon? It's got everything; superfluous romantic subplot, wonderful CGI, big stupid actors doing big stupid things, roaring music that moves the soul. It's flashy and decadent and I can't get enough of it. This isn't me being sarcastic, I genuinely love the movie. The President's Speech, the Shuttle Crash and "Tell the World we have bad news" will never not make me tear up.
Knowing all of this, could any of you lads challenge my claim with another movie so I can watch it, because I'm looking for other quality popcorn flicks to see?
the pirates of the caribbean movies are pretty great popcorn flicks
Yes there are astronauts. In order to become an astronaut you do need to first have a doctorate or plenty of experience in a scientific field (in other words be really fucking smart and/or academically capable), but many astronauts get into it without already being a "pilot/engineer/janitor/etc". The astronaut profession is just like any other, and requires its own specific set of skills and attributes.
By your logic there are no professors, first you become a fucking janitor then you get professor training to do your job in a university.
holy shit you're retarded they didn't train they to be astronauts they just sat there astronauts did all the astronaut shit
This. There were in fact astronauts with them on the mission to pilot the shuttle.
>when the actor in your movie turns out to be a better director than you are
must be embarassing for Bay
>no, Michael, they don't teach you weightless mime in acting school
Maybe you shouldn't make a movie with a retarded plot then?
Ben Affleck AND Billy Bob Thornton have both made classics that Bay can never, ever touch. Imagine how fucking humiliating and emasculating that is.
That little sequence in which Bruce Willis' character's life flashes before his eyes as he presses the detonation trigger was a very unexpected piece of art in an otherwise schlock film.
I can only assume someone more talented than Michael Bay convinced him to add it into the movie.
The rock
NASA nerdonauts
I feel exactly the same.
Other movies I feel that way about:
Independence Day
Transformers (only the first one)
Con Air
Gone in 60 Seconds
(fuck all of you, I love Nic Cage)
Basically any big 90's action movie
I unironically love Bad Boys II. I think it's a better Miami Vice movie than Miami Vice.
Oh hell yeah that's another great one