Brit/pol/ - Comrade Corbyn Edition

The Third Red Scare is NOW!

>Thread theme

>Retail spending up by most in six months as post-Brexit economy continues to grow stronger, still planning on moving to Canada?

>Heatwave lasting TWO WEEKS to hit parts of Britain with scorching 30C temperatures

>Adam Peaty wins first gold medal for Team GB

>Five new Labour Party members have won a High Court battle over their legal right to vote in leadership election

>Treasury and City reach consensus, Norway option is still cuckoldry

>Coloured folk fight the good fight against the racist oppression of The Man

>Globalists cry tears of frustration at inexorable surge of FTSE 350

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Who /nocturnal NEET/ here?

what if lads?

reminder that HELL AWAITS

Corbychev for PM tbqh

reminder that Heaven awaits

Here lad, pretty comfy.

>we'll never have an old school anti-kike socialist who also wants to keep Brtitain white

it hurts

getting pissed off at waking up at 18:00 desu

Post YFW anglosphere dominates lelympics



Working nights occasionally doesn't help

>zero hour contracts a shit

Feels good man



Corbryn was right.



>tfw finally getting some help from the benefits system after months of jumping through hoops
>tfw hate myself for even having to do this
>tfw I'd give my right bollock to get my head together and have an honest job
>tfw all my mates from school with rich parents post a load of shit about how doleys are just worthless scroungers


Things can only get better.

I was a working classfag at a school where most pupils were richer than me, I hated it. Destroyed my confidence. Honestly don't know why I'm still alive.

i love u user


I grew up in a weird family that kind of covered all the classes, but fuck me it hurts the old ego having to go on the dole.

thanks mate

I understand. I think pretty much everyone uses the welfare system at some point, wouldn't feel too bad.

thanks mate

I understand user.


Don't worry lad. Just think of it this way, the money they give you is money that could've potentially gone to a "tolerant and peaceful" muzzie with 8 kids.

We need The NEET Army to make Britain Great Again

I know the welfare system exists for a reason but it's still pretty hard to square it with being a functional man. It's like admitting that you're too fucked to get along and you need other people to pay for you to live. Still, at least I see it as a shameful hole to get out of and not a free meal ticket. Hopefully I'll be back on my feet soon and paying for other people who fell into that hole.

nice Liara

What margin will Corbyn win by lads? Reckon it'll be 75-25

teh polls ensure tory victorury

my head hurts

>log in to myfreecams
>too autistic to deal with all the pussy
>log out

I don't understand lads who can fug prostitutes and stuff, it all just seems deeply unpleasant to me if I'm honest

Same m8, I don't mind dying a virgin. Guess I'm too "beta" but whatever

im too shy

i dont want sex. i want love

Me too ;_;

I'm not a wizard, I've had relationships with grills. I just don't get that single-minded obsession with jamming your dick in someone at any cost. If there's no feels then how is it any different to having a wank?

>tfw i feel physically sick if i know a girl has slept with more than 3 men in her lifetime
>tfw i will never find a qt virgin to settle down with

Why are 90% women such degenerate, disease-ridden, STD harbouring sluts nowadays lads?


a cuddle from someone u love would be so good



>tfw know a total sperg girl in my local shop
>tfw she's totally into me
>tfw we have nice chats about star trek

I would ask her out but I don't want to inflict my degenerate life on her, she seems so nice


Its my birthday today guys. Can I get some birthday (you)'s

Go for it lad. You should give it a go now rather than regret that you didnt later.


anyone got that one of Miliband trying to eat a sammich?


Happy birthday user


he is always smug. no matter the cultur


I'm gonna do it, the worst she could do is say no eh?

Thanks user : )

God speed lad.


>tfw drinking islay malt whiskeyu at 6 am

i really really love u guys when im drunk

try the 1.5 rule my friend.

Take whatever number of guys a girl says she's slept with, then multiply it by 1.5 to get the true number.

e.g. she says 4 so the real number is 6

Thanks user


how have you been user :)?

desu i don't think 1.5 is enough.
>tfw my server sperg-tier disgust at modern women will keep me a virgin forever

Happy birthday lad.

i want to get you a gf

my gf told me she had sex with her two ex boyfriends and had a one night stand with one of her (male) friends

I can live with it, but it's the limit for me. If it were more than that I'd start getting a bit uncomfortable.

Not great m80, I'm 28 today and I feel like I've gone backwards in the last 10 years. Do or die time now

Thanks lad

Each guy has his limit i guess. I suppose I'm overzealous in that respect though.

But to be honest lad if i had my way everyone would still need to save themselves until they commit themselves properly.

if i could user. i would spend time with you. if only to cheer you up.


whatever your dream. i urge you. grab hold and go for it.

nothin is impossible.

Are you guys all depressed? I'm an American in London for the first time and every Brit (not many brits in central london) I've met seems profoundly sad. When I was riding the tube back to my hotel alone and drunk last night I also found the city to be depressing. Don't get me wrong its beautiful but I'm just very sad being here.

i wud love to have a drink with you

>going to London

Why? It's not even British.

All Brits get depressed away from home, lad.
Especially the ones that see their home taken from them.

Wouldn't you be sad if you were a minority in your own city?

we are pretty miserable desu. and when one of us gets happy we drag him down quick sharp. I don't know how we ended up like this

Thanks dude, hopefully shit turns round this year. At least I didn't join the 27 club

i'm a nihilist tho so it's a whole different ballgame on that one

We are all self deprecating and our default setting is miserable. London is especially bad, the city has been sold to the highest foreign bidder so now no locals can live in central London. You work hard all week to pay the rent and buy a bag of shopping. London is shite if you haven't made it, I guess a lot like New York but less depressing

Only person I've gotten a drink with so far is an American I met on tinder who happened to be 2 years younger than she said she was. Her mom called and made her go home at 10 pm

I always figured you guys were exagerrating. But I'm staying in a flat rented by 3 continental Europeans and everyone I've seen in the city wearing businesswear is either Asian or speaks with an American or continental accent. I thought it would be more like New York where there are a bunch of different ethnicities but still under the bannee of "New Yorker."

Why do claps talk to us like we're mascots in a theme park? Do you lads not understand that we're real people trapped in the ruins of an empire?


it already hurts enough, stop making it worse pls

>Sup Forums brit/pol/ doesn't have a counter in the OP

>go to London
>can't meet slags without tinder

what's wrong with you?

>americans want to see the true england, english people and culture
>they go to fucking london

It's like wanting to see the "true america" and visiting Detroit

sometimes all i want is another human being to love and be loved by

i knpow its degenerate. but sometimes i just want to be held by another and say "i love you"

Im too anxious to go to bars alone and start talking to slags desu


This. Avoid big cities at all cost. They're all the same. Go to small towns where White culture still exists.

London is its own entity Tbh

It's not really a British city

noticed that too. 3 Brits I met who were on holiday were mega depressed. Like just hang there and stare mournfully at the ground depressed. Maybe it's just more acceptable there. Aussies would tell you to snap out of it and just say she'll be right and pretend everything's good as your own town gets gang raped.

Reminder that London is NOT British


i wil knock u the fock out m8

fokking cunt

nuke it and start over

oh you ironic pop-punk fuck, don't you fuck with metal!

we really are depressed as fuck. a lot of it is our attempt at humour though, for some reason misery is funny to us. it's not like scandis who really are unhappy all the time

I'll fuck your arse off you little reem chav twat

yeah? u like facking men do u lmao

met me round the back of horse and crown wideboy

bring your crash helmet for ur gay little scooter cunt coz i will put ur head through the facking wall

i admit i want to be gay

Are you talking Cockney or summat


im speakin propa m8

anyway you're alwite. when we goin paki bashing?

Whats stopping you from being a faggot, faggot?

>being a closet fag

you just know this poofter is gonna go out and get gangbanged to make up for lost time