Was there a more bluepilled man in history?

Was there a more bluepilled man in history?

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Bob Dylan

He was basically a contrarian edgelord. He was an SJW when it was against the status quo. Now that being an SJW is the status quo, he would probably be an anti-feminist Trump supporter.

"I would like to get rid of the homophobes, sexists, and racists in our audience. I know they're out there and it really bothers me." -Kurt

John Oliver

"Last year, a girl was raped by two wastes of sperm and eggs while they sang the lyrics to our song "Polly". I have a hard time carrying on knowing there are plankton like that in our audience." -Kurt

"Birds...scream at the top of their lungs in horrified hellish rage every morning at daybreak to warn us all of the truth. They know the truth. Screaming bloody murder all over the world in our ears, but sadly we don't speak bird." -Kurt

I was a huge fan when I was a kid. I recently watched a bunch of Kurt interviews and was amazed at what a bluepill faggot he was...and a straight up asshole as well.

>muh false memories


"hitler did nothing wrong" - kurt

I was actually thinking about this. I wonder how he would have reacted to the SJWs and "feminists" of today?

>fucking soothing and mind-balming singing of wonderful colourful birds in the evening
>they sing of fucking war and death and the demise of mankind

the fuck?

He liked guns.

in the morning*

disregard my post i suck cock

He had no internet. Of course you're going to be blue-pilled.

Trump is the "other" mainstream though.
Maybe he'd go all ancap.

True story: the song Teen Spirit owes its title to a girl writing "Kurt smells like Teen Spirit" on his wall, in reference to the deodorant marketed at teen girls, called Teen Spirit. And him apparently having sex with a girl who wore it. He didn't understand what the message meant, tough, and named a hit song after it.

This was such a good cover. If he hadn't killed himself though, his vocal chords would have given out within 2 years max. He strained them so hard that there was no way he could have had them for much longer.


"click click...boom." -Kurt

I laughed my ass off when I opened the newspaper and saw this gigantic waste of skin had offed himself. The most overrated, overhyped talentless piece of shit in human history was finally dead.

>"my libido/a mosquito"

Poetry that will shine its light down all the generations to come, or the cringiest shit that ever cringed?


Was there a more redpilled man in history?


Too bad his slut wife and fellow jealous band members conspired to kill him and make it look like a suicide. He might a been somebody. Who knows how many red pills he'd of swallowed by now.




At least he didn't hide political messages in his lyrics. Or any alagorical messages at all. Their songs were just fun. Blue pilled or not, he triggered Axl quite a bit. He died too soon to ever be red pilled. I myself wasn't red pilled until I hit 30

Damn you got me there.

wasn't he a complete degenerate

also promoted heroin

What do you have against gun owners exercising their 2nd amendment rights?

>Tupac "we wuz kangz" Shakur
yea nah fuck off nigger also

compare Kurt with the real best musician of the 90's, William Patrick Corgan

Kurt relied on his good looks and god given voice to woo fans. He sucked at guitar and wrote the same song over and over again (granted, a pretty good song but still, very lazy)

Kurt abused drugs and allowed them to take over his life before he ended it

Billy Corgan on the other hand literally fucked Kurt's wife while they were together, he dabbled in drugs but quit them because they are for kids and he was a man. He worked hard at music, could actually play his guitar, and even though he became bald and had a terrible god given voice, he wrote dozens and dozens of songs in all sorts of styles. He fell out of the limelight and might not be a folk hero like Kurt, but he is alive and well with millions of dollars to show for his work and a hand in raising his child OUT of the public eye. He is also redpilled as fuck and hangs out with Alex Jones and hates lazy bums and hipsters

Nigger have you seen the lyrics to Heart Shaped Box? Yeah he wasn't a musical genius or anything but that's some God-tier lyricism.

yea also aberdeen is a complete shitthole now because "dude heroin"

The most red-pilled attribute about that faggot was that he was a gun owner.

They wrote the music first and the words later. And revised the word many times and added verses. Like i said, there was no hidden meaning at least. No politics. Just music. It's okay if you weren't a fan. I was and I was also bummed out when he killed himself. I am an oldfag, yes. Cocaine is a hell of a drug but heroin is worse


They weren't that bad, they were just a skaker-music gig band, nothing special until some exec spin the wheel.

I remember seeing that at a bar before never mind came out, and nobody rally cared. We were mostly just there to see the smalls.

There was MAYBE 50 people in the place.

I've since met hundreds of people who said they went to it.

Nirvana wasn't really at fault for anything, they just were what they were and marketers ran with it, but everybody and everything around them just turned fucking ridiculously fake.

Did You know that Kurt Cobain had really bad dandruff?
>Yes, they found his 'Head and Shoulders' behind the couch.

Why did Nirvana stop doing press conferences?
>Because Kurt was always shooting his mouth off.

What does a whale and Kurt Cobain have in common?
>They both have holes in their heads

How does Kurt Cobain collect his thoughts?
>With a dust buster.

Why doesn't Kurt Cobain ever drive?
>Cause he'd rather just ride shotgun.


I hope that's bait, otherwise I'm triggered

You got a chuckle out of me


He was demented and on mind altering drugs, yet people will treat him like he was a modern philosopher.

The red pill ruined music for me.

another fun fact, heart shaped box is written about the heart shaped box Courney Love kept full of Billy Corgan's love letters.

The public has this idea that Kurt wrote C Love's songs, and yes he had a hand in some of their songs on Live Through This... but the best song on that album "Violet" is one C Love wrote about Billy Corgans big fat cock.

Long story short, Kurt was a cuck and Corgan was S tier


Seriously though, between this and the art thread, I think there is some sliding going on tonight

If he was alive would he have a weird incest relationship with his daughter?


I only listen to music that goes conform with my views and just about now I have more than 600 Albums that I frequent.

What music do you listen to?


They're both faggots.

But at least Cobain had some semblance of talent.

the music is undeniably good
I may not like the genre, but it's not difficult to discern what is good music and what is not

Smashing Pumpkins are/were awesome, but Nirvana was something else. They came from an indie label, and owned all the studio-created pop stars, with somewhat polished punk-rock stylings.

I grew up on both bands, though, and they're both great. Even if while I'm w/ Kurt politically.


He was a kid not a man just like you you are a kid not a man

>Kurt was a born and cultivated in an era of Nixon and Reagan and Bush.

>Growing up in an environment of jocks and red necks in a logging town.

>Breaking out in music when there was Mötley Crüe and Poison.

>Having his music then perverted by the same red necks and jocks that ridiculed him.

>they were just a skaker-music gig band
There weren't any skaters in 1991-1993 except for tony hawk. Skaters was 1994+

>Was there a more redpilled man in history?

Um...thanks for the Input, billy

Courgan is my GOD.



Alice in Chains was the superior band all around, they just didn't write shit pop hooks in their songs.

did Kurt Cobain come back as Jaden Smith?


Why should we tolerate pansy faggot shit

Crawl back under the rock you faggots came from
This is real fucking world, fuck your inferior rights!

Zero tolerance, no fucking rights
Monkey fucks monkey, punishemnt is A.I.D.S.

It is disgusting!!

Listen you fucking homo boys, your time has come
And if you are a lesbian, you at least got a cunt to rape

I really wish Corgan and King Buzzo would do some type of collaboration album, they have similar politics as well.


This sucks shit, try some actual metal:

Yeah he's overrated and hyped up by retarded millennials who eat garbage

Hey Kurt if you love your shotgun so much why don't you make out with it?!

>maybe I will

Most millennials don't even remember when Nirvana was topping all the charts, against all reason, since pop/rap groups had been dominating around the time. If you think they're overrated, you have to blame gen-x, not millennials.


He would definitely frequent Sup Forums and become redpilled. Probably would've fapped to traps too

What makes Corgan a faggot? He's a poor kid from Chicago who made it big in a rock band that went against the grain. He never was an SJW, a junkie, a homo, vegan etc

he's a regular, baseball watching guy except his job is being a rock star. and he works hard at it.

He likes America and has been on the right side of almost every issue when asked.

agreed Corgan just wrote better music period

the guy fucked a literal retard

nice try, but corgan's a spaz

pavement >> pumpkins



bunch of rich kid NYC hipsters who followed the indie rock meta

notice how all the 'indie' SJW bullshit like Pavement HATE Smashing Pumpkins? Pumpkins btfo them and stole all the thunder from their precious "scene" (group of like minded copycats who couldn't play)

listen to Billy rub their noses in shit on Cherub Rock. Billy was a real rock star and to paraphrase him, nobody fell in love while listening to fucking Pavement

Wow, metal is such garbage.

>start teenage years with fun buttmetal and rawk
>every day is awesome
>making out with qts to stuff like fly to the angels and I remember you
>so much aqua net
>teenage years ending
>nirvana and gangsta rap get huge
>everyone wants to mope around and not have fun ever again
>everything is shit
kurt cobain is the worst human being ever born

Old fag too. Was into Nirvana from Bleach through InUtero or whatever that album was. Hit me hard when Kurt offed himself. Society's reaction hit me harder though. Half of society seemed to come out of nowhere bawling their eyes out as if they'd been fans since day one which they weren't. Other half of society just took a piss on him. Was one of my more red pilling moments realizing just how shit tier a majority of society is.

Over the years I couldn't maintain any fondness for Kurt or Nirvana in general. Everyone talks how Indy they were. Fuck that. They were sellouts with Kurt being the biggest sellout. Don't get me wrong, Bleach was decent. The Teen Spirit album was innovative for its time. Everything else was meh.

Nirvana did nothing besides usher in a slightly different sound to corporate pop culture and let the world down with a shotgun blast to the face. Then ensuing drunk whore of a wife getting in front of cameras and acting all distraught over her dead druggy husband didn't add anything to the conversation either. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Mark it down in rock history books as warning to degenerate rock culture.

Is this the fuck that made a new band and called it Smashing Pumpkins despite him being the only reoccurring member?

Tangled Up in Blue lol

goddamn, Billy why are you here? Wouldn't you prefer shitting up Sup Forums than dropping red pills?

Kurt Cobain was a major faggot. I still like some Nirvana songs but Kurt as a person seemed like such a pretentious cock sucker. He actually got upset when he saw "jocks" at his show because "muh exclusive goth club". He made fun of the people who bought Nevermind and called them "pussies" and that they wouldnt like his new album. Dave and Krist ended up hating Kurt and vice a versa. His own daughter pretty much openly stated that she doesnt think much of him, and that she kind of resents him for leaving her without a dad. On top of all of that he thought he was better than everyone and he wasnt even that good of a musician.

>(((Bob Dylan)))

Malkmus is the most boring human being on earth.

Simultaneously the worst thing to ever happen to rock music and Seattle's reputation in one man. Fuck this faggot, I'm glad he shot himself in the face like a bitch.

>tfw blue pilled

Anyone else hate Frances' douchey husband? I think he divorced her right after they got married (probably to get money)


>posting a picture of Dead from Mayhem

you thought you wouldn't get called out on that, didn't you, faggot

>kurt cobain is the worst human being ever born

Underrated post
Pretty much surmises the times. Everyone shits on hair bands and glam rock. Truth be told that music was rocking and gave people good times and got them through the hard times. Grunge and all the shit that came after it is nothing but shit tier depressing garbage and / or just annoying noise with an occasional accidental good lick or beat every few years.

>Kurt Cobain

this is the most incorrect thing i've ever read

He was just a good song writer. Just like Hollywood most of the music people are faggots.

The great irony is most of the fans of hard rock are the types the musicians hate. So the musicians can just go and eat shit.

The death of rock just mirrors the current state of leftism. You can only go so far left before you just become a deranged fucktard.

You've obviously never listened to their first release.

>Cocaine is a hell of a drug but heroin is worse

backasswards mate, except that heroin isn't a hell of a drug, it's just effective at what it does do, cocaine on the other hand is a mind warping, unsustainable mess

He had to suck start a shotgun for his music to become "good."

He was a feminist though