If the USSR took over Western Europe, Australia and North America then we wouldn't be swarmed with immigrants and gays would be in the gulag, ever think of that? Think about that next time you insult the glorious USSR. Praise Uncle Joe and Lenin.
If the USSR took over Western Europe...
Other urls found in this thread:
Then we'd be swarming with fucking slavs
wtf i love trotsky now???
If the USSR owns everything where are these immigrants coming from?
USSR was not ethnicity based - they annexed mongols and turkic people and wanted to bring communism to the whole world, for everyone.
Communism was good for everyone.
It got the Russians out of their shit huts and Americans out of Maccas and forced them both to the stars.
We are approaching 30 years of "freedom" now, and what do either victor or vanquished have to show for it?
feminism and diversity you bigot
A capitalist creation. China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba don't have it. The USSR and it's allies didn't have it.
Communist and ex-communist countries are homogenous. It's capitalist countries that are being overrun by immigrants. Capitalist employers hire third-worlders for cheap labor.
Another commie thread?
>China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba
>not part of world capitalism-imperialism
You're a fucking meme. Stop posting forever.
Go away tankie.
Russia is hardly homogeneous. They make diversity work because the expect foreigners and cultural minorities to assimilate. The US and Western countries generally do not.
There is a reason why the Russian language was forced upon the savages of the annex.
Lenin made homossexualism legal though.
It was Stalin that fought the degeneracy
So what you're suggesting is that Feminism is a Communist plot to destabilize Capitalist societies?
USSR was very Russian dominated. """on paper""" it was all diversity but in practice it was definitely russian lalguage and stuff given preference.
They wanted to bring communism to others yes but every ethnicity got their own area. See: the republics or places like the jewish oblast.
most degeneracy found acceptable nowadays was forbidden. If the USSR had nigs and they started chimping the nigs would definitely been shot and the survivors sent to the gulag.
in short its proof that authority even leftist authority is superior to what we have now
the USSR fell because of economics not social issues. if they had been right wing economically they could very well have beaten the west and our "freedumbs"
anyways so were clear my prefered side was destroyed before the cold war
Western-Europeans don't want to become poor.
>making women work
My man.
its also why south africa used to be rich even though it was majority black
again you can have other races exist as minorities however it only works in an authoritarian society where they can be forced to assimilate and can be dealth with harshly for stepping out of line
a stalinist USA would most likely have the 13% still however they sure as hell would not be allowed to roam around in gangs burning down cities