Previous Share rares, showcase collections, discuss the noble sport of Flag Hunting!
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This is my 3-day map
Montenegro if anyone needs it
very rare dont steal
Nice but you need more Caribbean islands
and another
My latest collection. Not very well organized but still. (Not going for commons and rares, Just what peaked my interests).
looking 4 Iran
I stole these. Have a stealth rare. Also I am half black.
Iran was here earlier today
A lot of people don't have this one.
Even veterans i've seen
Me too. Also have a stealth rare.
>no Honduras
>no Nicaragua
Tanzania was here earlier today
Why is it that almost nobody seems to have Mali? Even veterans of African Flag Hunting almost never have it. Is it really that rare?
Honduras was here earlier today
There's a couple I fucked up on/didn't fill in. But thanks friend
Has US minor outlying islands ever posted on this site?
I still need it as well
except for South Africa, practically all of sub saharan africa is rare on Sup Forums
on Sup Forums, not so much, especially during world cup
np, nice map too
i think someone in the last thread said they had seen it before on Sup Forums, and the Marshall Islands, idk about Sup Forums though
Mine so far, been collecting since mid June, rate me bros
United States Minor Outlying Islands has never posted on Sup Forums. I think they have on Sup Forums as a whole, but not Sup Forums.
Same with Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Bouvet Island, and Western Sahara.
Have an Aland
>people are still using the map I made years ago on Sup Forums
Then you should only half-steal things.
decided to start collecting a week ago
my collection so far
China Kuwait
Here is my entire collection, which includes non-rares and rares. I have some rares such as the U.S. Virgin Islands, Cambodia, the Vatican, and others.
Stealth rare reporting for duty
One of the last few I didn't have.
holy shit
Stealth rares drive me nuts because I can't tell on my lousy phone
Where flag?
bonaire sint eustatius and saba
OK I was just about to ask if people were using a Wikipedia blank or what. Where's the template please? Have gotten a few rares so it's time I start categorizing
Also you just count flags from other boards?
Rate my autism boys
no EU flag?
you're just about maxed on the autism scale, congrats
>pic related is how you should save your flags, noobs
I have the EU flag, along with the unknown and 2 anonymous ones but I don't put them in
Where's Tristan da Cunha and Ascension?
Stealing flags is for fags
Does Cuba ever make it to Sup Forums ?
Under Saint Helena
yes leaf, i believe that was covered in the post but thank you for the reiteration.
i have seen Cuba on Sup Forums before but only a few times i think
Malaysia Costa Rica
mfw if I posted this on Sup Forums they would call me a newfag
Anyone else have Antarctica? I'm sure it was shenanigans but I'll post anyway.
>In b4 France
Oh the flag is for the whole territories?
Also no one answered my other questions
if you mean Columbia, yeah, i'm sure. but at least one guy in this thread didn't have it yet so, for the interest of people who don't have certain flags yet, and for the sake of free bumps, i try to help out when i can.
The flag covers the territories
Ask on a flag thread on Sup Forums for the template
It's your choice whether you count other boards
I meant my map. I don't even have a lot of ultra rares yet
ahh ok. yeah, it's kind of a bad time to look for ultra rares, with the board being spammed with so much hillary/trump shitposting going on.
Puerto Rico Uruguay Philippines Bolivia
I concur. Still, Just imagine what we'll find on November 8-9 during the General Election.
The Brexit threads will be a wasteland in comparison!
lol yeah it's gonna be awful for sure
Unknown (think it's supposed to be Andorra)
These are all uncommon's you gigantic faggot
yeah, i know, have some more
South Korea Panama
Yes, but not on Sup Forums.
>Same with Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Bouvet Island, and Western Sahara.
These cannot post. They do not have ISPs.
That is the Asia-Pacific region.
appreciate it
What threshold do you use?
Lithuania Iran
The Iran you've got there is a proxy. Any post with the word "drumpf" in it is shilling by Correct the Record, because they still think it works.
If I lived in Iran, I would shitpost too.
as always, i leave it up to anyone that doesn't already have a flag to decide to take it or not, along with a free bump to the thread.
Honduras Vietnam
Eh, fair point. But If that's really the best he can do, I'm disappointed. I'd expect more from a Channer.
Some richfag user should go to the Marshall Islands or the South Sandwich Islands or some rare as fuck island and make one single shitpost in a slow as fuck thread at page 10.
Location doesn't determine the flag you use. It is impossible to make a Christmas Island post from Christmas Island without a proxy. I believe the same goes for Svalbard.
posting my rarest.
i was here before Sup Forums, i was here before Sup Forums had flags, and i am still here. believe me, i know how often people use proxies to post with oddball flags.
see from earlier in this thread. that Iran i linked was also likely a proxy, just not as painfully obvious as the most recent one i posted. some people care, some people don't. i leave it up to them to grab a post cap if they want, or ignore it if they want, while at the same time bumping the thread. every so often we get a guy like providing something a lot more special.
my question is
how the fuck is there a proxy on christmas island? how do people set up proxies at these desolate islands?
Proxy ISPs aren't determined by location, either.
from /pol posts according to
ultra rares are less than 150 posts
rares are under 500
mild rares are under 1,000
uncommon are under 10,000
commons are above 10,000
that's just what I go by, not sure what the iceberg pic goes by though
Why is it impossible without a proxy? Surely people from Christmas Island would post through their own ISP, right?
False, you can actually get those flags if you are actually at the island and connect to one of the computers there with internet.
The only two where you literally can't get the flag is Western Sahara and some island near Antarctica due to no ISPs being there.
This also means that a super rich-fag that is willing to set up an ISP in those locations can should make exactly one post in a board for maximum shitposting.
DSOP's iceberg pic is based on number of Sup Forums posts.
They post as the Australian flag, because their internet provider is routed through Australia. Similar situation for Svalbard.
>Western Sahara and some island near Antarctica due to no ISPs being there.
Bouvet, as well as H&M.
The only IP range for Christmas Island is a VPN
>how the fuck is there a proxy on christmas island?
i seem to recall something about Christmas Island having a server farm on it, for hosting the kind of shit sane governments would never allow.
Nepal Dominican Republic
Asia-Pacific BES Islands Afghanistan
Nepal Malta Iran Bolivia Kuwait Morocco Iraq China Venezuela Albania
Guatemala Tunisia Egypt Honduras
Taiwan Trinidad and Tobago UAE Dominican Republic
Vietnam These are all the active flags on Sup Forums with an attendance below 85, sorted by rarity.
>below 85
*below 95.
3 seconds apart...
I desire somalian posters
Both Sup Forums and Sup Forums have occasional legit Somali posters.
There used to be a Somalia poster a while back and how he apparently salvaged parts to get a stable internet connection to shitpost
my collection is legendary but I'm too lazy to put the flags on a map. Like the amount of rares I have is ludicrous
Somalia posts come almost exclusively from one wealthy user who lives there.
I could listen to him all day.
I've seen three different ones.
One is from Hargeisa and another is from Mogadishu ("unlike the one on Sup Forums", he says).
thanks for the hawaii
which island are you on?