why did R-money backstab Trump?
Why did R-money backstab Trump?
Because trump is an utter disaster and anybody with iq higher than room temperature knows he will lose by landslide and he wants to disassociate himself with that shit
(((Think for a second)))
Because he's a sociopathic parasite like most of his class.
Jealousy because Trump is superior to him in every way.
Probably getting paid to, if Trump loses he will probably have another run in 2020
>iq higher than room temperature
That was breddy gud
>Probably getting paid to, if Trump loses he will probably have another run in 2020
Probably not. He'd be pushing 75 years old
Because his masters ordered him to.
Because Trump spent the entire primary talking shit about Romney long before he started weighing in on the candidates.
Will be funny when Trump loses even worse than Romney did.
My gf goes to a liberal arts school
There was talk about Trump being better than hillary, it made me proud I spread the word to that unholy place.
Because Rmoney is jealous of greater wealth
Because what they said about Bain was true
Because he failed his Father. Never became a Billionaire OR President.
You, I can *maybe* accept that Trump can lose this election. But a landslide? With Hillary's unfavorable? That's called literally impossible.
Nigger Utah Georgia and fucking Arizona might go blue
Trumps finished
two thirds of your canned beer butt buddies who told you they voted for Trump in the general won't even have gone to the polls
Because Trump is an orange clown.
Smart people are baffled that there are this many stupid people around to support him.
Jokes on you I live in Florida with no AC.
you sound like the type of lady who complains that the office temperature is a sexist plot to keep you from succeeding in life.
Nigger, Trump is turning Georgia purple a full decade before the demographics were supposed to shift that way.
Trump's unfavorables literally cancel out shillary's.
> believing bs polls
>Tramp and Berny are not establishment people
>This is why the media and establishment have tried so hard to ignore, outspend, rig, or slander both
>normally the people have never had a choice
>and probably never will
>Nigger Utah Georgia and fucking Arizona might go blue
Utah maybe if Romney shills hard enough but really - no fucking chance Arizona and Georgia go blue. If Arizona were to go blue, McCain wouldn't be shitting his pants to a Trump-Replican opponent.
We need to wait a few more weeks to see proper polling.
Because he does not want to support an idiot?
Trump couldn't shut up about the polls during the primaries. Suddenly they're BS now?
That Utah poll literally doesn't exist and all polls saying georgia and arizona "might" go blue are meme polls
Goddammit why the fuck can't CTR hire shills which at least TRY to be believable
Trump relentlessly attacked Romney after he lost in 2012.
Face it, Trump is an asshole.
>Trump couldn't shut up about the polls during the primaries. Suddenly they're BS now?
This place also exploded with glee when Trump got his post-convention boost. Suddenly, the polls are "rigged" or fake or whatever.
Sup Forums comes down to this:
if you like what the poll says, it's a good one
if you don't lik what the poll says, it's fake
Trump may get 12,000 votes total in November.
Maybe that many.
Being as far the fuck away from that IED abortion as possible is not only smart, it could save your life.
Whatevs, koalarapist
Don't you find it at least a bit suspicious for such a dramatic turn around?
Classic Trump!
I'm gonna miss the guy when he shoots himself on live TV when he's already lost the EV and TX or CA haven't voted yet!
Good times, good times....
>Trump leading nationally
>suddenly -15
>media shilling anti-trump propadanga on overdrive
Only a fool wouldn't see the obvious.
Trump has gone full "throw the election!!" mode since the convention, people are noticing.
>see the obvious
Trump has always been a DNC ringer and is now throwing the fight?
I don't think that what he has done has warranted such a turn around. So he had a tiff with some dude who was the dad of a dead soldier. Who fucking cares? He is also the only candidate that raised money for vets. His support for the troops is unquestionable.
That dude wouldn't even be dead if it weren't for a war that he was always against that Hillary voted for.
>Suddenly, the polls are "rigged" or fake or whatever.
They fucking admitted to changing the polling methodology used to boost Hillary's scores, you kike.
Killing yourself today will ramify an "It's sad, but we understand why," response from your peers.
Do it.
this really corrects my record
Romney isn't jealous. He doesn't have the capacity to feel jealous. Or happiness. Or love. He's a establishment drone groomed to be the safe and presentable candidate that appeals to broadest political spectrum of the conservative base. He follows orders like an obedient puppy and in return, the establishment ensures that his businesses continue to prosper and his family continues to reap the windfalls. The way he seamlessly and shamelessly flips and flops his canned speeches between his wealthiest and most pedestrian donors in 2008 is proof of a thoroughly indoctrinated and programmed agent.
After he fizzled, they likely tried to make a Romney 2.0 with Rubio to capture the ethnic angle. And Trump broke him like a toy. Cruz is pretty much hated by everyone in the establishment and wasn't even considered. They also knew that trying to play up his Cuban angle just puts more attention on his Canadian origins. Jeb was never 100% on board and it showed. Ended up squandering all the money they put behind him but props to him for making it out with his soul intact.
Because hes making another run. Like Ted Cruz
You need to correct your roids first trumpfellator
>Rick Wilson unironically posts here