He is more than one ethnicity

>he is more than one ethnicity

so then you?


>He's an ethnicitylet
lmaoing @ ur life

>he's jewish

el chucho campeon

el puerco muttoso

And yet he is whiter then us, Muhammeds.

I will have you know that I come from a long, proud line of alcoholic Scottish criminals.

there is literally not a single person on the planet that is purely one ethnicity.


Soon everyone shall be a mutt, all the colors mixed together to produce the perfect human.

Prepare yourself purefags, your genes shall supplement the next generation of mutts.

Pretty much this

>he isn't 100% pure germanic old saxon (none of that nigger angle shit)

Japs mb, but they are inbreeds. All island nations are inbreed more or less.

Japs are just island chinks

I represent the world

The world is dark


La creatura...



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japs are a mix between indigenous islanders and invaders from continental asia