Atomic bums was a Terrible war crime the Worst in History
America murdered 250,000 Japanese women and children for blood sport
Atomic bums was a Terrible war crime the Worst in History
America murdered 250,000 Japanese women and children for blood sport
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Don't fuck with the west
You japs deserved it
And yet you still managed to Fukushima yourselves!
>"Rape of Nan King no happen!"
>"Comfort girls make bereive!"
>"We do no war crime!"
>"Buy anime prease."
Hush yourself leaf, you deserve it.
What japs have in their head?
They though they would just bomb Pearl Harbor and everything would be ok?
Gooks didnt had reaources to won this war. Its their fault
Don't I know it
Do not forget the Pearl harbre false flag of rooseveldt
do not forget the atroceties
My dad won WW2 so I could be born, that's worth more than a quarter million dead enemy Japes to me.
stupid fucking gook i cant stab a professional boxer and not expect to get fucked
That's what happens when you don't send in 2nd wave to finish Navy
America "murdered" your civilians to deter a land invasion that would of been completely devastating, this action was resulted in the lesser losses of human lives. That is because the Japanese people are proud and they would not surrender till the last man falls, this was the only way to break their intensity.
oh and by the way, nice pearl harbor surprise attack on a Sunday morning after mass, fucking jap.
sorry wrong picture
Destroyed our enemy and showed russia we had a giant club to hit them hit first we hit harder.
>also atomic bums
Shoulda surrendered when the Soviet ambassador relayed the offer.
I wonder if things today would be better if we'd just let Japan take over Asia.
>America murdered 250,000 Japanese women and children for blood sport
And? You act like we give a fuck that we used your cities as an experiment.
Look up Operation Downfall.
Dropping the Bomb saved the lives of millions, Allied and Japanese alike, and ended a war that could have potentially stretched on into the 50's.
Hopefully you learned your lesson Nip bro, don't let it happen again.
I-is that the monster awakened?
that was for peal harbor
china still hasnt gotten theirs for nanking
sit tight and lets get this rape of japan on the road!
Are we all just going to ignore the dinosaur in the bottom right corner of the OP's pic?
>do not forget how to spell
Jesus user your engrish is ree ree bad.
>Rape of Nanking
>Killing POWs
>Experiment on civilians
>Hide bombs on civilians
You did everything wrong. No sorrow for you, nip. You didn't even live through that era.
Land invasion would be more honorable though.
Death by nukes is horrible. You cant fight back
>atomic bums
Also don't forget that we had the decency to warn them before we attacked so civilian populations could be evacuated.
>Atomic bums
Oh we could have fought back, we easily could of, but we weren't going to risk any more American lives. I would have called the same thing , and you would of too if you were in that position.
>atomic buns
Making your citizens fight your losing battle is pretty honorable, huh?
Guess I can't expect much intelligence from a Brazilian shit stain. lol
>ITT we remember Japanese pan-Asianism that ruined all the westernization in Asia
>ITT we remember that Japanese ideologues even killed their own dissenters
>ITT Japanes human experimentation
Fuck off, Jap. Do you even realize what you people did in China? Fuck you. You deserved to be bombed, and we should've hit you a third time.
I apologize on behalf of my brash older brother, the US
Rook at this man.
this was my father. when we dropped Nagasaki bomb my father was in Colorado training to Pilot a B-29 Bomber just like the one which dropped the bombs.
He had been a co-pilot in B-17's in Europe then was being trained to Pilot B-29's to participate in a massive overland low level daylight raid for which very heavy losses were projected.
If we did not drop the bombs do you think Japan would have fired upon my father as he flew over Japan droping incediary bombs?
He may have died over your country had we not dropped these bombs.
You Emperor was being held hostage from surrendering by his military and I may have lost my father to their madness.
I am not sorry I had my dad. I am sorry your people perished especially Nagasaki because I know mostly Catholic japanese died there and my Father was catholic I am certain this would have caused him great torment had been been required to bomb other Catholics..
As it was he never gloried in having flown bombers over Europe either..
It was a very grave thing ..maybe we should be destroyed the whole world then?
Nagasaki was settled by the portuguese.
>merica murdered 250,000 Japanese women and children for blood sport
>blood sport
This. The pacific war was a brutal shitfest that Japan started. I wont however argue that they did not pay for it in spades, but what japan endured was the just wages of aggression.
Sometimes when I'm bored on my lunch break I can't decide whether to play Pokemon or make a 350-post slide thread about the war.
I feel like I've made a good decision this time.
if americans wanted to put an end to the war by displaying the power of atomic bombs, why didnt they just drop it on the sea near coastal areas where japanese people could see its power?
>start war with China
>start war with Dutch
>start war with Americans
>start war with british
>start war with france
You're lucky we didn't invade you and kill every last one of you stupid fucks
More than using nukes.
People die everyday, better dying with bullet while fighting than by illness or accident.
The lives of the soldiers were not soo important. There were many soldiers that could be sent to war
Please don't be a boy
Criminally underrated
We both did bad things in the war nip. Arguing about it does nothing.
China would problem end up releasing whatever bio weapons the japs used at unit 731 back on the japs themselves
why all the attention on the nukes? Firebombing was so much more brutal and the casualties were similar.
Soldier here. Fuck you hue hue. The fact that the United States does not treat its soldiers lives as expendable currency is what makes us willing to fight so hard for it. Russia has to threaten to machine gun its own troops to get them to fight the Nazis and that is with the nazis invading their own country.
We had to help them with their dinosaur infestation somehow.
We did Japan a favor. During WWII, they deserved more than 2 nukes. An invasion would have destroyed Japanese culture and their existence from the face of the Earth. They're lucky nukes were used instead of an island invasion.
Because Hiroshima and Nagasaki both had huge military facilities.
The bomb dropped on Hiroshima detonated directly above the 8th Army HQ.
We will nuke you again if you revise the constitution we bestowed on you.
Because avenge pearl harbor and china and burma and the philippines and indochina. We should have firebombed the rest of your little islands and your buck toothed emperor too
We only had 2 made at that time, we needed to make them count. Don't be autistic nip
firebombing doesnt make a cool shroom cloud
Reminder pearl harbour was a false flag to get us to save the communists
One for Pearl, one for Bataan.
Yes, top quality kek.
When that movie first came out, I thought they were saying "poon tang" over and over again, which really confused the hell out of me at about 14 years old.
We had a third ready almost ready for tokyo.
You nips really are perverted weebs, we should have nuked tokyo too.
start posting propaganda
To ease tension in light of this
Let's get married and have lots of kids
ITT full throtle american jingoists happy about the death of innocent people.
Literally nigger-tier degenerate.
You people claim to uphold the glory of western culture while disrespecting it.
I have heard of how brainwashed Japanese are when it comes to WW2 history.
Didn't you faggots think you could take over the entire Pacific Ocean? Had to put you in your place. USA literally took on the Nazis and Japanese at the same fucking time. We only took a shit on your nation with the A bomb because Germans actually had shit worth taking - technology. You should be glad you didn't become another State.
Not totally correct. Read a little bit from Howard Zinn. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were chosen as backups. The other sites they wanted to bomb first held deep religious and historical significance. The brass hhough it would only further Japan's resolve because they would want to avenge. Saddl, they chose the last two because they had a high density of people for the "shock and awe" approach but not pissing them off enough to never surrender.
>executing POWs
Yeah you got what you deserved.
Daily reminder that fire bombings did more damage to Japan than nukes. They didn't drop one on Tokyo because there was nothing left of value to destroy.
my grandfather died there i hope ur happy americans
Worse than that. They executed civillians for the fun of it
What, did you think Godzilla was a fictional character?
Hiroshima was a primary. Nagasaki was a secondary
>a whole thread about japan and ww2
>nothing about the false flag that was pearl harbour
Neocuck/pol/ in a nutshell.
Educate yourselves.
mothers with their babies in their arms jumping off a cliff in order to avoid surrender. How else could we win a total war with such people?
it was very shocking at the time because it was completely unknown.
If the US hadn't nuked Japan, Godzilla wouldn't exist today
Really makes you think
Should have let them have a nice chunk of China. But none of the rest.
>thinking its news that the US leadership knew japs were planning an attack.
hadn't they been told Americans would rape them?
GLR was a faggot and so are you
Please. The US is the only democracy in the west willing to "do what must be done". The rest just lie flat on their backs and spread their legs at the slightest hint of threat.
Yeah but weren't the civies all chinks?
One white soldier is worth a thousand chink civies.
>an entire thread full of worthless posts that have nothing to add
>not one mention of the false flag that was pearl harbour, foisted on us by FDR to justify sending american and canadian boys to die to save communism
Sometimes I wonder if cuck/pol/ is even worth saving anymore.
Hey CTR.
sure it is but so is being burnt to a crisp. its a marginal difference, really. The outcry against nagasaki and hiroshima isn't proportionate in light of the firebombings of Tokyo hamburg and dresden.
Yes FDR jewishly duped the Japanese into attacking us so that we would have an excuse to crush them. Makes sense to me.
It wasn't a false flag dolt, it really was a Japanese carrier group that struck Pearl Harbor. What you meant to say was that our 1st wheeled president FDR not only knew the Japs were going to strike, but maneuvered diplomatically to force them to strike us & get into the war to save his beloved Soviet Union. Get it right
lol I'm not fucking retarded. US radar operators even saw them coming. Message didnt move up the chain of command fast enough. But just for what they did in China alone, the bombs are justified or even fall short.
>being this mad over lack of replies
Here's your (you), just don't start shooting in a school.
lol probably
maybe with a 21st century tech sprinkled in
>Most, if not all, scholars of this topic are dismissive of Stinnett's claims, as many of his claims appear to be baseless.[4]
>>nothing about the false flag that was pearl harbour
That's a yank thing. We leaves like to mind our own business.
But we'll never forget the despicable way the nips treated Commonwealth civilians and pows. Nips got nuked? boo hoo
It's a shitty pol meme
USA NEEDED to drop a coupla a-bombs on someone, to show the Russians not to fuck with them, ever. However, why not japan? Japanese were vicious little pricks. They needed to be humbled, since they don't have the natural resources to be a world power in the modern age, but that didn't stop them from trying.
Hoping for contained anthrax
Unbelievably strong bait.
The whole world knows that Japan deserved exactly what it got, if not worse. We should have just kept dropping bombs until there was basically nothing left. Who could have stopped us? Who would've cared enough to try.
The day after Pearl Harbor, Bull Halsey said "When this war is over, the Japanese language will only be spoken in Hell." We should have gone ahead and made that true.
I won't go over what happened to my Great Uncle but it was a bad thing all around. We have both buried our dead and our countries have one of the greatest friendships in the world.
I truly wish that we had treated the Japanese better after the First World War, but even so, I need only ask a Pinoy if your hearts were as capable as ours for evil.
It is in all men. Blood is on all our hands. We were at war and it would have been much worse had we tried to put the Japanese down the traditional way.