9 hours long

>9 hours long
>0 evidence provided
really makes you think

Other urls found in this thread:


it never happened

>the holocaust never happened
And to think you autists think you know about acting and movies you are living in a fantasy land.

Wait a second, I know I've got the banner here somewhere...

Ah, found it!

Provide some evidence please

Lol here comes the jew butthurt.

The 900 post cringelord arrives right on time.

you're welcome, senpai.
Just doing my part to contribute to board culture! :^)

My great grand aunt was there you fucking nazi

Show some humanity


Is this accurate?

Lots of brilliant moments in that film, but no fucking way did it need to be that long

cry harder cuck.

How many times was she gassed? Did she ride the holocoaster?

You're doing an outstanding job making liberal thoughts and beliefs seem utterly cringeworthy. Keep it up mate.



>so butthurt you shopped the merchant's nose to not be gigantic

If this were true, why don't one of you just falseflag as me every thread?

Also, why do you all continue to get assmad over a simple meme? It's just a joke, bro! :^)



>12 articles referencing a Holocaust of six million Jews pre WW2 is utterly meaningless
I've never seen a content creator BTFO himself in his own work before


How do we know World War II even happened?

Because you do a much better job than I ever could. Look at how triggered and passive aggressive you get. Must kill you that you get no support on your crusade.



in english, doc

When you go to an astrophysics lecture the speaker doesn't waste the first 30 minutes proving Newton's law of universal gravitation. It's assumed that you aren't an idiot and already know that it's true

That whole article basically says listen and believe

>b-but muh emotions


lol,fuck the Jews

how horrifying

Translated, it's an order from the factory that made the Auschwitz ovens supporting the number of bodies cremated in historical records (holocaust deniers claim far lower)

>using the Nuremberg trial as evidence
Wow really shabbos'd my goyim.

Because no one is so concerned over this topic like you are. Most people on Sup Forums aren't as pathetic and dedicated to something frivolous like you are, so we just wait to torment you when attempt to be noticed. It really says a lot when you are on the high end of the autism curve on Sup Forums, smoke some bud and calm down or something.



>implying that only white people hate jews

>still no evidence


>denying actual evidence
>passive aggressively calling out passive aggression
Who is the real winner here?

Okay. For future reference, you might want to put source links in your images.

Terrible analogy.

>facts are passive aggression


Here's a fun link that provides loads of documents and debunks essentially every holocaust denial argument


it was just a prank bro!!!

You're not whites, you're subhuman neckbeards

Just like how mudslimes aren't humans either

Article 19, son. Everyone knows it was a sham to wrap up the war.

>Nuremberg trial
>no actual evidence
>ridiculous witness testimony about roller coasters into ovens
>muh emotions
Have you ever even read the Nuremberg transcripts? There is not one shred of actual evidence and the defendants weren't even allowed to make a defense.

Just like a jew, they could be talking for 9 hours about nothing.

Dont know why you are so surprised.

part 1 > part 2
a good portion of part 2 is spent talking about trains for way too long

There are literally hundreds of people still alive that witnessed it. There is more evidence that the holocaust happened than there is that the Aztecs existed


terrible argument

i went to the holocaust museum in 8th grade and they showed me a big pile of shoes. how can anyone argue with that?

the only mongrel is the ESL shit that created that image

>where americans mongrels come

reminder that if you question the holocaust cnn reserves the right to dox you

It's about time someone finally made a movie about the long forgotten Holocaustâ„¢

This video managed to make me Sup Forums in less than 3 minutes

>....I agree

>I took personal offense not just because these people were slandering the death of 11 million* human beings
Oy vey remember the 11 gorillion

How are we supposed to take your side seriously when you can't even get the number right. 6 million? 11 million? I've even read 20 million. Wow, how very scientific of you to just throw random numbers around, some of which deviate by 14 million. That's the quite the calculating error.

Keep ignoring the facts presented in this thread. Wouldn't want to disturb your echo chamber or anything.

Why can't Sup Forums accept the holocaust happened? Wouldn't they have been happy if it dead?

> only 5 mullion Jews died let me show you tons of evidence

Wow Jews btfo forever he sure showed them

who gives a fuck. mao killed ten of millions. stalin and his jewish boolsheviks killed tens of millions, and your average person doesnt even know about it.

even if the holocaust happened it doesnt even compare to other shit that went down in the 20th century

You haven't presented a single fact. Witness testimony doesn't count since since most of it has been proven false. Such outlandish testimony as human lampshades was presented and accepted by the courts. This is NOT evidence just because a kangaroo court accepted it.

the best way to figure out if someone is worth arguing with is asking this simple question

what would it take to convince you?

clearly not survivor accounts, you will say they're all made up, clearly not pictures, you'll say they are all fake, clearly not tattoos or other physical mementos, those are just fabricated, clearly no records or documents, those would all just be doctored or maybe even photoshopped if we're bold enough to say they were made yesterday or something

so tell me, what would it take to convince you?


of course the holocaust didn't happen, white people aren't capable of killing entire groups of people, especially jews, they aren't evil like shitskins

but honestly i wished it had happened because the world has turn to shit

Maybe if they found the remains of 20 million Jews. They had to go somewhere, right? Btw- the Jewish academia has searched long and hard for it and have never found it. Maybe some official Nazi documents that outline an extermination plan.

>Hitler was based for killing all those jews
>oh also he never killed all those jews


You sound evil enough

This isn't evidence. It's just a poorly made meme.

I never said hitler was based for killing all jews

Hitler was portrayed as evil for doing something he never did (kill jews) and he is considered based because he cared about nationalism and he cared about the future of the white race which faces extinction thanks to jews.

If he wanted to kill jews, there wouldn't be so many right now who control the world.

What about all those dead Poles and Russians? How much of a neckbread do you need to be to unironically defend Hitler?

>historical accounts aren't evidence
>documents aren't evidence
What is evidence to you then?


but feel free to put dailymail or the program runner in triple parenthesis or something. Where are the mass graves for literally ANY genocide that happened? You know unmarked mass graves of people that were supposedly burned to ash tend to be hard things to A)find and B)start digging up C)even fucking find at all because a body is completely decomposed in 8-12 years so the only things to go by are chemical traces hat you'll just say are fake readings

How about some bodies. That would be a strong start.

probably a mass grave filled with the bodies of the global elite pedophile group that hillary and the rothschild belong too

you cannot convince someone who is not open to being convinced.

>we did it goys we found the bodies
>we cannot dig them up though lol

those completely decompose in 8-12 years so we're about 64 years too late dummy, however
they have used below ground chemical tracking machines to find mass graves

just say thats fake too and spare me the back and forth

the holocaust aside, I would say invading countries to start a war that killed millions is pretty goddamned irresponsibly evil, user

so America is evil? In fact most western countries are evil?

>I voted for the same person as these idiots
Really making me question myself right now

You know nothing of science. Human bodies do not decompose in 8-12 years. Also ground chemical tracking has never found human remains.

Want to debate me? Come at it. I've a forensic pathologist. Ill eat you alive.

they never said they found bodies, those are all decomposed by now dummy. They used machines to detect that there was a mass grave there. Also there are issues with randomly digging up graves of people who died in recent history. You cant really just do that unless you have the families permission, and mass graves make that complicated

once again, you cant convince someone who wishes this hard not to be convinced

Some people in America and western countries are certainly evil, user.

Of course, we're not dictatorships either.

>I've a forensic pathologist.
Fucking russian shills and their anime-taught English.

Friendly reminder that the worst genocide in the history of the world, was masterminded by a Jew.


the actual fucking consensus is that an unexposed body completely decomposes in 8-12 years


which was 10 years ago btw. Looks like someone knows very little about their procclaimed field. The only thing you eat alive is man ass, buster.

>letting retards on Sup Forums influence who you vote for
You should take a good hard look in the mirror

woops, meant exposed body. not in a coffin, 8-12z

>Where are the mass graves for literally ANY genocide that happened?
are you suggesting that all genocides are over-exaggerated hoaxes just because one of them is?

Anyone seen the sequel?

Shoah 2: Annudah

nope, just saying such things are difficult to find to begin with

what about that russian memorial that lowered the death toll from like 3 million to roughly 1.3 million? are you saying the real number is zero?

I sure hope Moshe Goyimstein wins an Oscar!


>its a holocaust deniers deny getting BTFO'd again episode
When will this series end? I'm sick of the reruns.