Anyone else /suspendedfromtwitter/? That SJW cuckfest needs to die off already. Pics inside
Anyone else /suspendedfromtwitter/? That SJW cuckfest needs to die off already. Pics inside
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Never made an account, never will.
long live communist twitter
>OP is a literal dindu
Get fucked, shitskin. Act like a nigger, get put down like a nigger. Learn to function in society.
why the fuck are you linking Sup Forums on twitter faggot?
Go to tumblr for attention.
>gets called a nigger for making fun of niggers
>that's the next step of my master plan, a tumblr ban
forgot to reply for my second thing
>chimp out
>claim you dindu nuffin when you face repurcussions
>but I'm not black, guys, I made fun of this black woman!
If you are genuinely white, interrogate your family to find who slipped you shit genes.
My account is still up
holy shit dude.
No reason. I would just get banned immediately. Jack probably hired a team solely to read and ban the the tweets at dindu.
kek it was from a "write a letter" thread
I also called Joe Biden a faggot and Jack Dorsey a bull prepper
>want to get banned
Did you make this whole account with the goal of getting banned so you could say you got banned from "SJW cuckfest" Twitter and feel like some oppressed political outcast?