Why the fuck don't you vape weed?

pic related: the new vape I just got. It's super cheap and efficient, just a few grams can have me stoned all week long. also it doesn't smell at all so I can use it anywhere. the best part about vaping is that no smoke is produced so your lungs are left completely unharmed. Being high is so much fun, you forget all about your problems and it makes everything so much better. so now seeing all the benefits of vaping are you guys really still against marijuana use?

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Enjoy your herbal jew.

How much was the vape?

That doesn't look like weed. Vaping is gay.

>Being high is so much fun, you forget all about your problems and it makes everything so much better.

I fucking hate that I used to think just like you.

Degenerate scum

How much was that


who the fuck cares. go vape yourself into a coma

Because it doesn't get me high like smoking normal weed does

I got an MFLB a few years ago and I didn't like it... didn't really get high at all. Just get a nice gladd bong and get a small bowl that fits 1 hit, you'll get higher and use the same amount of weed as you would have used with the MFLB.