"r/twinpeaks is better than /tpg/" edition
Thread theme song: youtube.com
Previously on teepeegee:
"r/twinpeaks is better than /tpg/" edition
Thread theme song: youtube.com
Previously on teepeegee:
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for Jumping Man
Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman them boys up to somethin
>literally posting reddit
death grips song would be Stockton
nth for some helloooooooooooooooooooooo
He just spent like damn near two years out the country
I got LYNCHED, this now looks aesthetically good to me after watching Part 8.
Am I reddit for enjoying that?
Which was best?
My vote: The purple sea
I've noticed it's getting pretty common around Sup Forums now.
Gottalight Woodsman = Bob
I'm going to make the next edition liderally reddit if you keep complaining.
Why the fuck did they rotate the floor.
Cooper coming over to comfort Laura after she just died while she watched her guardian angel is pure kino.
How much shit will come out of your ass when David Bowie shows up in the last episode as Philip Jeffries and then plays the last show at the Roadhouse as David Bowie?
It was way more prevalent in /tpg/ for the first few episodes. Monday threads would constantly be filled with theories lifted straight from /r/twinpeaks. And not even in a way that implied "what do you guys think?", but posted as if they were absolute truth.
Mulholland Doctor is honestly one of the best films ever.
Those niggers need to fuck off back to their normie hug box.
The midget moved the furniture around to mess with Coop.
Why was the original series so black and brown? Was it a conscious choice?
Top left. Bottom left looks the sleekest but I love the creepy, unsettling and somewhat intimate atmosphere of top left.
Worst by far is bottom right. How could they get it so wrong?
Also, could someone make one of these but of Laura sitting in her chairs?
It was part of the comfy North Western aesthetic
Reminder that it's been confirmed that David Bowie is in this season.
Guys, need Good Luck again today, can someone post that Mr. Jackpots image?
>but I love the creepy, unsettling and somewhat intimate atmosphere of top left
That's something I love about the white lodge / purple sea / mauve zone it has a real intimate feeling and the uncanny valley is really off putting because it's clearly a real locale they're in that has only been slightly altered to look otherworldly.
That's something that was lost in the red room scenes in season 3, it looks way too clinical.
Imagine being Special Agent Dale Cooper in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Audrey Horne, you fuckin' beautiful, intelligent, desirable, and everything a man wants in his life, I couldn't possibly have sex with you, both the professional and the personal me." when all he really wants to do is bang the shit out of her. Like seriously imagine having to be Cooper and not only stand in that room while Audrey Horne flaunts her perfect body in front of you, the harsh lighting hardly hindering her youthful and creamy skin, and just stand there, minute after minute, second after second, while she perfected that smile. Not only having to tolerate her flawless fucking visage but her sweet attitude as everyone in the town tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, AUDREY HORNE LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her feminine fucking angel face contort into types of sexy looks you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Caroline Earle and Annie Blackburn and later alleged sex workers for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the FBI in Philadelphia. You've never even seen anything this fucking beautiful before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her buxom breasts as she projects them outwards to writhe them suggestively at you, confidently assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to be there and revel in her "Virginal (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the FBI director calls for another week at Twin Peaks, and you know you could kill every single person in this town before the Sheriff department could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Coop. You're not going to lose your future FBI director career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
I browsed around there a few days ago, and someone posted this shit. Everyone was jerking off about what a "great find" it was even though it makes literally no sense and it's the biggest forced connection ever. A good portion of them now believe this is absolutely what it meant.
They think this series was made by fucking Vince Gilligan or Christopher Nolan.
meant for
It overwhelmingly uses a red palette to help create the comfy atmosphere.
david lunch lol
>it looks way too clinical.
That could be interpreted as Cooper being more "familiar" with it, due to being trapped inside for 25 years.
I agree though, the lighting has changed.
I would have desperately sniffed the sheets where she sat while jerking off with the speed of a jackhammer the second that door closed after she left.
>Has a gun
>Walks up to his target, close enough for him to disarm him.
Is a Ike retarded?
The lack of backlighting really hurts the new one
Man of honor. Gets up close to give target a fighting chance.
Film version without goon lighting angel stuff
Jeez. There's always "that" guy from /x/ posting in EVERY thread.
What is the shit they peel off that gun later, cause its not in this part of the scene.
>Episode 29
>Episode 2
>Fire Walk With Me
>Twin Peaks: The Return
Look closely. After Ike drops the gun, you can see he has a "hole" of sorts in his hand. That's it.
It's part of Ike's hand, pause as he takes his hand off the gun, you can see a red patch on his hand
Yeah he's got an injury on his hand but the skin flab isn't on the gun. Is this just a continuity error?
I think the skin ends up being on the wrong side of the gun later and it seemed like a continuity error.
>Is this just a continuity error?
Nah senpai, intentionally bad effects senpai
>later alleged sex workers
Yeah its very obviously not there when Dougie disarms him and then it shows up
post yfw this is the last 2 week gap between episodes
>mfw on left
There's always an illiterate like you who hasn't even read the CANON "Secret History of Twin Peaks" and learned all the secrets of Season 3 in advance of their explication onscreen.
All 3 of those posts are accurate.
Go away Mark.
The detectives find a similar looking thing in Hastings' trunk.
I-Intentionally subversive to disorient the viewer and make them f-feel uncomfortable, you plebs.
It's the missing piece of the formica table
>eyes way too close together
>eyes way too far apart
What did they mean by this?
>not photoshopping lynch's face onto the homeless man as he slinks away.
I didn't make it because I'm not the least bit talented but that would have made it 10x better.
You'd have found that thing if you watched the guy who says "Mr. C…Mr. C…" at Beulah's house. They're being pickled or something in that fat jar of whatever he's drinking from.
that painting is more Inland Empire than Twin Peaks
That's a great idea.
How is the new season? Twin Peaks (the original) is my favorite show of all time. I've been scared to watch the new season. I don't want this show to get ruined for me.
Should I watch it or not even bother? I'm legitimately scared.....
Depends on what you like about Twin Peaks. If you don't like David Lynch's other work, you probably won't like the new series.
It's kino
Do you own any Twin Peaks funko pop dolls?
If your answer is yes, then the return is not for you
It better be worth it, how did everyone who read it like it?
I unironically think it's very good.
I'm watching ''The Leftovers'' and let me tell ya... this is what Christian Telékino is all about
Because the stars have shifted.
I also like how there's no more lighting outside the curtains. FIRE has died down.
Would you go with her, /tpg/?
If you liked it because of the town of Twin Peaks or the characters in it, then don't bother watching the new one.
It's ok, but it could also pass for fucking X-Files fan fiction. I checked out around the time Nixon met aliens while in the company of celebrities.
I noticed that too. I think they looked like fucking freaks together.
That's an actual thing that happened, though. The only question is whether the aliens were real or Nixon was playing a joke.
If you like pretentious bullshit, you'll love it.
Speaking of which I recently wrote a TP/TXF fan fiction crossover.
citation needed
This is an alien now?
>looked it up
>mfw that's really an actual quote of sheryl lee's
Christ so many mixed signals here.
I'm even more nervous about watching it now. This didn't help at all......
post it
Unless I'm mistaken, Nixon's idea of a joke was ruining people for sport.
>ctrl-f "alien"
>0 results
>I'm legitimately scared
Watch it, man. Watch the show you fucking pussy.
It's unironically the best thing that has happened to television in years.
What are you talking about? Nixon was a Quaker.
I'm I love the series, personally. We're not quite halfway through yet, but go into it with an open mind. It's not going to be what you expect at all. It might be easier to stomach for you now that you're able to marathon 8 episodes, though.
>Everyday give yourself a present