Where were you the night hannity offed himself on TV?
Where were you the night hannity offed himself on TV?
Hannity has no objectivity whatsoever and just blindly supports anything reublicans or republican candidates do.
If you watch him it's only to reinforce your own viewpoint as a reub.
I need a safe space, famm
he goes against republicans all the time.
He was just smart enough to see that Trump was going to win early on
lol he never goes against republicans
You don't know what you're talking about is all.
And yet when anyone shits on him, they're called a cuck.
Fuck Hannity.
He goes against republicans when they aren't being republican enough.
what did he do
>I get all my (((news))) from Jewish comedians
Hannity is a team player and a reasonable man. I like him.
Fuck of cucks
Why does Phelps look so butthurt? Did he run out of weed?
>I've never watched Sean Hannity
He's been accused of attacking his own all the time, but they aren't his or our "own"
They are leftist scum pretending to be Republicans, such as Paul Ryan.
>I think republicans are Atwater-bastardized attack dogs
Just make a new party. That way you can enjoy never winning an election again, since you can't without your "scum".
I stopped watching Hannity when he threw the football around before commercial breaks. I could not stand that level of fake try hard. Fox news is literally a station for old fat baby boomers nothing of value for younger people comes from that station because we are not the target audience.
Nah, how about we take over the existing one instead?
Hannity redeemed himself by supporting Trump from the beginning. I think Fox is trying to get rid of him over it.
She has tiny jewels embedded in her left titty
Hannity is fucking based. No other Fox News contributor is more pro-Trump and red-pilled than this man.
Okay he has his football beer drinking dad moments, but hes fucking Irish what do you expect.
When America consummates the second Grand Republic you better bet your ass 90 year old Hannity will be its Orator.
Good luck. You'll need it.
Hannity is a legend. I like pretty much everyone on Fox, just because they're upbeat and respectful. Sort of gives you hope for the future.
The guy who beat his ass 4 years ago by mere tenths of a second was taunting him just outside of the frame with some faux-boxing legwork while Phelps was meditating with his dad-rap Eminem shite at full blast