>it's a "Ronnie orders a hamburger and milkshake" episode
It's a "Ronnie orders a hamburger and milkshake" episode
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shes got them emilia clarke arms
Spic genes are kicking in.
She is lovely. How do I get a girlfriend like her?
giv thicc arm gf
she makes my dick go super size if ya get what i mean
she makes me horny is what i meant
What was his fucking problem?
I don't understand
No giv poster no. Not based. You're better than this
leave giv poster alone you son of a bitch
Thrown down your daily diet OP?
Weight? BMI?
who is this burrito blower?
>its a ronnie sits on my face until i die episode
Is that one of the twins from Suite Life of Zach and Cody?
So you died from your skull being crushed in due to the weight?
kek is this what the Archie comics were like? I always assumed from the covers that it was generic high school drama type material.
Hold it you dummies
>its a ronnie fucks a nigger episode
dropped it after that
based giv poster should not like fat chicks. he's too good for them
>spic genes kicking in
She's too old user, in another few years she'll look like an old faded beach ball with sandy skin.
Yea the comics were just like this. They were faithful to the source material.
what did they mean by this?
The fuck?
Why is moose killing someone?
I don't watch the show.
Talked shit about Midge
>mfw people think massaging someones chest will actually help them start breathing again
Shitty procedural cop shows will be the end of us all.
Cpr aint hard honestly. Actually as a dude that just took a CPR class its scary to me how easy it is to compress and decompress the chest.
Top kek.
i...is that cum?
Ronnie > Polly > Betty > Josie > Cheryl
Maple syrup.
Canadian cum
>Josie > Cheryl
Serpent Slut
whats the context behind that maple on the pic though?
good taste my lad
The popular jocks lie to get into girls pants and rate them afterwards, the town they live in known for producing maple syrup so they cover the girls pictures in maple syrup.
why her hips so low? how many kids she shat out?
this is all I can think of when I see her
that is an imbostor, trust me on this
t. knower
thank you knower, my faith was shaken but now restored
Is it cause the actual giv poster is a Bettyfag?
yw yw :3c
I hope she shows her pussy
>that feel when no germanic lili gf
Just poop in my mouth already tbqh
Its canon
Ahhh, the sweet innocence of 1950s Archie comics.
just be yourself
what episode OP???
wagner and hitler would approve
even strauss
Someone post the dark Betty webm
The chest compression keep oxygenated blood circulating to the brain, got nothing to do with them breathing,
In case of you dumb faggots actually thinking this is real,the clip is editied to look like Archie is beating the woman up. In the actual episode, the girl in the clip is stuck underneath the ice and Archie has to break it using his fists and pulls her up. Fucking idiots.
the funniest part of that is how they just leave her alone after that and don't go the hospital for a checkup and psychiatric observation. And then everyone is surprised when she burns down her house lel
Are they? I don't remember them being surprised she burnt it down. I don't think they covered it
I meant it as a figure of speech, it was one of the last scenes, there couldn't have been any reactions from the main cast
wait, she's slim again? DROPPED
>tfw I went to highschool with the guy who plays Archie
>tfw seeing him making bank on this shitty cw show
>tfw still havent finished uni even tho I'm two years older than him
It was before the hamburgers.
Looks like a bobblehead.
Whenever this guy shows up the whole shit turns into highs school musical. Such a shame, the show would be so much better without him.
>inb4 archie comic fans reply to this post
is this show good
yeah not only is he completely unlikable, he also ruins the otherwise surprisingly good pacing and plot with his shitty music stand-ins every episode. Glad he got cucked out of betty
Imagine if an autist saw this parody trailer and tought it was serious and decided to make a serious tv series out of it.
At least they have hot chicks/guys in it so it's not a total failure.
Incredible how even though this is a parody trailer, they still managed to make the show even more angsty
Whats the matter, triggered by Chad again?
I (kind of) know KJ Apa irl. He was in my brothers class at primary school. He's not at all like his character irl. He's more of a drama geek type. Smart too, but terrible at sports, counter to what you might assume from the show.
wtf happened in the last 6 years for people to think something that was a joke (how about if Archie was an angty over-the-top teen drama lol) is actually a good idea to make for real and even more angsty?
the archie reboot
I see he went to Jack's CPR class
Wasn't that bad. Even the angsty shit like Grundy being sick and Moose almost hitting Midge was tempered by Archie-like humor and compassion and HOPE.
tumblr and shipper culture exploded
Not sure it's that related. I'm a shipper myself and I don't go for angty shit like that. Only young teens starting out at fanfics go for that shit and they usually only do that sort of thing for a very short (and cringey) time.
You're Australian?
>Tfw the same age as KJ Apa and I've never had a job
I thought he was a sheep shagger
>not best girl
Open up a taco stand
God I'm so happy chokers have become popular again.
Im-fucking-plying it isn't Betty
can confirm betty best girl
t. knower
Damn straight
>Negro gets fresh with women and tries to BLACKED them
>Girls band together at night to show him his place and crush him under their heels
how is this show so based?
Betty was always best girl, only showplebs seem to think otherwise
Legit one of the most pathetic post Ive read on Sup Forums. Noticed this kind of shit lately, they must have sent the tumblr taskforce.
Jesus Raimi
Wow what a slut
>Best girl is still a virgin