PPS. Pay Per Shill. They are Clintoning The Record.
Jacob Lopez
Because a lot of people hate him...................????
this shouldn't be that hard to figure out Klaus.
Cooper Wood
You actually believe this? Sure, there probably are some shills here but I doubt it's all those people in this thread I linked.
Carson Jenkins
On NeoGAF or Reddit, yes, here on Sup Forums he was almost exclusively loved and praised except for some sarcastic hate posts (stumped) or falseflag posts to learn arguments.
Joseph Davis
Carter Lopez
You need to shill pretty hard when you only get cents per post.
Alexander Howard
there's always been a lot of hate for Trump on here
your anecdotal evidence is not evidence to the contrary
Jeremiah Jackson
Because Sup Forums is realizing they backed an unelectable candidate, so they're trying to pretend they never supported him to save face.
Benjamin Peterson
fuck off leaf
its all shills OP
Zachary Adams
so now they are pushing the narrative that they wont the propaganda war.
Jack James
Elijah Collins
whatever allows you to sleep at night in your comfot zone, just call them shills to ignore the reality he's actually not as popular as you think he is even here on fucking Sup Forums
Asher Parker
CTR. Hillary is paying millions shills who just hate. They are voting Trump though. No doubt about it. They gotta make a living
Christopher Rogers
just the usual raid by scared paid hill shills dont pay them no mind.
Jack Rivera
If you want people to believe that you actually care about political discussion and you're not just here to shill then stop flooding the place with absolute garbage.
No one believes you're here out of genuine interest. You're here to prevent anyone from discussing a different opinion.
Asher Price
Dude I was hating on Trump before it was cool.
Adam Cooper
okay buddy, keep sucking on that nice trudeau cock
i personally cant wait until trump is elected. I hope his first order of business is to come here and fuck trudeau as hard as garrison fucked us in southpark
Kayden Williams
>You're here to prevent anyone from discussing a different opinion.
So when trump bootlickers call any pro hillary post or anti trump post a "shill" to disregard it are you implying that isn't "preventing anyone fro discussing an alternate opinion"
because that happens here a lot... who's really not able to listen to other viewpoints I wonder
Gavin Mitchell
Now that Trump has pretty much demonstrated he is a shitty candidate and his polls are sumping hard, all his fanbois are realizing they should have gotten behind someone else.
Leo Thomas
Shills. at late nights it lessens and you notice support threads appear.
Christopher Diaz
As the secondary resident paid shill in the Trump General threads (Finland is #1), I can tell you that I'm just sick of the cheerleading circlejerk bullshit. Supporting Trump is one thing but everything he does they just act like it's so fucking brilliant. He can change his position on anything and they love it before and after he changes it. They stifle discussion with their stupid bumper sticker mentality and if you even for one second challenge anything Trump says or does you get a chorus of dumbasses replying with the CTR meme. And, they actually believe it.
TLDR: irresistable trollbait
Julian Baker
The idea that anyone on Sup Forums could be pro-Hillary without being a shill or a compete newfag is laughable in itself
Jose Parker
Sup ctr faggot? You will all be found out sooner or later,kiddos. My mind is an empty rice bowl.
Caleb Perry
Adrian Roberts
They where paid shills m80. Now they're paid to shill for Hillary.
Alexander Smith
shills and people that like to troll work hand in hand now
if trump does great, posting that he will lose is futile and not fun. Since the new polls look bad and worse, it's easy to evoke an emotion
Oliver Mitchell
Because it's fags from other boards shitposting and the gay faggot mods letting them. Everyone here is pro trump and if they aren't then they're probably from some other faggot place
Ryan Howard
The influx of shit you bring is waaaaaaaaay more excessive. If you can't see the difference then... fuck it.
You don't care. I'm tired of trying to break through.
Jaxson Gutierrez
the people who actually use Sup Forums left for somewhere else, to let CTR enjoy the echo chamber. :)
Henry Foster
i cant stand this fags face
Hunter Johnson
the "shill" posts are way more numerous than the pro trump posts here?
don't make me laugh, this is an echo chamber for pro conservative and trump posts with a sprinkling of other viewpoints that get shouted down rather than the other way around
All CTR shills inb4 some shill says "fuck you no shills here boss"
Thomas Reyes
Really? Anytime I say anything slightly negative about him everyone calls me a shill. See watch...
Sebastian Long
This is what internet warfare looks like. This fucking board.
Psychological warfare plain and simple. War. War doesn't change.
But the battlefield sure does.
Jayden Richardson
lol you dumb fucking leaf you really expect me to believe that Sup Forums took a complete 720 from being an all pro trump board to suddenly being a cesspool of CTR shills and people defending shillary RIGHT after the DNC leaks and the discovery of her corruptions with trump surging in the pools. You pathetic fucking leafs disgust me lol. .02 cents has been donated to your account, now go shine le weed mans shoes will ya, you low life leaf
Josiah Adams
You're 12?
Aiden Bailey
>What with all the Trump hate on Sup Forums lately
We found out he has tiny, tiny hands. Unacceptable!
You can print out a life-sized outline of Trump’s hand here, and see how you stack up:
According to data from Ergonomics Center of North Carolina, the average American male’s hand is 7.61 inches long. Trump’s hand sits at the 15th percentile mark. That is, 85 percent of American men have larger hands than Trump. As do a third of women.
CTR has been on here hardcore. They've got six million dollars to pay college kids absolute shit to post on social media all day. They're on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Sup Forums, and even Sup Forums.
Luke Baker
>Implying that shills say anything constructive. That their logic undeniably corrects the record.
A fucking leaf. Enjoy paying those high taxes, because I sure as hell would not like to live in your shithole of a country.
Is it just me or are all the shills Australian or Canadian or Commiefornian?
Eli Murphy
Landon Collins
>A fucking leaf. Enjoy paying those high taxes, because I sure as hell would not like to live in your shithole of a country. Ad hominems make your arguments look less convincing.
Justin Miller
I'm saying that your political situation is caused by people who actually think that your country is going in the right direction. I don't see those kind of "online politician's" actually trying and advise the situation our country should go with great arguments . Bantz plz >muh ad hominem Look at the usual shill post about trump supporters being white low iq trailer trash and compare that to my post. Even your maple syrup brain should see the difference. Thanks for such an enlightening conversation!
Julian Miller
>supporting a loser yeah no thanks, why waste my time supporting someone who has no chance