This is called the funniest moment in Spiderman homecoming

>This is called the funniest moment in Spiderman homecoming

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So Disney is finally doing a Marvel/Star Wars crossover?


Is everything in this fucking movie CGI?

Is that a shot at the batvoice?

The comments are the worst

ALSO...sorry, did the vid was cut short? or that was supposed to be funny?

Wait, does this mean there's a camrip out?

Donglover still leaning heavy on that whole 'I'm too cool for this' attitude I see.

I think this movie is shit but, Glover is supposed to be a villian so why would he be threated by a twink wearing a colorful gimp suit?

Watching Spider-Man being reduced to this is like having a son...playing catch with him, thinking about giving him the talk to girls...only for him to become something off of tumblr

Why is Hollywood trying to force Glover so hard?

>trying to force him
>supporting role in Star Wars spinoff
>small bit part in Spiderman movie
woah there Hollywood that's way too much dong lover

He went from dumb comedy tv shows to big titles.

nigga makes good music and does alright in movies

>more parking lots

I'm surprised there weren't 40 cuts of spider-man walking over

>Why is Hollywood trying to force Glover so hard?
The real question is, why has Hollywood forgot about the real Glover?


you need to go back

what the FUCK
a nigger in my spiderman movie

Right, because that's not how every single actor progresses in their career....

You're an idiot.

I actually thought his movie had some potential but it seems like a few moments of "neat" scenes with the rest being trash.




Oh hey it's that black guy who doesn't seem threatening and makes rap music I can identify with as a white kid!

So this is the power of CGI...

Why now?

(((Why))) indeed


This is so focus tested, it hurts.

It was all tied together with the marketing lead up to Redbone and Get Out. Quite the scheme actually and it might work since he even went so far as to create controversy over the music shit. They are putting in some good effort on this.

wtf dropped

His manager is Larry Goldstein.


camrip when? I'm not paying for this shit

Reminds me a lot of this scene

only worse

>I'm not paying for this shit
and yet my friend who loves the Sam Raimi movies is going to ask me to go see this cos he wants to have hope it will resemble those... I can guarantee it won't

If this wasn't a comedic scene but was actually directed to be dark like the lighting in this car makes Spiderman to be (out for revenge for the murder of his uncle - despite uncle ben's death in ASM1 was stupid) then this scene would have had heaps more potential.


Garfield made a fantastic Spider-man, too bad he was such a lame Peter Parker. That and everything else in his movies were lame.

I loved the ASM1 costume - probably a bit more than the ASM2 one because those golden like eyes were magnificent! A shame the movie was very average.

10/10 I am still thinking of buying an action figure of this costume. The Garfield extra head sculpt looks cool.


lol I get it, he's black.

>Garfield made a fantastic Spider-man
I agree. I would have cared more for ASM1 if they had actually cast the Dr Connor actor from the Sam Raimi films.

Anyone seen him in Halloween? He really deserved to be the Lizard.

I think the actor for The Lizard was fine, just a victim of shitty writing like everyone else in the movie.

I feel that the comedy actually works though. Without it, it would've just felt like a straight rip off of the first Batman scene in Begins. It speaks volumes about spidey's character, and shows what sets him apart from other capers. The TASM flicks were trash, but had some truly great scenes in them, this being one

>too bad he was such a lame Peter Parker.
He played a very awkward school guy very well

He wasn't awkward at all, he was a cocky asshole and one of the first things he does is embarrass Chad at basketball.

At least TASM movies tried to be serious. Homecoming is just going to be str8 up quips

>he was a cocky asshole
I am pretty sure some loners get cocky and frustrated (even tho most keep to themselves)

He was a cool hip twinkboi, not an awkward nerdy.

>A shitty CGI suit when we had a suit like this
I know the Homecoming suit was practical when they were filming but obvious is obvious they CGI'd over it

Or whatever digital cameras they are using, it makes the suit look so fake due to how bright it is

>He was a cool hip twinkboi
Well he did listen to pop music unlike Bruce Wayne in Gotham who listens to metal so you have a point

That was after he got the powers, and he ended up suffering for it, since everyone else realised he was a dick. Before that though, he was a realistic nerd. Never made eye-contact, sucked at conversation, not very initiative, didn't stand up to himself, etc. There's no reason why Oarker would ever be on the bottom of the social spectrum in Honecoming, in fact, he'd be one of the chad's, albiet one of the tag-alongs, but still a chad

It has that constant slight fuzz/glow that is just noticeable enough to remind you that it's not real. Really bugs me.

>BDrip vs shitty youtube trailer

I think that is a bad comparison, not that I'm defending the horrible Homecoming CGI, but definitely at least wait for a decent quality vid.

Andrew Garfield was funnier.

>42 seconds

35 seconds too long, pass

Still looks better than the suit in homecoming, which somehow looks WORSE than the one in the upcoming PS4 game

Here is a close up of the Homecoming suit from a trailer and this is how it will look in cinema

>an onion review has the famous line but the official movie doesn't

I laughed and then I cried

I was talking about the Homecoming suit.

So this is why they went with raised webbing

Is he /ourguy/?

Aside from the black lines they added, I like this suit

My bad then

This guy unironically does great reviews.


This looks so fucking bad holy shit how did Marvel fuck it up worse than The Amazing Spider-Man?

I really don't like the moving eyes, however I liked how they tried to simulate the classic style eyes.

Better Call Saul leak.

Looks like Tuco fucks him up real bad.

Nailed it. How can they misunderstand this character this badly?

They managed to give Deadpool animated eyes and facial expressions without doing total CGI when it's not even needed.

this is American humour?

Begs the question of what exactly do they think people want in a spider-man movie? The answer seems to be Iron Man and CGI.

>the cop just starts shooting

americans will defend this

It's weird because normies love quips and Spider-man is the original quipmaster. It should be fucking easy.

nah. aunt may catching peter and saying what the fuck got the most laughs.

That's all I've ever wanted in a spider-man movie. Not 50 fucking origin stories.

Zendaya is MJ. the black chick is vultures daughter and he finds out peters identity but peter saves him from an explosion and he keeps it a secret.

spideys suit has a JARVIS AI named Karen who sounds like she wants to fuck peter.

amazing spiderman was horrible, this scene is beyond cringe. talk to me when you have a deep film



This is great except for the hair and dark eyeliner

Whoever wrote that understands where most good comedy comes from - anger and aggression. Spidey *is* pissed in that scene, but the humor is a coping mechanism, sort of a release valve.

It's when Spidey shuts up that you're in trouble. It's wonderful to me how his snark and his jokes keep him human and relatable, but the instant he goes silent, the suit with all its bright primary colors transforms him from the laughing prankster to a clown in the moonlight.

All that subtlety and nuance has obviously been focus-grouped right the fuck out of this garbage, though.

someone said there was a elsa cameo, i thought they were lying but theres a girl in the prom scene with white hair and a blue dress who looks like elsa.

>The Spider Man

It's just Spider Man okay? there's no "The".



Spiderman 2 had pretty much Quipless Spiderman, and Spiderman 1 had only a few, yet they're the best superhero movies of all time.

>I'm a male!
AND WHAT'S WRONG WITH BEING A NOT-MALE? Fuck white people and fuck drumpf.

This review does Spidey snark better than nu-Spidey does.

God dammit. Spider-Man 3 had so many fun bits like this that it could have been right there in overall quality with the first two. A little more editing in the script and taking away a few needless characters would have served it so well. I just rewatched the trilogy over the weekend and even with 3's faults there was a sense of fun and originality. Nothing from the MCU matches these.

I hate both TASM movies with passion they were horrible, but this scene is pure kino, they were just about to get Spidey back in the track when they got canned.

>female AI flirting with Peter
is this true? that's kinda hot

Jennifer Connolly does the voice.

I remember playing this game back in 2001 at K-Mart when they used to have those game stations. I did the same with the Fellowship of the Ring game. Good times

Why do these Marvel movies look so fucking drab, holy shit. I cannot figure out how they turned something as bright and colorful as comic books and turned it into this washed-out grey bullshit.

Spiderman 3 gets way too much hate. Its a decent movie
All they need to do was
>Either have Sandman or Venom the villain, not both
>No Gwen, even with the excuse of Dunst not returning, Gwen's story made no difference, and the way they ended it wouldn't have really led into another relationship well
>Put in some of the cut Venom scenes (Black suit breathing
>No amnesia
>No Butler
>More scenes of the black suit tempting Peter

>And as it turns out, the actress responsible for voicing that AI is quite a distinguished name in the entertainment industry. In a new interview with EW, director Jon Watts revealed that the AI – whom Peter later names “Karen” in the film – is voiced by none other than Oscar-winner, Jennifer Connelly. In an interesting twist as well, Connelly already had a bit of an indirect connection to the MCU prior to Homecoming, since she’s married to none other than Jarvis/The Vision himself, Paul Bettany, a connection that Watts admits he was aware of:

“Yes, it’s Jarvis’ wife. It’s cool, right?”
