Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn sure we'll avenge it

>Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn sure we'll avenge it
What does this even mean? Avenge it how? Are they really going to be able to keep fighting after the Earth's inhabitants are enslaved and it's infrastructure in ruins? It seems like the filmmakers were more worried about shoehorning in a title drop than with having the dialogue make any sense

Avengers is a pretty stupid name. What the fuck are they avenging?

Stopped watching this turd series after Avengers.

Their attempt to capture an alien invasion was laughingly insulting.

Man that looks like shit in 60fps

They're Earth's Samson option

Just turn off your brain bro lmao

>What does this even mean?
It means Jewish screenwriters know European plebs will consume anything, and shitskins will be dazzled by Hollywood graphics and action, so they can write whatever shoehorned titled dialogue and will still make millions-billions because they are the Chosen and literally everyone else is too cucked, unaware, apathetic, or undecided to do anything about it.

Hulk and Iron Man look good, but everything else looks like dogshit. It's not because it's 60fps, though. It's because it's interpolated. If it were filmed in 60fps to begin with it'd be way different.

back to you go you autistic neckbeard drumpfkin manlet virgin

oh look, another triggered alt-right snowflake ;) it's ok sweetie, dont be mad at jewish people because they are successful and you are getting fatter everyday, with absolutely no hope of success or interpersonal relationships

It means they failed to stop the alien invasion and people are dying out in the streets, but they can still fight back. They're avenging all the people dying out there at that moment and avenging the Earth which has been successfully invaded in order to repel the invaders and send them a message.

To be fair both Avengers were really bottom-of-the-barrel as far as the MCU goes.

Most seem to be at least inoffensive IMO.

wtf, I love shitty capeshit dialogue now

It's shit dialogue in a poorly written movie because Joe Sweden is a shit writer, but based on the context in the preceding sentences spoken by Tony, his point was that even if Loki wins with his invasion, he'll never get to be a ruler because they'll be out there avenging or whatever. Basically saying he's in a lose-lose situation because we have a Hulkwithout orange slices

Box office sales

Brain off

Didn't he just straight up explain it the sentence before?

It's because Joss Whedon is shit at directing actual action

He's only good for humor and easily repeatable quips

All this talk of it being shitty writing and turning off your brain and this user gets it. He straight up said we might lose to this invasion but we're gonna fucking kill you Loki so what now. It really isn't that hard, some of you guys think you're smarter than you actually are.

Imagine being this stupid and triggered by any perceived slight, real or imagined.

wrong board stormweenie

>implying op got it wrong by accident

> It seems like the filmmakers were more worried about shoehorning in a title drop than with having the dialogue make any sense
That is literally what I thought when I heard it too.

>A super soldier
>A Norse God
>A dude with unlimited VATS
>An unstoppable beast
>A genius billionaire
>A tit cow