Irish Slave Denial

What does Sup Forums think about SJW's calling Irish slavery a myth?

>Indentured labour is slavery with extra steps

Is Liam Hogan a piece of shit?

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>What does Sup Forums think about SJW's calling Irish slavery a myth?
They're ignorant piece of shit and not in the meme way they use it. Literally ignorant of history

To be fair, Al Jazeera should be familiar with indentured servitude, as they are currently the #1 practitioner of it in the modern world.

they think theyre special they are the only one that can claimed to have been slaved, though i see no one talking about roman slavery of the european people

shouldnt it be a thing? i mean everyone's ancestors was a slave sometime ago, why not start barbarian lives matter?

That's been done

Dublin was the largest slave port in Europe for like a thousand years

Vikings raped their eyes green

Oh yes poor nignogs being sold by the niggers who hated them and ending up in the US


I'm a history graduate student and I can assure you that Liam Hogan is correct

#BLM, it's already a hashtag if I recall correctly...

>american history graduate
thinks that gives him credit

It is a myth.

then choose another name, european lives matter or some shit like that, but slavery happened everywhere in history from china to western europe and so on

Sure thing pal, and my dad works at nintendo

I like that...
I was joking about black people being barbarians...

Not gonna lie almost spit out my tea when I read your post.

Back in the 19th century Irish lives were considered more expendable than Black lives. Slaves were expensive but micks were cheap as dirt and lived with their extended families in tiny apartments. That's why they could be used to build the Erie Canal and railroads because those jobs were often fatal. The Irish men had to take those jobs as a lot of more reputable businesses instituted NINA (No Irish need apply). I only know this because I bothered to learn US history and my family were Irish immigrants at that time. The Irish people haven't forgotten but identity politics now in all of its retardedness has grouped all Europeans without taking into account that it's a bunch of different races and cultures.

The Vikings only had a couple of small settlements along the coast which were inhabited mainly by native Irish people under Viking rule and they were btfo by the Irish once they got their shit together. The Vikings left little to none DNA in Ireland and blonde hair is extremely uncommon here.

i got you now, it's very late at night here you know im tired

ireland even suffered slave raids from the ottomans

Former history teacher here. African slavery was institutionalized in the British colonies through the already existing practice of indentured servitude. African slavery eventually completely replaced indentured servitude. Indentured servitude included many ethnicities but they were mostly whites from Great Britain.

Didn't you know the only time slavery has ever happened in the history of mankind is when black folks were forced to come to America?

irish and chinks were just slaves you didn't have to take care of at the end of the day.

what's your personal opinion?

I think the Irish are cool because they don't side with SJW's and take what happened in stride.

Also, if Irish are the niggers of the white race, how come IRA is better organized than any black military group even without Soros shekels?

its to push that slavery is a "black only" thing

I find it funny how they try to dismiss how other groups can be victims too. Like the Irish, Italians or Poles. Only dindus, women, Muslims and the LGBTBBQ can be victims in their eyes.

I like it for shutting up the mickwops that love spreading the harmful "country of immigrants" meme.

These people just want to compete in the oppression olympics with SJWs. We shouldn't let them.

SJWs types here are pretty much despised and most people couldn't give a flying fuck about any SJW causes or any of that craic but there is a very vocal minority of middle class SJW types big into the whole Palestine thing and against American wars and such but most people are cool. We do take everything in our stride and just get on with it rather than have the whole victim mentality.

"nigger of the white race" is a term the marxist Jews use to destroy the concept of white race. Or to back up their idea of "white privilege". The fact is whites have fought each other forever throughout history whether it Brits vs Irish, Germans vs French, Russians vs Poles, Finland vs etc. you get the idea. That's not to say we shouldn't all unite now- but this Americentric idea of white privileged has only popped up recently as a way to demoise whites and further minorities.

Bullshit. You mean one little boat that had a dozen people or something. They never invaded.

The Vikings got rekt- see Battle of Clontarf. They had some eastern settlements but integrated with the Irish and became the Norse Gaels- though were defeated by the actual Gaels.

>Whites from Great Britain
yeah, British overpopulated prisons
made up of....mainly Irish, Scots and Welsh.

Ask anyone about how Australia was built.

I like you.

They also ignore who was at the front lines of UK wars. Irish, Scottish, etc. slaves.

This is what most people forget. It's not just blacks that were enslaved. They actually kidnapped children in Europe and forced them into slavery. Most did not earn their freedom and died slaves. Most of those who did earn their freedom just went back to doing hard labor for little pay because that's the only live they've known: institutionalized. They're free on paper, but they're still slaves until the day they died.

And they were all forgotten, because it didn't fit the "narrative" (((academia))) had in mind.