What the hell wrong with fucking Mexicans?
What the hell wrong with fucking Mexicans?
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Fuck spics. I wish blacks would kill them all, at least with blacks you have bro-tier ones like Ben Carson.
Lack of motivation.
Not enough room for both. Expect more of this the more Diverse the US becomes, people of different races and ethnic backgrounds don't play well when they are forced to occupy the same spaces.
Lol, are you fucking joking? Spics are way better than niggers.
>Using that idiot Carson as an example
Wew lad.
Mexicans are more racists than whites, nothing new here
they are too based to function.
Is this a joke? What do you mean "what's wrong with Mexicans?" They don't want their neighborhoods to be fucking complete dumps.
Even though they live in ghetto areas too, they have standards.
>pedro cant handle the truth
you have to go back
>Rodriges knows better what is good for whites
>Whites inprison him for his help attempt.
>nigger spotted
>nigger spotted
Everyone have standarts
>nigger spotted
nice try Jamal, spics >>>>> niggers
I'm going to smile and say hello to the next mexican cleaning lady I cross.
God bless 'em.
My current boyfriend is Mexican. Do Mexicans not get circumcised?
>nigger spotted
We'll never be your friends. We hate spics but we hate niggers 1000x more
Try again
I guess their sons are in the same line of business.
No, we don't believe in chopping our cocks off.
> Ethnically cleansing
> Blacks
No they're bad goys
what up tyrone.
i'm sorry what what my people did.
but you niggers are the scum of the earth... just above pakis
No, we're not retarded. And theres nothing in Catholicism about it
Also, spics hating coons ain't new. Thats just who we are
No, Mexicans all get circumcised but their foreskins begin to regrow at puberty.
This is sometimes referred to as a "Quinceanera" since growth typically completes at around 15.
You have to go back.
Spic here, yeah we don't
Together we will over come hermano
>be jose
>be workin for the gringo mowing the lawn
>hear gringo getting angry at tv
>is angry at negro
>dont have enough money for my hijita quinceƱera
>decide for a plan that will get more money from gringo
>get arrested
What magic is this?
kek be with u
I'll go back as soon as Trump becomes President mein frein ;^)
>All doctors are smart
There are plenty of stupid doctors, and have you even bothered listening to Carson speak? He sounds like a fucking retard.
>Pyramids used to store grain
Fucking dumb ass.
Also becoming a doctor is less about iq and more abouy memorization. I know plenty of stupid people who are in medical school.
hispanics are extremely ethnocentric
they are very violent, but their violent isn't random and short term like blacks, its more sneaky and organized.
whites are even more organized with their violence - too much so - they will lose their neighborhoods to hispanics because they are weak unless banded together in an army
at least spics build shit, mow my lawn/do my landscaping, plant and harvest crops. you knuckle draggin monkey dont do jack shit. one pedro is worth more than ten niggers.
I like this meme, gracias amigo.
Carson's achievements include performing the first and only successful separation of Siamese twins joined at the back of the head, pioneering the first successful neurosurgical procedure on a fetus inside the womb, performing the first completely successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins, developing new methods to treat brain-stem tumors and reviving hemispherectomy techniques for controlling seizures.
Carson became the youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery in the country at age 33
>nigger spotted
I've said it many times to these blacks and their white serfs laughing at Whites being minorities in the next few decades: They'll be BEGGING for whites to come back once they realize that the beaners are even bigger nigger haters and a LOT more open about their hate and violence.
Nah we ain't Jewish. Is it acceptable to slice off a baby girls clit? They fell for the Rabbi's scam lol uncut fags.
I will not lie, Carson is fucking great, but I need sources for that.
Confirmed, Gouchos are wising up.
Underrated post
>Carson became the youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery in the country at age 33
I wonder how much of a role Affirmative Action played in regards to that.
Hispanics don't usually differentiate themselves from whites. From my time in Miami, sometimes you can't even tell them apart.
You and Mexico should just get the wall built and fucking get along already.
>kicking out american born brownies
I had a feeling it would come to this.
Why would you do that!?
>nigger spotted
Its true. Mexicans don't like blacks all too much. Dad was born and raised in south central. Mexicans and blacks never got along. Fights daily between Mexicans and blacks. Mayate blacks are called. I think I spelled it right.
>Directing the first operation ever to separate twins that were joined together through the back of the head is somehow affirmative action
Nothing is wrong with Mexicans.
Let them purge the fucking niggers.
I'd whites aren't going to do it, someone else will.
Stay mad faggots
Learn how to read you stupid fucking leaf. Christ.
I wish they would all kill each other. LA could be a great city if it was just whites, Koreans, and Chinese again.
Why do Filipinos and Mexicans look so simular?
I know Native Americans and Mongoloids are closely related, but the resemblance is uncanny.
Is it the Iberian blood that makes them this way?
I am sorry for this America. We need to love each other like Jesus said it once.
Played as much as a role as your family's work ethic.
Post with a proxy from now on.
You're a fucking faggot. Don't ever post with this flag ever again
>t. jamal
i want them to stay on my side of the wall
I think the leaf means that his skill led to that decision. He's clearly an exceptional neurosurgeon... wait a second, this story sounds familiar
>americans putting faith in their republic
You're not going anywhere, faggot. Good Latinos get to stay. Just stop having like 20 kids per family.
>Nothing is wrong with Mexicans.
Have you seen Mexico?
What is that creature?
Aztecs are cool and so are Spaniards, but together they don't mix so well.
>expecting to new generation of autistic memer beaners to have kids
oh don't worry about that faggot
But I have plenty of famiry to redpill, so I'll do my part.
cuckservative pls
Shut the fuck up.
>Mentioning how it's possible that AA helped him get the position that early is somehow a sin
Kill yourself and don't reply to me ever again.
Anyone actually care to check the date ?
It's from fucking 2013, what's your point OP
They hate niggers like literally everyone else on the fucking planet, get over it.
whats the matter, achmed?
Nothing wrong with fucking mexicans.
>all globalist multiculturalist jews dead, killed by mexican syndicate narcogovt and teenage negro warlord tribes
We are rape cousins.
>Mexicans are a mix of Spaniards and native peoples
>Filipinos are a mix of Spaniards and native peoples
Both Filipinos and native Mexicans showed up in their respective lands rather late compared to Asia/Africa/Europe/etc.
Yes, then we are back to Feudalism... Or Hoppe Anarcho capitalism.. As you wish to call it.
i bet all of those girls have nudes aroudn the web
Have you?
>You're a muslim because your country is 4% muslim but I'm white even though my country is around 10% white
Mexican intellectuals.
>whats the matter
Murder,rape,hiv,democrats ect
>Cherry picking
You live in a third world "country" controlled by cartels
shut up pedro
Godspeed, user
I was born and raised in southern California. The majority of my friends growing up were Latino, so I'm biased. I know a good 70% of them are detrimental to America, but I can't bring myself to hate them. The greatest man I know is a homosexual anchor baby whose father crossed the border at 16.
He's voting Trump.
Trump is alright but America needs more than Trump.
You'll never be a true American.
America needs a man that advocates for very much barbarism. Pinochet tier times 30 to clean the country for good.
Tacos>fried chicken or bugs depending on the origin of the nig nog
He was born in this continent. How could he not be a true american?
I bet he has more native blood than the average white.
Fucking weeb
Agreed. In all honesty I don't think we can ever go back. And when I say we I mean both of our countries. Trump winning would be nice, but it'd be akin to putting a bandaid on the stump of a severed arm.
Reversing the demographic changes in our countries would require us to go full reich, and I just don't see that happening.
>nigger spotted
Besides, these United States cannot become Haiti.
To be fair, though, hamburgers are the ultimate food. This is coming from man who lives his Taquerias.
>Spics are way better than niggers.
>spics >>>>> niggers
Are you guys insane? Blacks are way better than Mexicunts.
This is like showing a clean toilet, that's still full of shit.
>neighbor is mexican as fuck
>lets me have whatever fruit hangs over my fence
>brings me food and beer from huge parties
Really cool dude. Homemade mexican food is the shit too. What do blacks do?
>Not sure what you mean by pic related
Mexicans lack follow through?
Are you serious Latinos are way better than niggers.
>What the hell wrong with fucking Mexicans?
Other than getting caught, nothing.
Yet blacks are going voting for hillary and even more mexicans to cleanse them. Fuck em. I hope they get wiped out.
>h-help us whitey and da police please
Sorry Paco but Mexicans suck and have made this country a much worse place to live in.
Mexico> Nigeria.