Why do millennials expect everything to be handed to them? They should feel lucky they have a minimum wage job in this economy.
Why do millennials expect everything to be handed to them...
But how else will they achieve their dreams.
>GDP is the highest it's ever been
>GDP per capita is the highest its ever been
>America itself is the richest is has ever been
>submissive plebs still are stuck in the mindset that they don't deserve to live comfortably for working their asses off for 40 hours a week
the internet has made it easier than ever to become a millionaire. University is a fucking joke these days and only the socially inept are left doing the shit work. Rot in squalor retards.
They were raised by parents who told them they were special snowflakes who can do anything.
>Someone is wealthy so I should make lots of money for doing a job any retard can do
Fantastic strawman chief
Haha this is how its always been what're you a gommunist??/ XSSSDDDD
Better red than dead like mah grampy says!
>Technology and automation have improved production
>I should pay workers more now that they're doing less work.
Lol exploitation?
That's librul nonsense lmao
these kinds of posts are always made by children on Sup Forums who have never worked a job.
>technology only started improving production in the late 70's
>Someone having more money than you having any affect on you aside from you being a jealous faggot
>noticing obvious exploitation
What more evidence do you submissive cucklords need?
They should be angry that the illegal immigration allowed by the leftists has kept the wages down for their generation and all people of every race, color, and creed here legally.
Actually, it's the children who think they deserve more than what they're worth and instead of looking for a better opportunity or improving themselves. Whine like the faggots they are and complain that they deserve more without putting in the effort to get more.
And your post is an indication of a kid who pretends to know anything about working
We're at a time in history where human workers are worth less in the sense of productivity and results than they've ever been, yet feel entitled to more resources and leisure than ever before.
>America itself is the richest it's ever been
No, it's 20 trillion dollars in debt. That's 20,000,000,000,000. That makes it quite literally the poorest it's ever been.
Not to mention the middle class is being eroded away in America like it is in 3rd world countries. You know why this is? It's because shit-for-brains like yourself believe that people should "live comfortably" while being nothing but an unproductive lazyasses which turn oxygen into greenhouse gases and food into shit.
If you're not a jew, you've got the mentality of one. Shame on you.
That's like putting a rat in a maze, making the maze more difficult, the reward less valuable and blaming the rat for its frustration
Back in my day you had to work all summer to pay tuition for college and even then you could hardly afford booze and illicit drugs for the weekends after paying living expenses. I even had to settle for a corvette over the firebird I had my eye on in '76. Kids these days just don't have work ethic and don't have their priorities straight. Maybe they should have been raised better with all their rap music and twerking!
>someone is wealthy therefore they should have the right to keep flooding the country with immigrants to keep the wages of their employees down so they can stay rich
Funny that you mention tuition
>le defending shlomos business practices and fighting against my self interests as a minimum wage loser
>I will keep all the produce to myself
Post more graphs maybe you'll eventually get over being a poor wagecuck who is too stupid to start a business.
>Wealth is a zero sum game
I don't know if you're genuinely retarded or just pretending at this point
>All wealthy people are globalists
That's a nice strawman leaf
>when everybody gets a loan
>nobody gets a loan
Nice triple dubs btw
Great society that you have planned where only the people who successfully start their own business are the ones who deserve to live a comfortable life.
My family is rich as all fuck, I never have to work in my life if I didn't want to.
I'm just showing the self hating retards that they're being fucked on a massive scale.
These kids just need to learn to walk up to their fathers, look them straight in the eye, and ask for full-time employment or the resources to start their own business like I did back in '77. Kids just don't know what hard work means these days if only they were raised better.
>implying our entire system isn;t made to fuck over the poor
Millennials you say?
>implying things havent changed since 1977
>Implying I work for minimum wage
>Implying you deserve $15 for flipping burgers
>Own the business
>Own the tools
>Own the materials
>Pay the utilities,
>Pay the taxes
>Not entitled to the profits but the retard who screws in the nut is
>le blaming minimum wage on schlomo and not understanding that forcing higher wages cuts out low paying jobs necessary for young teens and college age adults
>expecting to make a career out of a minimum wage job
Literally end it now
Don't worry goyim the wealth will trickle down!
Make sure you vote to abolish the minimum wage, dismantle social security, and get rid of consumer protections. Its in your interests goy!
High five! You're stuck being dependent on the success of your father and will never have any influence in your life. You are and always will be daddy's little boy.
But I agree people are getting fucked. People are always getting fucked. However it's only because they let it happen.
Take the money and take advantage of these fucking idiots. They'll thank you for it and daddy will respect you.
Fuck the poor.
Nice strawman scumbag, I'll have to remember that when I want to scare crows away from my tomatoes
Job market over saturated with people. What do you expect? The business hold all the power because there are so many potential candidates out there. We need less people going to college and more losers.
>They should feel lucky they have a minimum wage job in this economy.
I have a job that pays below minimum wage. I do not make enough money to live on my own. The fact that there is a minimum wage is what fucks me over even more.
>People getting robbed less by the government is bad
>mfw all Canadians on Sup Forums are contrarian edgelords because they have a complex about being perceived as nice
>look mum i'm lying to people on Sup Forums!
>young teens and college age adults
>implying these people should work at all and not focus on school
literally kill yourself schlomo cuckservative
Here's a favour for you lovely bunch of people except the fucking shills.
>Step 1: Torrent Internet Marketing Products
>Step 2: Watch IM products and learn
>Step 3: Create your own hybrid product and markup the price.
>Step 4: market it for 1-2 years
>Step 5: Profit
You'll be making a minimum 6 figures if you do a shit job.
>shifting the burden of public programs and funds from the rich to the poor when we're in huge amounts of debt isn't reprehensible
With minimum wage now gone, I can negotiate my own wage and my buying power increses
With Social Security gone, I can now keep more of my own money and invest it how I want instead of being forced to give it to the fed's slush fund
Now that overbearing regulation is gone, It's easier for me to start my own business
And you're a retarded cuckold bootlicker
you just need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get a job. I paid for all my living expenses, tuition, and my 'okay' corvette by working all summer at 711 you just need to learn how to work hard buddy.
>a boot has to have a gov seal and never has a corporate logo
You're a real out of the box thinker there guy
>Rich still pay more than you'll pay in your lifetime
>People who actually suck down those services actually have to pay for them
>Getting upset that you can't steal from someone to subsidize your welfare anymore
Your MOM IS SO FAT when I pictured her in my imagination, SHE BROKE MY NECK
Why don't millennial pinheads just get a job over the summer by shaking hands with the local supermarket's manager while looking him in the eye and asking if he's hiring? That way they could pay their tuition. We never had iPhones or computers back then but kids these days waste their money on buying them instead of buying something that would be worth the money like a good starter home in the suburbs. Thats what me and all my friends did back in the 70s. We settled for four bedroom houses because we weren't entitled little shits.
I don't have to buy a corporation's product if I don't want to
If I don't give the government my money, I go to jail or get shot.
The bootlicker is you
>he is still trying to push the strawman that making an environment less conducive to success resulting in less overall success of the average participant isn't large scale manipulation
>focusing on individuals when there is a clear large scale societal manipulation trend at hand as a strawman to shift the blame to individuals to distract from changes in the environment they live in
I don't
>being the exception in my generation
Wel fuck...
>misrepresenting someone's position this hard because you have fucking nothing
Literally not true
Your father worked his ass off to pay for his shitty car in payments, his appliances in payments, his house he paid off over a period of 20-40 years etc (if he ever paid it off)
But yeah, getting a job is harder. Good thing there's a fucking system to educate you and get you in place for one.
>Getting upset that your jealousy can't be backed with government force
Lol stop embarrassing yourself scumbag.
The pinnacles of power in the united states are much more than just state power.
alright millenial here's a guide to success just for you since you're too lazy with your iphones and your instagram hooliganism
>look manager in the eye
>say im the man for the job
>firm handshake
>be employed until retirement
what is so hard to figure out?
Reminder all "millenial" threads are D&C shill threads. It's another way of using identity politics to split the Sup Forums userbase.
I'll refer you to any of the other posts in this thread where I supported the point that the fundamental power dynamics of society have changed.
If you blame the individual without taking the environment into account, you are dishonest or cognitively impaired. Bottom line.
Also, not poor and never will be.
Worked for me any interview I've ever had.
I think it doesn't work for low Testies because manlet status means that they have to actually prove themselves.
Pretty fucked up but the reality of it. Seem alpha and they'll give u a chance seem beta and you're going to have to prove something during the interview process which is near impossible.
Millenial here.
Hasn't the whole point of our existence and what we've been doing for the past ever revolved around us trying to make a better more comfortable living for ourselves? Medicine? Flight? Technology? Entertainment? We now have it all, living standards are higher than ever, and oldfags are whining now there is a new generation born in time to reap all the benefits of this and focus on less physically demanding, strenuous joint grinding work.
Plus, i doubt any of you oldfags in here ever built a railroad, or worked construction or mined for coal or oil, so fuck off with your bullshit.
I'm 19 by the way, and have never worked a real job outside of freelance under the table tile masonry for my uncle, if we're all being totally honest here.
this too is a good point.
>thinking how many bitches you pulled in undergrad lands you a job
sure thing sonny I'm glad you landed that entry level position as a part time janitor at wendys but you need to buckle down and be a real go getter to get anywhere in life. Its all in your eye contact and handshake.
Many of them spent their childhood having things just handed to them. And the stories their parents tell of life being easier doesn't help.
>I'm rich therefore I am better than poor people and know their situation better than they themselves!
Protip: no one has to work minimum wage jobs. There's always the option to get paid well if you're willing to take on high risk employment. And, as someone who had worked minimum wage as a teenager, I can tell you that if you're better than everyone else at your job, you won't stay at minimum wage for long.
But lets just say you're right for a second, and that bosses in general are mean stingy misers who don't want to pay their employees fairly. What could possibly make them that way? Maybe the government taking a chunk out of their total business earnings every year as well as regulatory fees, codes, and the fact that SO MANY BOTTOM LEVEL EMPLOYEES WANT TO FILE FRAUDULENT LAWSUITS? The attitude of millennials projects that they think they're worth more than they are and they're generally lazy, unfocused, and have no loyalty to or respect for their employers.
While you're posting your charts, go look up the statistical growth of lawsuits over time since around the 50s.
Why do Republicans want to artificially inflate the value of labour by keeping workers out?
Shit I work a minimum wage job and a job that pays about 50% more and I've got enough dough stashed away to get me through a local respected college on a two year program working a single job+school during the semesters and two jobs for the other 4 months. you have to be willing to haul ass and sacrifice
>thinks he knows literally anything about the world
>especially considering he hasn't even had a fucking job
Christ, this is embarrassing. I hope you look back on this and cringe.
Also, I guarantee as you were reading this you thought you were more mature and have got shit figured out better than me like you were hot shit.
It's remarkable how scared you are to address the reality that the environment has changed.
You really are a huge pussy.
>State power
>Implying I'm not talking about the Fed
>Implying that the comparison of choosing who you give your money to to who you have to give your money to can even be argued against.
Go away statist shill
little weenie boy doesn't know shit about life. "Hasn't the whole point of our existence and what we've been doing for the past ever revolved around us trying to make a better more comfortable living for ourselves?"
Listen manlet, the problem with this thinking is that your supposed to keep moving forward. Not reap the benefits and sit on a wooden end of a shovel with your uncle.
>Why do millennials expect everything to be handed to them?
Because GenX parents are coddling pushover parents that raised their kids poorly without reasonability or discipline. Both generation should be decimated in a nuclear apocalypse along with the Boomers that were equally bad parents compared to GenX if not worse.
Yeah because I'm the shill in this thread
i should have just waited for millenial communist faggots to bitch about free money and college than done NROTC
millenials truly are the worst generation
Your MOM IS SO FAT she takes selfies in PANORAMA VIEW
Yeah, remember how much the Boomers supported the armed forces during Vietnam.
You're the fag butthurt over someone with more money than you and wanting to convince people that we need to give the fed more of our shekels. You came with an argument and got upset that someone didn't agree with you. Welcome to Sup Forums faggot
The reality has indeed changed. The fact is that there are too many damn people on the planet and by trying to lift up the worst of them you're going to doom everyone else. Let those who are worthless die or adapt, they're holding us back
I've had fun, shills and fuckbags. Enjoy posting on the internet for cents at a time and some of you defending policies and societal trends that actively siphon money from you and toward people who will never work anywhere near as hard as you day in and day out.
Enjoy it, cucks.
>Why do millennials expect everything to be handed to them?
Gen X reporting in, we had a lot of those too. seems a lot worse now though.
too many single moms out there doing nothing but raising a bunch of pot head slack jawed candy ass faggots
>Gen X was born from 1965 - 1980
>somehow gives birth to people 1980 - 2000
Really made me think.
All hail the cack.
Didn't mention the Fed once, hang yourself.
Soft brained little retard, see
Here you find the flaw in the system
Why should someone who hasn't worked a day in their life become millionaires because of who their family might have been while the hard working man is left with nothing?
Why should those who do not want to work get enough free money to live on even comfortably while the hard working man gets almost half his money taken in taxes to pay for that? Without those taxes to pay for those who don't work the hard working man would have enough maybe more to have all he needs
Our problem is that we look down on those who work "menial jobs" but work nonetheless. work which currently is nescesary yet we do not look down on or penalize those who don't do any work at all and in fact encourage it through things like welfare
I know a pretty fair amount about the world. It's called common sense, friend. I'm about to get a job, and regardless i'm signing up with the military by december so i do have my life planned out pretty well wanna be australia.
We are moving forward, jackass. Thats my whole point. Kids my age don't have to do laborious work anymore, we're all going into technology, IT, science or medicine related fields, we're already developed as a nation as far infrastructure is going, we can focus on science now.
I'm going into cyber security myself. Way to be a butthurt oldfag as usual, proving once again, you'd rather just be stereotypical and whine about the younger generation, than put some sense behind it.
Look on the bright side, you've got no college debt, a highly valuable experience for your resume for all future job opportunities, first dibs on all veteran jobs, and you're an officer, which means you have the means to get valuable connections if you spend your time right, if you're an unrestricted officer that is.
t.Former Army ROTC
USA doesn't want to be an anarchistic hellhole, so a minimum standard of living should be ensured for its citizens. Importing workers that only compete with labout that could've been done by locals, will make more locals jobless, which will require welfare and taxing of working locals.
You want more federal taxation, you support the fed. Autism.
Ok kiddo.
We've reaching a point where work is no longer about survival but about progress.
Why would I sacrifice the majority of my time on this Earth doing something I don't like, making (((them))) richer and financing migrants while knowing very well that I'll never be able to afford buying my own house?
>wagecucks will try to defend this
Why should someone be born with asthma while someone else is born healthy?
Why should someone be tall while someone else is short?
Why should someone be stupid while someone else is smart?
Their money is not your business, their life is not your business, and their situation has no bearing on yours. What someone chooses to do with that money is not your business. Life isn't fair. Get over it, or kill yourself.
"Kids my age don't have to do laborious work anymore."
Really? Have you been out in the fields, coal mines, construction sites? Who do you think are going to fill these jobs, seeing that we still need infrastructure?
For not knowing shit, you sure seem to have life figured out weenie boy. Btw, not much older than you
You're right. Gene therapy here we come!