ITT: Films that don't deserve the hate
ITT: Films that don't deserve the hate
This motherfuckin film was the best thing to happen to the human race, we all should be fucking grateful to Mike for being in such fucking great movie.
Someday THEY will descend and ask us for our biggest invention, we will hand this to them.
They will look to THE CAT IN THE HAT, and then they will know they have done right.
And everything will come to an end. FUCBOI
It was a fun movie that everyone took so seriously
did someone say Cat in the Hat thread?
>but you can follow the story so it is not deep
>made by trannies, it is trash
10/10 koni
Visuals seem cool atleast
I want catposting to come back.
>cat IN THE hat thread
t. abatap
The Fish
This is one of the most beautiful and humbling pieces of cinema ever created.
Fuck you, critics
Why would a matriarchal society who disposes of males upon birth need human mothers?
These are the questions that keep me up at night.
both perfect examples of how the uncanny valley is a death sentence for animated films
They need experienced mothers to program their disciplinary consciousness in to the robots that raise the younglings, they fucking spell it out for you.
The polar express did really well at the box office, only reason Mars needs mom's failed was because of its retarded name and awful marketing, not the animation (which was still pretty good in some parts)
What was so wrong with it? It was great!
Literally worse that Jar Jar
It's what happens when you make the most popular film of all time. Titanic was >LE ROMEO AND JUILET ON A BOAT until Avatar. Weak people will always shit on what the masses like in order to seem better people.
I thought critics liked this? It's one of my christmas classics for sure. It's impossible not to get chills when the hundred million elves are singing the Santa song.
I watch this every Christmas, one of my favorites.
I also love how Mandark's in it.
The word "overrated" was the worst thing to ever happen to film theory.
No idea why they were so harsh to this movie. It's one of the best christmas movies ever made.
Most of the plebs on Sup Forums can't look past the wierd looking animation and write it off as a bad movie. It's a fucking Christmas classic.
Speaking of amazing shit that's gone forgotten:
Hate? Maybe not. Indifference, absolutely.
>t. Mike
The first half is one of the best epic invasion films ever
When capeshit was for children, not manchildren.
There's only one scene where the character creeps me out(it's the beginning where he's in bed) but other than that I don't see what makes it uncanny valley. The scenes showing the snowy forest landscapes are really good, and it's a good adaptation. But it could've done without elf Steven Tyler
Crash Was a decent flick. I don't think it deserved to win best picture, but it was alright
>forgot pic
Munich was the best picture that year.
It was for everybody.
what the fuck is that block text supposed to be
I think Batman Forever is kind of boring, but Jim Carrey is pretty good in it.
I'm a fan of Batman and Robin. Batman surfs on a dinosaur. It's amazing.
nah, that flick is awful. Lifetime-tier.
it doesn't really get "hate", as far as i know, so it's more like it doesn't deserve the indifference it receives. fantastic film, probably my favorite about the middle eastern conflict, just had the misfortune of coming out 5 years too late in terms of cultural relevance.
One of the worst movies I've ever seen, you have the shitiest taste
The animation literally made me physically sick, felt ill just looking for pic related as an example. How the fuck did you watch this the whole way through?
I didn't like the part where he attempts suicide in front of the kids. Mike Myers took it too far
It was a corny piece of shit and you know it
i want to fuck this alien.
Me too, she is a cutie
54 / 22 / 26
Congrats Sup Forums, you memed me into watching Cat in the Hat. Surprisingly it has more meme potential than just the few images shown.
Probably my second favourite Batman
No, I don't watch movies with rappers in them.
No that does definitely deserve the hate
>*Most of Sup Forums likes this movie*
Fucking r/movies has better taste than Sup Forums at this point.
I'll get you, and it'll look like a bloody accident.
Are you talking about Rihanna?
>he doesn't like Shakespearean tragedy
The point is, as an entirely female society they should have a comprehension of how to raise children. Forget the fact they're born from plant pods because that was only used to prevent that "how are they reproducing?" question, they clearly have sexes modeled after our own.
Therefore, the matriarchal society should have no problem raising children. Unless of course this is a subtle message about single mothers?
Great action, decent story. why did the critics hate this again?
I don't know if it's the Sup Forums atmosphere or Alien fans at large but I like all the entries in the franchise (except AvP: Requiem), and the hate directed at Alien 3 is absurd to be honest, mentioning you like it gets the same sort of reaction as telling someone to go fuck themselves.
Battleship is great too, judging by the box office I bet most people who rant about how terrible it is never saw it and just assumed it was bad as it's based on a board game.
Because the "epic action" genre spawned by 300 is mostly junkfood entertainment for young adults.
Critics aren't typically tuned to the understanding that "This is made for people that just want to watch shit explode" and so they see a bunch of shit writing, rushed plot and bad acting.
Jesus Christ.
It's not like she raps in the film, I didn't even know who she was until after I saw it.
>looks 10x better than Mass Effect
>Only x10 better than Mass Effect
that's still pretty shit
is it any better than the 1st or 2nd Alien movies?
It's my favourite of the series, but I think if I tried to speak objectively it's the second best after the original (I think the original loses a lot of impact if you watch it knowing what it's about, the mystery is very prolonged), mostly because it's the only one of the sequels that felt like they sat down and said "okay, let's make a list of everything that made the original great, and do that, but different", and they came up with:
>Protagonists are all woefully unprepared (no weapons, no soldiers)
>Claustrophobic environment (but a prison instead of a spaceship)
>Characters working against each other (instead of an evil robot, you've got violent and insane criminals)
The main legitimate criticisms I've managed to get out of posters about it are
1. They kill off the characters from Aliens
2. Bad CGI
Neither of which was a problem for me, that's part of the horror sequel territory.
Thunderbirds (2004) was a good movie
that poster makes me hate it already.
her acting is still as shitty as her singing
How so?
Agreed, fun movie that didn't take itself to seriously
didn't you see pic related?
I have seen the movie and the picture you posted, what do you think that proves?
that you're a pleb who can't tell what is good acting and what isn't, that's what it proves faggot.
because they enslaved their people
How do you see acting in a still image?
And I think you're lying about having seen this film, and probably just trying to get some (You)s.
>why did the critics hate this again?
Because the Egyptians weren't all black people.
Speed Racer
Spider-Man 1/3
Speed Racer is pure kino.
>20 xeons into abduction and chill and schlee gives you this look
The big reason Alien 3 gets so much hate is that it completely shat on its predecessor Aliens tone and ending. The reason this criticism is hypocritical is because Cameron did the same thing to the original Alien. He turned it from a menacing, almost cosmic level symbol of fear and perversion, and made it another flashy blockbuster Ayy to be mowed down by superior human engineering. So yeah it really isn't that bad of a film and is actually rather unique for a space horror film
what videogame is this
>hypocritical is because Cameron did the same thing to the original Alien
Part if this is most early hardcore Aliens fans saw Aliens before they saw Alien. They only knew the tone of the second one. For years in the VHS era it was more readily available on video than the first movie was.
>a menacing, almost cosmic level symbol of fear and perversion
Well put, Alien 3 does the same thing, even to the point of having Doctor Who worshipping it as an Angel. The way the aliens kill in the first and third is also far more sexual than any of the others, very disturbing.
And while we're on the subject, Alien Vs. Predator is really good too, fanboys just didn't like seeing their favourites curbstomp each other, everyone felt like the loser because nobody identified all that much with the female protagonist, but she was fine I suppose. Bishop as Mr. Weyland was great too, and Henriksen would have been a much better choice than Guy Pierce for Prometheus too.
Why did they make her so THICC?
i fucking love postal