What if Hitler spoke Spanish?

Would his speeches still been as powerful?

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Spanish is a faggy language so no.

everyone would have built a wall around germany if he did

Adolfo Hitlerdez

Son of Hitler?

Hola, adolfo

It would be funny

{Probably not but it would have explained his lack of respect for the borders of his neighboring countries.

He'd be a leftist hero.

Adolf Hitler was an effeminate lunatic. His speeches are only seen as powerful because they're seen as powerful. It's a self-reinforcing myth.

No really... In English neither.

Part of the powerfull speech he give is because he speak German wich is a very powerful lenguage, that's also why Germans never talk romantic...

I find the German language more romantic than French desu

Nice try Schlomo

Can't argue against thoses quads... I guess I got BTFO.

Spanish is shit tier language, like most of the countries that speak it.

t. Alfredo Hernandez

He would've sounded life a fucking idiot and WWII wouldve never happened.

Well, in defense of romance languages, Mussolini spoke Italian and was just as powerful of an orator as Hitler. youtube.com/watch?v=OOv-Ncs7vQk

Evans means son of Evan,
Williams means son of William,
It's a reasonable name.

You're forgetting that Spain had a fascist movement. Nationalist speeches sound rousing in Spanish, especially Castellano.




I guess that's true though.

>Adolf Hitler
>Benito Mussolini
>Winston Churchill
>Joseph Stalin
>Franklin D. Roosevelt
>Charles De Gaulle
>Hideki Tojo

The world will never have that amount of great leaders in the same time.

General Franco, the original fascist


Your understanding of Spanish is stupid, especially when it comes to surname designations.

Hello JIDF.


As is tradition.

ke pasa amigos

>Spanish patronymics are often formed by substituting "-ez" for a final "o" or "e" in the first name of the father of the person whose surname is so formed. Thus, the son of Hernando becomes "Hernández", the son of Álvaro becomes "Álvarez", and the son of Enrique becomes "Enríquez".

>formed by substituting "-ez" for a final "o" or "e"
Ooops, never mind, I see where I'm wrong. Fail.

>anyone who doesn't love the destroyer of Germany and Europe is a Jew
Buzz off junior.

desu senpai

That goes for you too:

>he thinks it wasn't the allies and the jews that destroyed germany

It's not like he just inherited his position from his father hitler il sung. He had to work his way up by convincing the masses. Do you seriously wish to tell me he was not a good orator?

I assume you don't speak German, that might be the reason. Mussolini doesn't sound very convincing to me either, but that's because I have no idea what he's saying.



This is still one of the most aggressive things I've ever heard, so I'd say yes
