lmao they're gonna keep making this?
Lmao they're gonna keep making this?
1st season was the only good season
That's the problem with American TV, you guys don't know when to stop.
2nd season was good. Everything after that is shit.
>That's the problem with American TV, you guys don't know when to stop.
Yeah, no. We know when to stop. We just don't. $$$$$
Was good until he became pres then went to absolute shit
I think the Sopranos stopped at a perfect time
Netflix will run it in the ground
s2 was better than s1 tho
The first 2 seasons are the only ones with proper politics. The rivalry between Raymond Tusk and Frank was great. S3 had NotPutin who is seriously underused. The show started focusing a lot more on the relationship of Claire and Frank rather than the politics. Then later on started focusing on just Claire.
Its incredible how anyone in that show actually believes that people are more interested in Claire than Frank.
if the people behind a tv show are setting out to create art then they usually don't cave for cash
but its her turn
Ran it into the ground.
>My turn.
terrible, embarrassing opinion
Just look at the key art for each season.
Frank is literally on his own
Claire is on it too, but Frank is still in the focus
They are very close to equal, but Frank is clearly highlighted as the main character
and then...
both characters completely equal
equal again
>Tom, don't cheat on my wife
Look what you fuckin did Sup Forums you and your goddamn cuck shit. You ruined my show.
>Tom, make sure my wife cums several times tonight
>my turn
couldnt have found a worse ending
I seriously don't understand your problem with Claire taking the lead
Like, it was clear since season 1 that she was going to do it eventually, and become President
Sure, the process to do so was extremely rushed, but if you thought Frank was always going to be the main focus, you haven't been paying atention
I actually think that this change of focus is a little bit of fresh air in television shows. I don't particulary like Claire as a character, neither the cringy way Robin Wright talks to the camera, but it will be interesting to see how she handles the situation
Also, Conway did nothing wrong
>not posting the HELP HELP meme
Honestly, the reason why this show is dying is because there is a lack of progress but a bunch of circle jerking. I mean, the main character of the show is who now? Claire or Frank? Make up your fucking mind, Netflix.
>a show can't have two main characters
It's Claire. She will probably kill Frank in the last episode of next season, and remain President, ending the show
I liked this last season. I thought it will be boring but it kept me interested all the season.
Also, I thought that the HELP HELP moment was a dream. How is Francis gonna get away with that?
what did he mean by this?
Stopped watching after S3. S2 and S3 weren't as terrible as some people claim, but they're utter trash compared to the greatness of S1.
Syria = Cyprus meaning the next 2 or 3 seasons is it. I'd assume 7 is the last based on standard actor contracts.
Now that the dust has FINALLY settled, was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Yes, he was
He deserves Best Supporting Actor Emmy this year
No, pic related is /our guy/
I know right, it's so unrealistic that the President of the United States of America isn't an insecure loudmouthed retard.
Hello CNN!
>literally the creepiest most autistic dude in television history
>still gets mad snatch on the reg from multiple women
broke my suspension of disbelief more than kevin spacey talking at the camera 2bh
No, populist news is dumbing down public discourse, left and right wing.
I'd say how I really feel about CNN but I don't wanna get doxxed.