Face it. We had our hour of glory, however barbaric it was. Now it's over.
It's time for the white race to go quietly into the night, where it belongs.
Face it. We had our hour of glory, however barbaric it was. Now it's over.
It's time for the white race to go quietly into the night, where it belongs.
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Sloppy bait or CTR new tactics.
White guilt pls go. South Africa and Haiti have descended back into the stone age since white's were forced out. Saged.
Jews aren't white
Whites ended slavery, developed farming practices that have greatly increased yields, lifted billions of people out of subsistence farming and poverty in the past 500 years, discovered the atom, dna, plate tectonics, etc, and far more. Without whites the world would be utter shit sorry that people decades if not hundreds of years ago did some bad shit, but current whites have nothing to do with it.
its about time for u to shut the fuc up
Face it, intelligence and technology are the future; it's time for the black race to go quietly into the night where it belongs.
>Whites ended slavery
Juden damage control as a result of the new rise of nationalism in white european countries. Nothing new here.
I agree we have nightvision technology, which gives us a tactical advantage in the dark. when the sun rises again we shal be the only ones who remain.
British colonialism ended slavery in all those third world shitholes
In the early 18th century, Kings of Dahomey (known today as Benin) became big players in the slave trade, waging a bitter war on their neighbours, resulting in the capture of 10,000, including another important slave trader, the King of Whydah. King Tegbesu made £250,000 a year selling people into slavery in 1750. King Gezo said in the 1840's he would do anything the British wanted him to do apart from giving up slave trade:
"The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. It is the source and the glory of their wealth…the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery…"
>pro tip a pound was a fucking lot
>British colonialism
>ended slavery
I know it's b8 and all, but yes. Colonialism was what ended slavery. Shit only went south when we left places. To this day white countries are the most culturally liberal while still being successful. The US is failing, but it's not white anymore.
if white people want to disassociate themselves with the crimes of their ancestors, then they should also give up their white privilege obtained through those some crimes
>not slavery
Why should it? By what rule of law and by order of what authority?
and be replaced with barbaric somolianism!
fucking kill yourself nigger
You think those memes are your ally
we gave birth to them
were molded by them
Normies couldn't even comprehend
Shooting the fuck out of slavers is a good excuse to shoot the fuck out of people. Kind of a British thing
>the fag probably thinks property is slavery
Funny, that's the exact same thing as what happened with Afghanistan and Iraq.
How so?
being free from nigger governance
The brown people we colonized were and are far more barbaric than >"(((we)))" ever were. They would slay you and enslave your wife in an instant.
>he didn't see the infamous and quick BWC Sup Forums dink threads
Why does nobody talk about Arab slavery which was just as widespread and continued after whites abolished it? Or the many Jew owned slave ships?
"The concept of envy -- the hatred of the superior -- has dropped out of our moral vocabulary ... The idea that white European civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn't occur to us, because it's not a nice idea. ... Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It's Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don't grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn't conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities." --Joseph Sobran (Sobran's -- April 1997)
"The inferior races hate the white race precisely because of its superiority. It is galling to the lower races to be reminded of their inferiority, and white superiority instills in them a burning desire to tear down whites and their creations in order to make themselves whites' 'equal'. This is not all, however, for tearing down whites removes a burr from their consciousness -- that of being reminded of their inferiority -- and indeed is an act of revenge for such reminding. Accordingly, when whites are so stupid as to treat the lower races as equals, this but whets the appetite of those races to see whites destroyed, for they see vulnerability in this stupidity, and thus an opportunity for inserting their grappling hooks into the edifice of white civilization." --JBR Yant, Mortal Words
What does this privilege entail?