How come master race has no medals while Italians, Spain and Chinks and NigUSA has most? Even Thailand, a fucking Monarchy Libertarian Ladyboy Old Britbong paradise has more more medals than most EU countries. Please explain this to me.
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Here is Germany and Lepachuan among shit skins. Are whites youngmen 18-25 becoming too beta to participate or too weak to qualify?
The games barelly started
modern germans are russian rape babies, here when they were the master race
>No medals at all
How Embarrassing.
>Germany can only win by cheating
With Merkel you lose!
They aren't diverse enough, need more refugees
Germany is too cucked. I bet our African imports will beat even them, despite Norway being the shittiest country in the Summer Olympics.
Just you jews wait until The Winter Olympics when we will give you lutefisk enemas.
We don't have that many athletes competing but we're looking good for rowing this year. Should get a few medals out of boxing and equestrian events as well.
Even best korea and Mongol has more medals than Germany
OP here. I'm with you brother. I always cheer for Irish and Greek. Underdogs of whites.
Germany needs to admit more blacks and less arabs. The latter are no good at sports.
Irish are hardly the underdogs of the whites. Sure in Ireland they sucked but over here in America there are tons of successful Irish family's especially in construction, trades and anything to do with property. Not to mention tons of our actors and politicians are of Irish descent
All the athletes African has been stolen by US, the rest r beta
>just started
Then how does USA has 19 while German has zero. Nice Mosque btw.
The real sports haven't even started yet. Why the fuck is shooting even in the olympics?
Only cunts claim silver medals
This is why, you divide and conquer fuck.
I know, I mean back not that long ago when Irish first came to the US. They were consider niggers along with Jews and kikes. It was Nigs
Wow, the host won, like every single olympics held before WWII
They're not Irish, they're people with an Irish great great grandpa
the cuck competitions start next week, youll be racking them up then hans
>tied with the jews
a dhia, tis like another gorta mór
Even their National inforgraphic font size is for leprachuan.
Fun read.
The only relevant list.
Why do people always do medals per capita as their shitty defence? Even as someone from a small pop country, we send about 70% as many atheletes as the US does.
If you're going to scale to population at all, it should be medals per number of atheletes sent
does that # stand for everyone is loaded with roids
Well they used to have painting and literature. It's not like the olympics are only for real sports.
Hey! We got a bronze tonight dontcha know in women's rugby!
In the very same way someone with a Jewish great great grandmother is a full blooded Israelite.
Germany will never be great again
I thought the refugees formed their own team?
And they have 2 teams too
Yeah we're done. Outstanding Accomplishment doesnt matter in our society anymore. We're going full commie here ... i think we even sent some women.
germany's best stock died in the wars. they're a bunch of soviet rape baby mongrels now.
>Shitty defence
>Implying that medals per capita is irrelevant
Reminder that russia utterly humiliated the USA in Sochi.
Because all our gyms are used as refugee shelters.
It's just that Euros keep admitting scrawny weak Africans from East Africa instead of the robust BBCs from West Africa
Germany and Germans are awful and should literally be removed from the map.
>tfw uk wins a medal in shooting
There are no germans left
>it should be medals per number of atheletes sent
that would make botswana the best
>winter olympics count
Happy Trails Hans.
when it could make it so a country could win 1 medal ever and be considered better than some other country that gets brings home gold at every olympic event since the 1st one, it comes off as bullshit scaling that lesser countries use to feel better about their low performance in every olympics
And now youre getting raped in the real olympics
they're the best kind of olympics
aint canada the topdogs in winter sports?
>countries with literally hundreds of millions to billions of people to get the best of the best from are almost getting beaten by a country with a smaller pop then their cities
Are we really the most powerful race on the planet?
checked and rare
shitpost more kangaroo faggot
>Aryans in charge of being the master race
American damage control.
the fact that you can't beat the average american athlete says more about sweden than us
>Amerifat butthurt their country is struggling to win against a country that has only 6.5% of their pop
if we had 300million more people to get top atheletes from we'd be winning 300millions times more.
you realize you are losing to burger bros right ?
don't worry, once the chinese finish buying up all the property in australia you too can have a population in the hundreds of millions
we aren't yet
USC has more medals than you lmao
I'm always impressed with Australia in the Olympics. They always seem to do well despite their small population.
Aren't there Germans on the refugee team???
That's because Germany is shit skins now
Don't be so hard on the German bros.
They have as many medals as does India, a nation of well over a billion people.
Germany's best racial stock died in ww2, their bravest, their strongest, their fastest. USA and Russia stole their smartest. The Russian genocide of the Prussians and subsequent rape of eastern Germany muddled their blood with slavs.
That is why Hitler shot himself
Burgers will never know the feeling of being master race.
germans are turbo-cucks, that's why
I hope someone in our long tack program was forced to commit ritual suicide over those olympics.
We spend an inordinate amount of time and money on sport in this country. Most of our best athletes play Australian Rules Football, Rugby League and Cricket though, so it does surprise me a bit how well we do at the Olympics.
Still, once the swimming is over we slide down the medal tally.
Jesus is real, Germany spat in His face and gave comfort to our enemies, this is how God speaks to us through these signs and prophecies.
Germany must now feel the curse of plagues but for Olympic medals.
Everyone always says on Sup Forums "why are Christians so cucked, they never do anything" well that is because we know that in all due time, we will always be avenged.